Super Monk

Chapter 563

"Then I'll go and have a look!" When Zhao Fugui heard what Liu Erjie said, he nodded and walked back to the village. Zhao Fugui's sanatorium is not an incurable disease. It's not an incurable disease. Zhao Fugui has already explained to the beauty special nurses that the old man and his grandson can be admitted to the hospital, which is obviously not an ordinary disease.

As soon as Zhao Fugui came to Houcun, he saw from a distance that old man Li was talking excitedly, holding the hand of an old man with good spirit.

"Commander, I haven't heard from you for so many years. I went to the Veterans' office to find out about you, but I couldn't find you. We all thought you were gone. When Lao Huang died five years ago, I thought all the members of our regiment were dead! " Li Laohan took the old man's hand and said with tears in his eyes.

"Lao Huang is dead, too? If he hadn't carried me across the river that year, I would have lost my life. I didn't expect him to leave. I didn't even give him the last ride! " The old man also said excitedly, "in those years, there was liquidation everywhere. I fought all my life, but I couldn't compete with them, so I had to change my name. I originally intended to be anonymous, but later I used a new name. You can't find me in the veterans office!"

"Chief, how have you been these years?" Old man Li nodded and asked again.

"It's OK, but I got a little grandson. Poor grandson, he looked everywhere and couldn't see well. An acquaintance introduced a miracle doctor here, so I brought my grandson to have a look! " The old man sighed, calmed his excitement and asked, "how have you been these years? Haven't you been hit? "

"I left the army early. What's the impact. A few years ago, life was not easy, but later the state gave subsidies, life is a little stronger. Life is better now. The miracle doctor you said is Zhao Fugui of our village. He has real skills. He not only brings our village to become rich, but also has very good medical skills! " Old man Li sighed, turned to see Zhao Fugui, and quickly said, "he is Fugui, Fugui. Here you are. This is my old leader. His grandson is a little bad. Please show him!"

"Mr. Zhao, please look at my grandson!" When the old man saw Zhao Fugui, he was excited again. He grabbed Zhao Fugui's hand and said excitedly.

"Don't get excited, old man. I'll go and have a look now!" The old man seems to be 90 years old. He is still working for his grandson at such a big age. It's pitiful, Zhao Fugui said quickly.

"Dr. Zhao, we received a patient last night. The situation is very serious!" Zhao Fugui walked into the sanatorium, the head nurse Lin AI immediately came over and said, "case, can't do case, we haven't heard of this kind of case!"

"Let me see first. Which ward is it?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Right ahead, in ward one!" Lin AI led the way in front of him and walked directly to ward 1 on the first floor. The first floor of the sanatorium is full of disabled patients. Obviously, this patient is also disabled.

When Zhao Fugui walked into the No.1 ward, he saw a pale, thin boy lying on the bed. The boy was about ten years old, and he was almost skinny. He was lying on the bed, pitifully thin.

"How can you be so thin?" Zhao Fugui immediately frowned and asked, there are two nurses in the ward, one is Lu Xiaoan, the other Zhao Fugui did not remember the name.

"The patient has been in a coma for a long time and can't eat. He can only get nutrition injections. That's why he is so thin! But the patient's leg muscle is not completely necrotic, should be a better massage maintenance Lu Xiaoan said.

Zhao Fugui lifted the sheet and frowned immediately. The teenage boy's legs were slightly twisted and some signs of necrosis appeared.

"Mr. Zhao, this is my grandson's medical record. His disease is a rare hemangioma disease. There are sarcomas everywhere in his blood vessels. Hemangiomas lead to poor blood circulation, not only paralysis of the lower limbs, but also long-term unconsciousness." The old man took out a thick stack of medical records to Zhao Fugui and said, "but the number of hemangiomas is too many and too small to operate. We have seen almost all the traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the world, but no one can help it!"

Zhao Fugui glanced at the medical record. The top medical record was written in several big words of the General Hospital of the military region. However, Zhao Fugui just glanced at the medical record without looking at it. He said directly, "the disease is not difficult to cure, but he has been in bed for a long time. It's troublesome to raise him if he wants to recover as before!"

"Is the disease not difficult to cure?" The old man's eyes widened and his whole body trembled with excitement. But for Li's help, the old man would have fallen down with excitement. With his grandson, the old man almost went to the top hospitals in China, Europe and the United States, and saw the top experts, but no one dared to say that the disease was easy to cure, and no one could even come up with an effective treatment plan.

Surgery, no, no surgery at all. It's not good to take medicine. Medicine has no effect on children's diseases. From three to ten, even the child's parents gave up for seven years.

The old man also treats his grandson with obsession, but even the old man himself feels hopeless. Now he hears that the disease is not difficult to cure, and the old man can't believe what he heard.

"Mr. Zhao, can you really treat it?" The old man asked excitedly.

"If it can be cured, it can be cured now, but the follow-up recovery treatment is troublesome. I have to think about it carefully!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.Lin AI and Lu xiao'an looked at each other, and their eyes were full of disbelief. Although they had never heard of the boy's disease, they knew it even if they had never heard of it. It was obvious that it was a very difficult disease to cure, but they didn't expect that Zhao Fugui said it could be cured without even looking at the cases and physical examination.

Lin AI and Lu Xiaoan even have a suspicion that Zhao Fugui is cheating the old man.

"Can cure, really can cure, my grandson is saved!" The old man was completely stunned and kept mumbling to himself.

"Old commander, don't get excited. Don't worry. Your grandson is cured. You are ill again!" Li said quickly.

"You all go out first, I'll treat you, and then try to come up with a follow-up recovery plan tonight!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Go, go, old commander, let's go out first, and be prevented from treating children with wealth!" Li quickly helped the old man out. Lin AI and Lu xiao'an also looked at each other and retreated. It was obvious that Zhao Fugui was going to use his own treatment, which could not be seen by outsiders.

Lu Xiaoan is not happy to toot her mouth. She and Lin AI don't want to be outsiders.

Zhao Fugui is the only one left in the ward. Zhao Fugui releases a disease eater from the pagoda. The disease eater appears from the pagoda and turns around the little boy. Then he opens his mouth and begins to devour the little boy's disease.

Zhao Fugui was a little relieved to see this scene. There are thousands of diseases in the world, but in the final analysis, these diseases are caused by the disease Qi. As long as it is caused by the disease Qi, the disease eaters can treat it. Unless it's some man-made virus or poisoning, the disease eater may have nothing to do with it.

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