Super Monk

Chapter 554

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao, you must save my father!" The Mercedes Benz roars into the villa, and Zhao Yuanhua runs over in a panic. He opens the door and says to Zhao Fugui in panic.

Zhao Haoyuan must not die, at least not now. Otherwise, Zhao Yuanhua and his three younger brothers and three younger sisters can only share the family property equally, and the $15 billion family property can only be divided into two billion, not at least 10 billion.

"Let's see!" Zhao Fugui nodded noncommittally and went upstairs.

Outside the big bedroom on the second floor, Zhao Haoyuan's other children were in a row. Someone even picked up the phone and called the police, saying that Zhao Yuanhua had killed Zhao Haoyun. The security guards in the villa are also nervous now. Zhao Haoyun is not dead. Fortunately, Zhao Haoyuan is dead. After that villa, who has the final say will not be able to tell.

"Have a look, Mr. Zhao!" Zhao Yuanhua hurriedly takes Zhao Fugui upstairs. Vic and his medical team are trying to slip away. When Zhao Yuanhua sees them, he shouts, "catch them. If there is something wrong with the old man, give them to the police!"

"Mr. Zhao, you can't do that. We are British and protected by British law. It's just a medical accident. You can't expect every treatment to be successful! " Vic's face changed and he quickly quibbled.

Zhao Yuanhua didn't have time to talk to him at all. With a wave of his hand, the wolf like security guard jumped on him and arrested Vic and his medical team members like a thief. He twisted his hands and handcuffed them with simple plastic handcuffs. Now the white supremacist is no longer arrogant, like a plucked pheasant.

Zhao Fugui walked into Zhao Haoyun's bedroom in the fierce noise at the door. As soon as he entered the room, Zhao Fugui smelled a strong breath of death. Then he opened his eyes and saw a faint soul floating outside Zhao Haoyuan's body, staring at himself on the bed. This soul is Zhao Haoyun's soul.

Zhao Yuanhua looked at Zhao Fugui eagerly, hoping that the miracle doctor was really as magical as the legend. Zhao Fugui is about to start. Zhao Haoyun's noisy children outside the door finally break through the block of the absent-minded security guards and rush into the bedroom.

"Stop, Dad's gone. Don't insult my dad's body!" A middle-aged man rushed over, stopped in front of Zhao Fugui and glared at him.

"Dad, Dad, what's the matter with you? Elder brother said that he would treat you, but he killed you The others rushed to the head of the bed and wailed at Zhao Haoyun's body. However, the oldest of them are in their fifties, while the youngest are in their twenties. Zhao Fugui doesn't know how many of them are sincere.

If Zhao Yuanhua is involved in Zhao Haoyun's death, one less person will be able to share his family property. How much sincerity can we think of this at this time?

"Zhao Guowei, dad is still in danger. Get out of the way!" Zhao Yuanhua glared at the middle-aged man in his way and roared.

"Zhao Yuanhua, you don't want to move dad's body. Dad's gone so soon. It's all your fault!" Zhao Guowei didn't give up. It was in everyone's interest that the old man left. Soon the downstairs was crying, and Zhao Haoyun's grandchildren came.

"He's leaving soon. You have less than a minute!" Zhao Fugui looked at the head of the bed of the soul has gradually rising trend, looked down at the watch, Zhao Fugui said.

At the head of the bed, Zhao Haoyun's two youngest children pretended to cry, but at the same time, their eyes showed a look of ecstasy. Zhao Haoyun died in this way. Each of them can get at least two billion dollars of property, and they can still live a very luxurious life. It's not the way Zhao Haoyun originally planned to let them live a better life than ordinary people, but it's definitely not a luxury life.

"Get them all out of here, now!" Zhao Yuanhua's face changed greatly, but there was a trace of ecstasy in his heart. Zhao Fugui's words meant that the old man could be saved. Zhao Yuanhua stares at the security guards and shouts, "what are you doing? Come on, get them all out of here

The security guards in the villa hesitated and did not move, but Zhao Yuanhua's private bodyguards rushed up, caught Zhao Guowei, and they rushed out.

"This is murder. I've already called the police. The police will be here soon!" Zhao Guowei struggled desperately and yelled that there was a sound of siren outside the villa, but the siren soon disappeared.

As long as there is no evidence of murder, the police will not interfere with this kind of resentment. What's more, Zhao Yuanhua still plays golf with the director of police every month. How can we manage this kind of thing?

"You let me go, let me go, don't move me!" Zhao Haoyun's two youngest children yelled and struggled, and even pointed at Zhao Fugui. "You're a dead street boy, you dare to touch my father, I can't let you out of Hong Kong province!"

"It seems that your brothers and sisters do not want Mr. Zhao to continue to live." Zhao Fugui shakes his head and runs Daoli. Daoli grabs Zhao Haoyun's dying soul and pulls him back to his body. "Mr. Zhao, your time hasn't come yet. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Mr. Zhao, as long as you can save my father, no matter what conditions I will promise you!" Zhao Yuanhua saw the heart beat on the heart monitor fluctuated slightly, his eyes showed a strong hope, and cried in a hurry."Well, that's what you said!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's eyes tightened, he went to the head of the bed and pressed his hands on Zhao Haoyun's chest. The Daoli he carried entered Zhao Haoyun's heart. Daoli nourished Zhao Haoyun's heart and stimulated this abnormal aging heart.

Soon, the heart began to tremble slightly, and then began to beat violently. A few times later, the old heart beat steadily again.

"There's a heartbeat, there's a heartbeat!" Inside the room, Zhao Yuanhua's face showed a look of ecstasy, but outside the room, the other children of the old man's face changed greatly, and some even showed a look of fear.

"It's worth a lot of money if you don't exchange it. Today I use a leaf to save Mr. Zhao's life. Mr. Zhao, remember your promise!" Zhao Fugui takes out the reviving grass from the pagoda like magic. The purple grass reflects a faint halo under the light.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao. I, Zhao Yuanhua, will never go back!" Zhao Yuanhua yelled.

Zhao Fugui takes off a leaf of reincarnation grass, and there is a little white fog on the leaf fracture. Zhao Fugui puts the leaf into Zhao's mouth. As soon as the leaf enters Zhao's mouth, it turns into a warm current and flows into Zhao's abdomen. But at this time, Zhao's stomach slowly reflects a fuzzy facial features.

"Cup?" Zhao Fugui's face changed and said in surprise.

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