Super Monk

Chapter 560

"Let me live? Arrogant Huaxia people, do you think Huaxia is still the forbidden area of headmaster The man with long hair and shawl across the table raised his head, showed a pair of pupils, raised his eyes like a poisonous snake, and looked at Zhao Fugui with a grim smile.

When the diner at the same table with the headmaster heard the conversation, his face suddenly changed into a little bit of panic. He didn't even dare to eat the fish egg porridge, so he dropped the bowl and left in a hurry.

Zhao Fugui frowned. He didn't understand the hidden circle. However, the meaning of this remark is that in the past, jiangtoushi didn't dare to come to China, but now it's different. Maybe something happened to the power of hunting jiangtoushi. But it has nothing to do with Zhao Fugui.

"I don't know if Huaxia is your forbidden area, but Hong Kong province is now your forbidden area. If you don't go any more, you won't have to go in the future!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Ha ha ha, you don't even know these things. It turns out that you are just a little character who has gained power by chance. You are a little character who dares to take care of my guessing bully. You really don't know what to do Guess bully disdain of a roar of laughter, attracted the diners in the shop have come to see.

"You mean you don't want to go?" Zhao Fugui's arrogance towards guessing tyrants is puzzling. According to Taiping daoshu, Gongshu is only a minor skill. Moreover, the authentic Gongshu came from the Miao area. The Miao people who played Gongshu were the ancestors of these South Asian headmasters.

According to Taiping Taoist Scripture, in the reign of emperor Jing, once the God of cupping died, even the skill of cupping in the Miao area was not good. Not only the number of successors decreased sharply, but even the skill of cupping was only a little bit superficial. How could these South Asian headmasters feel confident that they were not good enough.

"You're not good at guessing bully, you're hurting the statue of guessing bully!" Guess Ba pointed to the wooden box next to him. It turned out that there was his statue. "I want to cut off your head and make it into a poison cup, so that you will be burned by Yin Fire day by day, and you will never be able to live beyond life. Then I'll kill old man Zhao and get the money I deserve! "

"Psycho, let's go!" The diner's face changed greatly in the store. He settled the bill in a hurry and left in a hurry. He was afraid that his head would be cut off when he met a psychopath. After a while, there was only the owner left in the store.

"Zhenima is hard to communicate!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face sank, he showed his impatience. He raised his hand and slapped him in the face of the bull, and directly slapped the guy from the seat on the ground. Guess bully can't believe looking at Zhao Fugui, it seems that he doesn't understand why Zhao Fugui doesn't play cards according to the routine. The battle between Jiangtou division shouldn't be like this.

"Hey, don't make trouble in my shop. Get out of here!" The shop owner bumped up the spoon for fishing fish balls and rushed out nervously, yelling at Zhao Fugui and guess ba.

"It's none of your business here. I'll take your place to do something!" Zhao Fugui took out a stack of RMB and threw it to the shop owner. He didn't even look at the unfortunate guy.

"How dare you attack me!" Until now, guess Ba just reaction come over, face a change, arm suddenly climb out of thick black poisonous insects, these black poisonous insects immediately rushed to Zhao Fugui.

"Ah The owner screamed, threw away the spoon, ran out of the store, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call the police.

"It's said that the police of Hong Kong province are coming very fast. It's a minute." Zhao Fugui looked at the time and turned on Daoli. With a flash of golden light on his body, these poisonous insects gave off a burst of "crackling" sound. In a twinkling of an eye, all of them were killed by Daoli.

Zhao Fugui kicks on chaiba's chest. With a scream, chaiba smashes two tables and falls on the wall, making the rolling gate of the store fall down and blocking the eyes of the crowd outside.

"My hand, my hand is broken. How dare you insult chaiba, the disciple of the king of cups! You are dead!" Guess Ba just blocked it with his hand, but he was directly kicked off by Zhao Fugui. Guess Ba held the broken hand and gave a ferocious roar to Zhao Fugui.

"There are 30 seconds left. I don't know if it will be very troublesome to kill people in Hong Kong province!" Zhao Fugui looked at the time again, went to guess PA's body, raised his foot to guess PA's chest.

The skills of these demoralizers are very common. The poisonous insects can deal with ordinary people. I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with some capable people. Zhao Fugui estimates that the skill of guessing hegemony is that a special soldier with defense can kill him with cold weapons.

"Blood curse!" Guess bully fiercely raised the hand that didn't get hurt, bited off one of his fingers, and thrust it into his chest. At this moment, Zhao Fugui clearly saw a fierce drum on chaiba's chest, and he sent out a very sad and bitter wail. Before Zhao Fugui could see clearly, a huge poisonous insect climbed out of chaiba's chest.

This giant poisonous insect is almost the size of an arm. It looks like a centipede, but it is more ferocious than a centipede. This poisonous insect is very aggressive. As soon as it comes out of chaiba's body, it bites Zhao Fugui.

"This is my life poison cup. I will not come back until I eat the enemy's heart. You can force me to use this life poison cup. I won't waste any of your flesh and blood. Your flesh and blood will feed all my poison cups! " Guess Ba took out his hand, and his five fingers lost more than half of them. It seems that it will cost a lot to lead this huge monster out of his body to attack the enemy."Such a big poisonous insect grows on you. You are a group of psychoses!" Zhao Fugui stepped back a few steps and said that he thought these headmaster Masters had mastered some mysterious forces, but now it seems that these guys are just a group of perverts. They are just a group of people who raise insects in strange ways. They are so different from Taiping daoshu, the orthodox Chinese cultivation method, that they can't be reasoned.

"No mad devil, no Buddha, that's what you Chinese say!" Guess Ba crazy laugh a few, and then he saw a shadow appeared in Zhao Fugui's side, the shadow directly reached out to catch the strange insect, strange insect crazy struggle, but can't get out of the shadow's hand. "How can it be, how can it be, that you are a psychic?"

"What is a psychic? Who can control ghosts? So there are other people who can control ghosts? " Zhao Fugui always wanted to know if there were any other people like him in the world. After listening to guess Ba, Zhao Fugui immediately became interested.

But at this time, a ferocious smile suddenly appeared on chaiba's face. The poisonous insect was caught by the Yin soldiers and spewed out a mouthful of black venom to Zhao Fugui. The venom made a burning sound in the air, which was obviously extremely poisonous.

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