Super Monk

Chapter 571

"Brother Zhao, there is nothing wrong with the appearance of the ginseng. If I want to test it, I can ask the health worker in the bureau to have a biopsy!" Director Dai worried that Zhao Fugui could not check the authenticity of ginseng, so he said.

"This ginseng can't even be checked out by experts. He is sure to slander our ginseng as fake. I won't accept his check!" Niu Dachuan points to Zhao Fugui and shouts. Zhao Fugui can see that ginseng is fake. Niu Dachuan is afraid that Zhao Fugui can prove ginseng is fake.

"Yes, yes, I think that's reasonable. He can't say ginseng is true, ginseng is true, he says ginseng is false, ginseng is false!" Director Zhang saw the opportunity to turn over the plate, and quickly said.

Director Dai and the director of the Bureau of industry and commerce are in a bit of a dilemma. When so many people look at them, they have to convince everyone. But if they can't prove that this is a fake ginseng, it will be difficult to do this.

"Don't worry, I will make you convinced!" Zhao Fugui showed a confident expression and said, but Niu Dachuan and Zhang's face quietly showed a sneer. Without detailed drug testing, even experts could not draw the conclusion that this is false and convincing by some superficial conditions of ginseng. Why does Zhao Fugui have this ability.

"Arrogant, even the experts who often deal with medicinal materials dare not say so. Why do you dare to say so?" Director Zhang sneered at Zhao Fugui and asked.

"What is an expert? Who dares to call himself an expert in the field of medicine? " Zhao Fugui snorted coldly and said with disdain.

"It's nonsense. It's ridiculous. Director, this kind of person will talk nonsense and spit out blood. You must not believe him! " Zhang said with disdain.

"It's Zhao Fugui, the great doctor. What people say may not be wrong. If we only talk about treating cancer and developing therapeutic spray, we will definitely be eligible for the Nobel prize in medicine. These people in China are still not entitled to claim to be experts in front of him. " One of the group whispered.

"Yes, there are quite a few experts in China who cheat their names and steal the world, but few of them are really capable. Few of them are qualified to call themselves experts in front of Dr. Zhao!" Said another.

"Yes, yes, that's the truth. It's not arrogant!" Accompanied by the inspection of the entourage were talking, but the words let Zhang's face more ugly.

"Even if you are a miracle doctor, you can't slander drugstores for selling fake drugs without any evidence!" Director Zhang became angry and said in a sharp and cunning voice. He looked at the director of the Bureau of industry and commerce with a straight frown. He said that this little Zhang is really not sensible and has no eyesight.

"Don't worry, I will make you convinced!" Zhao Fugui sneered out as like as two peas from the pear box, and the fake ginseng root trembled slightly. It looked exactly like the real ginseng.

Zhao Fugui took out the fake ginseng and showed it to everyone. Then, in the eyes of everyone, he broke the ginseng into two parts with a "click".

"Brother Zhao!" Director Dai exclaimed that it was too late to stop it. When ginseng remained intact, its medicinal properties were perfectly preserved. But once there was a big gap, its medicinal properties would start to run off. Therefore, if ginseng was not to be used soon, no one would break it or cut it off.

This is also why when collecting ginseng, pharmacies must emphasize that the root of ginseng is not broken and the surface is not scarred. If there are these things, the price will plummet.

If it's a ginseng, it's really a four or five hundred year old ginseng, it can even be worth hundreds of millions before breaking, but once broken, it can only be worth hundreds of thousands at most. Director Dai did not expect that Zhao Fugui would break the ginseng if he broke the ginseng, which is worth hundreds of millions.

Director Dai and the people around him look completely stunned, but Zhao Fugui has no special expression, because he is very sure that this one is a radish.

"Kaka, Kaka!" Zhao Fugui broke the fake ginseng into two parts, and then he didn't stop at all. "Click, click, click" broke the fake ginseng into small pieces, and then began to distribute them.

"Director Dai, please try it. Is it ginseng or radish?" Zhao Fugui distributed all the small pieces of fake ginseng to director Dai, director of the Bureau of industry and commerce, their entourage, and the onlookers outside the store.

Director Dai was stunned, then took a small piece of ginseng in his hand, bit it slightly, and immediately a smell of radish spread out. Fake ginseng can deceive people's eyes, but it can't deceive people's taste buds. No matter how much it looks like, the taste of radish can't be concealed.

"It's really a radish. It's really a radish!" Director Dai felt the taste in his mouth and murmured in surprise. He didn't expect that Zhao Fugui could really confirm that it was fake ginseng.

"It's radish. It tastes like radish. I've eaten ginseng, but it doesn't taste like radish! It's so immoral of this shop to use radish as the high price ginseng. I don't know how many people have been harmed! " A member of the entourage behind director Dai said in a loud voice.

"It's a fraud, and the amount is huge. It's a major criminal case to use a worthless radish as a fake ginseng. If you cheat five million, you'll be in jail for more than ten years! " Said another of the entourage."Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, you asked me to do this, and the money went into my sister's account. It has nothing to do with me. You must save me!" When Niu Dachuan heard this, he was flustered and cried out, holding director Zhang's thigh. If he has been in prison for more than ten years, his whole life will be ruined. I'm afraid his wife has already run away with others.

"What the hell are you talking about? Get out of here!" Director Zhang's face changed. He quickly kicked Niu Dachuan and yelled.

"Oh, director Dai, I forgot to say that director Zhang is the boss behind the scenes of this drugstore. Let's see what we can do!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"If you know the law and break the law, the crime will be more serious. Catch them all and send them to the Public Security Bureau later!" The director of the industrial and commercial office's face sank. Without waiting for director Dai to speak, he immediately ordered out loud.

A group of entourage rushed to catch director Zhang and Niu Dachuan.

"Director, director, I am wronged!" Director Zhang struggled desperately, while struggling, he yelled, "brother Zhao, brother Zhao, you've been around me this time. I'll give you my money back, I'll give you my money back!"

"If you knew today, why should you have done it in the first place? You deserve it. If you don't do it this time, I don't know how many people you will harm next time!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

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