Super Monk

Chapter 569

"If you say it's true, it's true. Director Zhang is such a powerful official!" Zhao Fugui sneered and said sarcastically.

"Don't be disrespectful. I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. I'm calling the police now. You are charged with affray, extortion and intentional wounding. I have a relationship with the Public Security Bureau and the court. Do you believe that a phone call from me can put you in prison for at least five years? It's up to you to decide whether to go to jail or lose money! " Director Zhang said impatiently.

During this period, a leader of a management unit directly under the herbal medicine market wanted to be promoted to the provincial organization department. In recent days, the leader coordinated with the industrial and commercial police and the Health Bureau, and began to inspect the relevant units and markets throughout the city, saying that he wanted to stand the last post. In recent days, several units and the market are quite nervous. Director Zhang doesn't want to make things big. If he is encountered by the inspection team, he will be in trouble.

That's why he talked to Zhao Fugui and scolded the market managers. Director Zhang just wanted to settle the matter quickly. And this drugstore is his stake, which can bring him at least millions of income every year. Of course, there can't be fake goods in the drugstore.

"If director Zhang wants to report to the police, he should report to the police. I'd like to see if this drugstore swindles me for millions and colludes with market management personnel to attack me. Can the police give me justice when they come?" Zhao Fugui is not afraid of the threat of director Zhang at all, light says.

Five million real ginseng was replaced by a fake ginseng radish, which is a huge amount of fraud cases, and Zhao Fugui is still self-defense, he is not related to no background, it is not so easy for him to suffer losses, not to mention Zhao Fugui's relationship in Chengdu is not small.

"Zhang Suo, if you don't want to have a toast, you'll let the brothers clean up the boy and avenge the fourth brother!" After wearing the uniform, more than a dozen people who didn't look like the market management personnel gathered around again, trying to show their face in front of director Zhang and repair Zhao Fugui.

"Boy, if you lose money and leave now, I will assume that nothing has happened. Otherwise, you hurt people first, and these market managers are filled with righteous indignation. If you start to hurt you, it will be ugly to press you to the police station!" Zhang director's face is ugly, the language takes threatening to say.

"Can you hurt me with all this rubbish? You can let them try. You are Niu Dachuan's brother-in-law. I think this shop is actually yours, right? As a public servant, you are prohibited from doing business by the state. You dare to do business and know the law. In addition, the store also openly sold valuable fake medicinal materials, defrauding huge amounts of money. You come with me, let's go to your leader and argue with him! " Zhao Fugui stood up fiercely, and his tall and strong body suddenly appeared to be very deterrent. He softened Zhang's legs and quickly stepped back two steps.

"What do you want to do?" Director Zhang's face changed greatly, and his voice trembled.

"What are you doing? Take you to the Bureau of industry and commerce to find your director! " Zhao Fugui gave a cold Snort and reached out to Director Zhang.

"Be careful, director!" Two big caps in uniform quickly dragged director Zhang away, pointed to Zhao Fugui and yelled nervously, "what do you want to do? How dare you attack a public official? "

"You garbage deserve to be public servants?" Zhao Fugui said with disdain. Although more than a dozen market managers are a little afraid of Zhao Fugui's tall and strong figure, they are sure to get rid of him by relying on their large number of people.

Seeing that Zhao Fugui was about to fight with more than a dozen market managers, a group of people suddenly came in from the outside of the herbal medicine market. The leading people were majestic and they were officials.

When director Zhang saw these people appear, his face changed greatly. He ran all the way to meet them, nodded and said, "several leaders come to inspect, how can they not say in advance, so I can arrange the reception in the Institute!"

"How can we know the real situation of the market without surprise inspection? What's going on over there? Why are so many people around? " Asked a man who looked like a leader.

"Director, it's like this. Just now, someone was drinking and making trouble and smashing the shop. The market management personnel were persuading them and they could deal with it immediately!" Director Zhang clapped in his heart, wiped the cold sweat on his head and said quickly.

"Although you are drunk, you can't act recklessly. You should enforce the law in a civilized way. If you can't, you should call the police and don't beat people up." The director said.

"Yes, chief, we must enforce the law in a civilized way!" Director Zhang listened to the meaning of the director, did not intend to go, immediately a little relieved, hastily said.

"What kind of drunken trouble? It's that shop selling fake ginseng to cheat money. When people find out, they still want to beat people. Hum, a nest of snakes and mice, you leaders are only good at superficial Kung Fu when inspecting! " Suddenly someone in the crowd called out.

"Fart, nonsense, who is talking nonsense, stand up!" As soon as director Zhang's face changed, he immediately looked in the direction of the voice and yelled. But there were too many onlookers to see who was speaking.

Director Zhang and these market managers have long caused great public resentment for their misdeeds in the herbal medicine market. The business of the herbal medicine market is almost ruined by them, and the merchants in the market have no way to survive. Now when they see the opportunity, they don't take the opportunity to make a sound."Zhang Tianfu, shut up, so many leaders here, what's your prestige!" The director of the industrial and commercial office's face sank, and he felt a little humiliated in front of several colleagues. He harshly scolded director Zhang, and then said, "since someone has reported selling fake ginseng here, let's go and see what's going on!"

Director Zhang's face changed greatly, but he didn't dare to make a sound when he saw the director's face. He could only follow several leaders to the drugstore with an ugly face.

"What's the matter? How did that happen? " The director of the commerce and Industry Bureau, seeing the mess in the drugstore, frowned and asked in a deep voice.

As soon as Zhao Fugui looked back, he saw this group of people enter the drugstore. When the group of market managers saw this group of people come in, they even accompanied director Zhang with a smile. They were cautious, and they didn't dare to be wild. They became honest one by one.

Zhao Fugui looked into the crowd and saw an acquaintance.

"Brother Zhao, why are you here?" One of the leaders who came to inspect was director Dai of the Health Bureau. Director Dai was stunned when he saw Zhao Fugui. Then he quickly walked over with a smile and shook hands with Zhao Fugui.

"Director Dai, do you know this one?" The director of the Bureau of industry and Commerce saw that director Dai, who had been promoted to the provincial organization department, was smiling when he saw Zhao Fugui. He quickly asked with a smile.

"This is Zhao Fugui, boss Zhao!" Director Dai said that the managers in the drugstore were at a loss, but several officials all changed their faces, especially director Zhang, who immediately became frightened and nervous.

Zhang Suo Chang wanted to slap himself in the face. Who could he offend? He even offended Zhao Fugui.

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