Super Monk

Chapter 573

Zhao Fugui didn't expect that he would be attacked at the gate of the herbal medicine market, and the person who started it was so professional. The military electric shock device is directly pressed on Zhao Fugui's chest. The power of the military electric shock device is about twice as strong as that of the civilian electric shock device. The strong current is instantly released to Zhao Fugui.

Xia, a Japanese American who pressed the electric shock device on Zhao Fugui's chest, saw that Zhao Fugui was trembling, and immediately made a gesture to carry Zhao Fugui up. The Hummer had come quietly. When the anesthetic in the needle was instantly injected into Zhao Fugui's body, he would immediately carry Zhao Fugui and put him into the Hummer.

It's going to end in just ten seconds, and no one will even notice the anomaly. Xia is an expert in this field. They have participated in this kind of kidnapping or assassination in many parts of the world, and they are very proficient in it.

They will kidnap Zhao Fugui in ten seconds, arrive at Rongcheng airport in thirty minutes, fly Zhao Fugui's private plane to take off in forty-five minutes, and rush to Hong Kong Province in two hours. With the speed of response of the Chinese police, if they are not sensitive people, the police will never set up a round up in Hong Kong Province during this period of time.

Within two hours and 45 minutes, they will leave China, land in Japan, and return to the United States by US Navy aircraft. At the same time, the people who follow Lin Yuan there will also start to take away all the longevity fruits. All this is planned. Xia and other people in this team, no one thinks that this plan will have any problems, until the needle is stuck in Zhao Fugui's neck, the plan is still very smooth.

However, the strong white man who was in charge of putting the needle into Zhao Fugui's neck and injecting anesthetic into Zhao Fugui's body suddenly changed his face. The needle on Zhao Fugui's skin seemed to be stuck on hard rubber and couldn't go in at all.

Almost at the same time, Xia also found that it was not right. The powerful electric shock device released electric current to hit Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's body just trembled, completely without normal paralysis.

"Who the hell are you?" When the current hits Zhao Fugui, Daoli reacts instantly to protect Zhao Fugui's body. Zhao Fugui just feels his body trembles, slightly paralyzed, and is not knocked down by the strong current at all. Zhao Fugui instant reaction, Li drink, a fierce head hammer directly hit on the face of the summer.

"Ah Xia gave a shrill scream. He heard a "click" and knew that his nose had been broken.

Zhao Fugui hit Xia's face in front with a hammer, and Xia fell down in an instant. David's needle at the back couldn't get into Zhao Fugui's neck, which was a situation never encountered before. But Xia was knocked down in an instant. David's face changed. He held Zhao Fugui's neck with his backhand, controlled his action with his other hand, and pressed his palm on the blood vessel of Zhao Fugui's neck.

It's a standard uniform. If David tries harder, he can break the neck of the controlled person. He has done it many times. Whether to twist the neck of the person under control or to suffocate him in a coma is entirely between David's thoughts, but today he finds that he has not become the God who can dominate other people's lives.

Zhao fuguimeng looks up and smashes his head on David's face. David roars with pain. Zhao fuguimeng grabs his arm and falls over his shoulder.

"Bang!" David was hard hit on the ground, the height of a full one meter nine, muscular white man unexpectedly a face to face was Zhao Fugui down.

"Damn it, these two idiots and two farmers can't deal with it. Go and help. Remember not to shoot!" In the distance, the white captain in the Hummer's face changed greatly, with an embarrassed roar and an order.

David was pressed to the ground by Zhao Fugui with one hand. He thought of himself several times, but found that he could not break away. Zhao Fugui could control the white man with one hand. David can't believe what happened today. He's a veteran of the 101 Air Force Regiment. Even the professional strongmen can't control him with one hand. David yelled. I really met Satan today.

"Who the hell are you?" Zhao Fugui stares at the strong white man. He has no idea when he will have a European enemy.

“fuck!” Summer covers his nose to get up, stretch out a hand to want to touch a gun, but fierce reaction comes over, if shoot, his mother's money is gone. Xia Yaoya pulls out the tactical dagger and rushes to Zhao Fugui fiercely.

"I'll kill you again!" Xia rushes over and roars. He speaks standard Chinese. This guy stabs Zhao Fugui's abdomen with a dagger.

As soon as Zhao Fugui's face sinks, he puts out his hand like lightning. He holds Xia's arm in one hand and pinches it with force. Xia's arm bone suddenly makes a "KaKa" twisting sound, which is almost crushed by Zhao Fugui.

Xia couldn't hold the dagger any longer, and the flashing tactical dagger fell to the ground with a clatter. Xia looks at Zhao Fugui in horror. He has participated in various missions all over the world, met various bodyguards and terrorists, but no one has the strength and speed of Zhao Fugui.

Xia couldn't help but cry out in horror. At this moment, three black and white men rushed over, two of them directly pressed the electric shock device on Zhao Fugui's body. The other took a shock machine and fired directly at Zhao Fugui.The strong electric current suddenly poured into Zhao Fugui's body, and the white captain who was still sitting in the Hummer was a little relieved. Even an elephant should lie down for this kind of electric current attack.

The strong electric current instantly began to paralyze Zhao Fugui's body. With a roar, Zhao Fugui's Daoli soared, and Daoli immediately blocked the electric current out of his body. Zhao fuguimeng turned back and kicked a shocked black man around him. This guy screamed, and his huge body was directly kicked more than ten meters away.

The other two immediately react and rush to subdue Zhao Fugui. Although the situation has completely exceeded the team's expectation, they are professional and still want to complete the task professionally.

It's a pity that Zhao Fugui is not the enemy they met before. Two strong men were thrown away by Zhao Fugui in the twinkling of an eye. One of them was smashed on the body of Knight 15. Even the huge body of Knight 15 was hit by a violent shock.

"What's the matter? A fight? " In the blink of an eye, Zhao Fugui was not subdued for a minute. The situation here finally attracted some people's attention, and suddenly some people began to watch.

"Get out, get out!" Two strong white men smashed Zhao Fugui away, dragged his injured teammates and jumped into the Hummer. The Hummer rushed out with a roar.

"Damn it Zhao Fugui was attacked for no reason. Relying on his bravery, he jumped on the 15th knight. Instead, he chased these professional experts.

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