Super Monk

Chapter 56

In the early morning of the next day, when Zhao Fugui arrived at the entrance of the village, there were many big girls and little wives. Everyone was waiting for Zhao Fugui. When they saw Zhao Fugui coming, they immediately surrounded him.

"Richness, do you want to recruit people in your restaurant? How much is a waiter's salary a month? " A little sister-in-law asked.

"Waiters are two thousand a month, cooks are three thousand a month, and helpers are fifteen. If you want to sign up, line up and leave a name! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Such a high salary? Richness, do you think I can do it? "

"Brother Fugui, I sign up to be a waiter!"

As soon as Zhao Fugui said his salary, the village's big girls and little wives immediately burst into flames and gathered around to sign up. Zhao Fugui wanted to register them because there were too many people to do anything.

"Those who want to sign up will queue up. If they don't queue up, I won't recruit people!" Zhao Fugui shouts, then his eyes brighten, just to see Chen Yihan come over, Zhao Fugui even busy way "to register to teacher Chen there to register a name!"

"Come on, come on!"

When Zhao Fugui shouts, the older girls and their daughters-in-law calm down a little and form a long line in front of Chen Yihan. Chen Yihan quickly takes out a book to register the person's name and the position he wants to apply for. Most of the young and middle-aged men in the village are now working outside. There are more women than men in the village. Looking up at the entrance of the village, they all see women.

Chen Yihan is in a hurry to register. In one hour, there are more than 30 young girls and daughters-in-law who are applying for the job as waiters. There are more than 10 aunts and aunts who are applying for the job as chefs. There are also more than 10 people who are applying for help. This number has far exceeded the needs of Zhao Fugui, who is a little worried.

"Why so many people, what can we do?" Zhao Fugui looked at the list in his hand and said in embarrassment.

"Let's take part in the training together, eliminate some unsuitable personnel and leave the rest behind!" Chen Yihan said casually that all the enterprises outside do this. It's not difficult at all.

"But we are all from the same village. It's not good to eliminate some of them." Zhao Fugui said with a frown.

"Richness, if you just want to be a restaurant, that's not a big idea. If you want to turn Xiaowan village into a big enterprise, you can't have this idea. It's absolutely impossible without fairness and justice. For example, in your recruitment today, there must be people who are hardworking, but there must also be people who are lazy and do not work hard. If you do not eliminate those who do not work hard, everyone will not work hard in the future! "

"Meaning, you're right, that's the reason!" Zhao Fugui thought for a moment, nodded and said, "meaning, there is still a lack of a director in the small kitchen. Can you come and help me?"

"But I usually have classes, and I have never done management!" Chen Yihan said hesitantly.

"It's not every day, and there's no class on Saturdays and Sundays. Just come here when you're free. Anyway, it's so close. You are also a college student. You must be better than us! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, I'll help you!" Chen Yihan thought about it and said.

In the morning, Chen Yihan and Zhao Fugui looked at all the candidates one by one, and some unsuitable candidates were eliminated directly. The rest were gathered and asked to receive training from 2:30 in the afternoon.

The waiters and helpers, Chen Yihan and Zhao Fugui, can make a direct decision, but the chef can't. Zhao Fugui has to ask Liu Erjie to make a decision about the chef. Who can cook well and quickly in the village? Zhao Fugui is not very clear, but Liu Erjie is very clear.

"Mom, you'll be in charge of the kitchen. We need five cooks. Let's see who's suitable in the village. In addition, you are also in charge of the accounts of the farm stoves. If you can't make accounts, ask Mr. Chen! " Zhao Fugui said to Liu Erjie.

"In any case, my aunt thinks it's better for us to use a few local cooking stoves than for the others." Liu Er Jie nodded and said.

As soon as Zhao Fugui arranged things here, just after noon, the people from Meiyan international came. The car of Meiyan international couldn't get in, so Zhao Fugui had to pick up the person in person.

Meiyan international sent two people, both elder sisters in their thirties. Zhao Fugui took them to the village on a motorcycle, and then handed them over to Chen Yihan for discussion.

Zhao Fugui believes in the ability of Meiyan international. He doesn't care about the training of waiters any more. In the afternoon, the waiters gathered at the threshing ground for training. Zhao Fugui first went to the engineering team who built the road. The progress of the engineering team was very fast. Half of the road had been repaired. Now it's hot and the cement is drying very fast. It's estimated that the road will be open to traffic within two days after the repair.

The main work of the restaurant has been completed. The decoration team has brought in the materials and started to decorate when the cement is dry. Afterwards, Zhao Fugui went to Daqingshan again. The pig farm, chicken farm, duck farm and goose farm were all in good condition. Zhao Fugui's products grew very fast, and it is estimated that they will be available soon.

The first phase of Zhao Fugui's plan has basically been completed. Now we have to wait for the first phase to make a profit, and then put into the construction of the second phase until the "Republic" in Zhao Fugui's mind is established.Zhao Fugui finally went to see the orchard, which was very prominent in a rice field. When he walked far away, a breeze would blow, and he could hear the sound of music.

The big apples, sweet oranges, grapes, litchi, cherries and strawberries in the orchard have gradually matured. The sweet oranges have turned from green to yellow. The strawberries and cherries are red, and the big apples are turning red. It's almost the harvest season. Twenty acres of fruit trees yield is not small, Zhao Fugui heart move, fruit has begun to mature, it has to find a way to sell them out.

When Zhao Fugui thought of it, he went home with two big baskets and picked a basket of apples in the apple orchard. Then he picked a big box of strawberries, cherries, lychees, grapes and sweet oranges. Zhao Fugui carried these two wild fruits and went home.

"Fugui, why do you pick so many apples before they are ripe?" Liu Erjie looked at a basket of big blue apples and said with a sad face.

"Ma, try it!" Zhao Fugui picked up an apple and handed it to Liu Erjie with a smile. Liu Er Jie wiped the apple, bit it, and immediately widened her eyes.

"It's so sweet. It's so sweet. It's full of water. I haven't eaten such delicious apples. Fugui, why is this apple so sweet before it's ripe? " Liu Erjie said in surprise.

"Well planted, I'm going to the city to sell these fruits!"

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