Super Monk

Chapter 552

"Where are we going to eat?" Zhao Fugui walks slowly down the mountain with Chen Yihan in his arms. Before long, the previous Mercedes Benz business car comes.

"Mr. Zhao, Miss Chen, I'll see you off!" Mercedes Benz business car stopped in front of Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan. The window rolled down, revealing the face of the female secretary.

Obviously, the Zhao family is not willing to offend Zhao Fugui ruthlessly. If several other people really have nothing to do, they will come back to ask Zhao Fugui. If they offend Zhao Fugui ruthlessly, and Zhao Fugui doesn't help, it will be troublesome.

"Mr. Zhao, Miss Chen, where are you going to eat?" Zhao Fugui had a bad attitude in the villa, but the Secretary's attitude became more respectful.

"Find a place with lots of snacks!" Zhao Fugui said casually. The Mercedes Benz business car came down from the mountain road, quickly passed the busy street, and then drove to an alley, which is just like the inland snack street. There are snack shops everywhere, and there are many kinds of delicious snacks.

Many of the snack bars here look similar to those in the inland. Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan bought a few strings of fish balls and sat down at a stall. There are two kinds of cuttlefish, barbecue and fried. Zhao Fugui ordered one.

"Mr. Zhao, Miss Chen, please sit down for a while, and I'll buy you some special snacks of Hong Kong province!" The Secretary also followed. After seeing Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan sit down, he immediately turned around and went shopping. After a while, he began to deliver everything.

Beef Brisket in clear soup, silk stockings, milk tea, Chi Ji wonton noodles, fish egg powder, cuttlefish balls, Yang Zhi manna, Yong Ji roast goose, Queen ham and scrambled eggs, all kinds of special snacks soon filled the table.

"Mr. Zhao, Miss Chen, try them. They are very famous snacks!" The Secretary bought a table of snacks and then ate with Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan.

"The ingredients of these snacks are very common, but they taste very good. If you can use the ingredients of Xiaowan village to make them, they must be top delicious!" Chen Yihan tasted some of each snack and said.

"The snack here is better than delicious and cheap. I just saw the brand of this kind of beef brisket in clear soup. It costs 15 yuan a bowl. If we use the ingredients from Xiaowan village, the price will at least be doubled. The business is not so good!" Zhao Fugui said, "the food in Xiaowan village is more delicious than here, but there are too many kinds of food."

"After less variety, we can introduce more and make more snacks!" Chen Yihan said while eating cuttlefish balls.

"Is Mr. Zhao still in the food business?" The Secretary heard the conversation and asked in surprise.

"Yes, we have our own food street!" Zhao Fugui said casually.

"Mr. Zhao's business is really extensive! I didn't expect there were other businesses besides longevity pills and treatment spray. " The Secretary sighed.

Zhao Fugui can be invited to see Zhao Haoyun's body, mainly because longevity pills and treatment spray. The rich people in Hong Kong still have doubts about longevity pills. They think that there is a majority of people who are hoax and hype, but the effect of treatment spray is obvious to people. With the attitude of rather trusting and not trusting, the Zhao family added Zhao Fugui to the list of candidates.

The Secretary and Zhao Fugui talked more, and Zhao Fugui also had a certain understanding of this inspection tonight.

"The Indian Mr. Zhao saw in the villa just now is an Indian Yoga king. It is said that he has some mysterious abilities. The Japanese named Zuo muguang is a famous Japanese surgeon. The Englishman who had an unhappy affair with Mr. Zhao was Vick. He had a private clinic in Germany. The clinic's guests included the royal family and the German prime minister. This man is a white supremacist, but his medical team is very famous in Europe. We paid a lot of money to invite them here! " Said the secretary.

Zhao Fugui, the king of yoga and the Zhao family of Zuo muguang can get rid of him with a million dollars, but inviting Vic will cost him five million dollars. No matter whether the treatment is successful or not, he will get the money. In addition, if the treatment is successful, the ten million dollars will be calculated separately.

That is to say, the Zhao family put most of their hopes on Vic. Yoga king and Zuo muguang are just in case, while Zhao Fugui is just in case. Zhao Haoyun's son didn't even plan to let Zhao Fugui see him.

"President Zhao received British aristocratic education since childhood. He thinks that Europe and America are the center of the world now. Whether it is medical treatment or modern science and technology, Huaxia is very backward, so he doesn't trust Huaxia doctors very much!" The secretary explained that Zhao Yuanhua, the eldest son of Zhao Haoyun, is the president of Cathay Pacific Group.

"It seems that president Zhao is also a yellow skin and white heart." Zhao Fugui said casually, "but even if the president Zhao is filial again, he doesn't have to waste so much energy to invite so many people to see Mr. Zhao Haoyun?"

"In fact, this matter involves the division of some heritages. Chairman Zhao Haoyun has about US $15 billion worth of assets under his name, including 52% shares of Cathay Pacific Group, 12 properties all over the world, private airplanes, more than 30 luxury cars, shares of some clubs, and a hedge fund company!" The Secretary hesitated for a moment before explaining that "the chairman of the board of directors became confused half a year ago and couldn't get up. His last words haven't been left. The division of the estate in the will made by the lawyer was rejected by the chairman of the board of directors a year ago.""So your president Zhao wants the chairman to make a will, and it's not too late to die?" Zhao Fugui asked in surprise.

"I can't say that. We have a very good relationship with Chairman Zhao. Of course, I hope he can live longer!" The Secretary said awkwardly, "the actual controller of Cathay Pacific Group is Mr. Zhao, but Mr. Zhao has no shares in the company. If the chairman doesn't leave a will, his shares will be divided equally, which is very unfavorable to Mr. Zhao! "

"Is Mr. Zhao so confident that he will give him all his shares?" Zhao Fugui asked again.

"It's a big deal. None of the other descendants of the Zhao family have the ability to run the company except us, Mr. Zhao." Said the secretary.

"Four sons and three daughters, you really have to have a will, or your Cathay Pacific Company will have to change its surname soon!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"I hope Mr. Zhao can take the matter of the chairman seriously. If it is successful, Mr. Zhao has just explained it to me. There must be a thick report!" The Secretary said seriously.

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