Super Monk

Chapter 565

"Well, that's what my dad said. Now the longevity fruit in the laboratory has been quietly transported away. We are looking into who stole it. The group didn't report to the police, and the matter is still in a state of confidentiality! " Lin zhinuo said.

"It's more troublesome to call the police. Don't call the police yet. Let's see if you can find out! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, I'll just let you know. If there's anything new, I'll call you back!" Lin zhinuo said.

After a few words, they hung up the phone. Zhao Fugui's face was dignified and the longevity fruit was stolen. This shows that although the longevity pill has been on the market for a short time, it has attracted the attention of some people.

Zhao Fugui still underestimated the influence of Changshou pill. For example, two years ago, Russian scientists announced that they could reverse the aging state of cells and make human immortal. At that time, the news was published in the newspaper. Later, there was no news. No one proved that what they said was true or false Yes.

Zhao Fugui thinks that even if it is true, the secret of immortality will never be known by ordinary people. Why? It's simple. What would the world look like if everyone wouldn't die? First of all, the order of the whole world will collapse instantly, and all the original order will be destroyed. Therefore, even if the secret of immortality is really cracked, it must be a privilege enjoyed by very few people.

Although longevity pill does not have such great influence, it can still influence the world imperceptibly. Now, some forward-looking people may have realized this.

"It seems that longevity pills will soon become a commodity that will be deliberately forgotten!" Zhao Fugui thought carefully, then said to himself.

The longevity pill may eventually fall into the hands of a few people, and then it will never appear in the society, just like the drug has never appeared before. There will be no news about it anywhere on the media news mobile phone.

Zhao Fugui has foreseen the future, but never mind. Longevity pills can still bring huge cash flow and influence to him and Lin's group. Besides, the treatment spray will not disappear, and it will still play its role, which is enough.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Fugui drove his knight the 15th to the medicinal materials market in Chengdu. He wanted to buy some ginseng and other medicinal materials. In the future, many people in the sanatorium will recover from serious illness and need to be mended.

"One longevity fruit can be exchanged for ten million dollars. It seems that this thing is really useful, and the effect is certainly extraordinary. Tony can pay 10 million dollars, there are rich people who want to live can pay 30 million, 50 million, or even 100 million dollars. I can't sell them all the longevity fruits I stole this time. I have to keep some for myself and sell them myself then! " Lin Yuan drove to Lin's group and said to himself as he drove along the road.

Lin Yuan's car drives to Lin's group. A black Mustang SUV on the side of the road follows him not far away. Lin Yuan doesn't realize that a car is following him.

"The mole is out, and we've got him. We should be able to follow him to the location of the goods! " Said a big white man in the Mustang.

Chengdu's urban population is nearly ten million, foreigners are also very common, although this Mustang SUV are foreigners, but did not attract anyone's attention.

"You continue to look for the goods. We are going fishing. When the fish appear, you will have further instructions!" Said a voice in his ear.

At the same time, two Humvees are moving towards Xiaowan village in the traffic flow of Chengdu. There are four people sitting in each of the two Humvees, but these people are not all European, there are three Asian faces.

"Locate the fish, catch him, and we'll fly directly to the province of Hong Kong by his private plane. We'll be met by someone from the province of Hong Kong. We'll go abroad from there!" In the Humvee, a white man took out a rucksack. Inside the rucksack were several miniature submachine guns.

"I hate to use this kind of soft weapon with no penetrating power!" A white man chewing gum, disdain to take out a micro Chong pull bolt said.

"This is not a war-torn area like ALAHAN or baria. We can only get these weapons in a short time. David, it's very dangerous for us to carry out our mission in the inland of China. You'd better not be careless to me! " The white man in the co pilot's seat gave a warning look at the white man in the back seat.

"Yes, Captain, I know how dangerous this mission is. If it wasn't for the half million dollars, I would never come to China except for traveling!" Said David.

"Xia, when we kidnap that fish, I need your face to be monitored and photographed. You are Japanese. Let's take this matter to the Japanese. The Japanese have become more and more dishonest in recent years. I think they will be happy to bear the anger of the Asian hegemony! " The captain said to the Asian face in the back seat.

"I'll show my face, Captain, but I'm not Japanese, I'm just Japanese American, I was born in Hawaii!" The Asian man protested.

"Of course, Hawaiian boy, you are American, but you have a Japanese face!" The team leader spat out a mouthful of phlegm and said. "For the last time, we should catch the fish alive. If the fish dies, there will be no money!""Yes, Captain, for dollars!" Everyone else in the car nodded.

Just at this time, Zhao Fugui was driving Knight 15 out of the urban and rural roads into Chengdu. Two Humvees appeared from the corner, almost wiping Knight 15 out of Chengdu.

"Damn bastard, can you drive?" The savage Hummer almost knocked out the rearview mirror of Knight 15. Zhao Fugui was startled and scolded angrily. Zhao Fugui doesn't want his new car to be damaged by the rear view mirror.

"Asshole, the car just now belongs to the fish. Damn it, I haven't even touched Knight 15. This damned Chinese guy can drive such a good car. Turn around, idiot The captain's face changed greatly and yelled.

"Catch up and get rid of him where there are few people!"

Two Humvees turn around fiercely on the urban and rural roads, and a car about to leave the city almost gets under the roadbed. The people in the car yell at the Humvee, but the Humvee rolls up the dust and goes away, directly chasing the knight XV who has just entered the city.

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