Super Monk

Chapter 575

Two Humvees took Zhao Fugui around in circles, and soon came to the riverside, and then the two Humvees began to move along the Riverside Avenue.

"Damn, according to the original plan, we should have been flying out of China's airspace, but now we are still in this place! It's going to be dark again! " Back seat summer's nose has been bandaged, but I'm afraid his nose will have to be reshaped.

Raised his hand to see his three Defense Tactical watch, summer is not reconciled to say. According to the information they got before the operation, Zhao Fugui is a migrant worker with the title of "miracle doctor". This expert, who is composed of retired soldiers from the delta army, the seal commando and the Air Force Regiment, actually suffered a big loss on him face to face. It's incredible.

"This man may not be the secret weapon of China, otherwise we must have been surrounded by their special forces now. This person may have a secret that China doesn't know. Maybe even the people above don't know the secret. If we can take him back, it will be a great achievement. If this plan is successful, maybe we can work as a bodyguard for the political dignitaries and get a very high salary, but we don't have to do too dangerous work! " The captain said to himself.

"That guy's starting to speed up. He's trying to catch up with us while the traffic is down!" Said the Hummer driver, glancing in the rearview mirror.

"Speed up, let's go around!" The captain also looked in the rearview mirror and immediately ordered. There used to be eight people sitting in the two Humvees, but now there are three people left in the front Humvee and only one driver left in the rear Humvee. The other four people are no longer in the Humvee.

"Where are these bastards going?" Zhao Fugui looks at the two Humvees in front of him suddenly rush into the opposite lane, and then turn into a road into the city. Zhao Fugui stepped on the gas pedal, forced to stop the two cars in the opposite lane, and then rushed past.

"He's catching up. We're on schedule. This boy is so confident that he dare not call the police and catch up with us alone. He really thinks we are just a group of ordinary kidnappers? " The captain said to himself, looking at the knight XV coming from behind the Humvee.

Zhao Fugui, a knight in the 15th generation, didn't want to call the police at all. The ability of the police is not as good as him. It's useless to come here. On the contrary, it will affect Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui also wants to know who wants to deal with him.

"These guys look like mercenaries. Did they save Mr. Zhao's life last time in Hong Kong province and provoke others? They specially hired these foreign mercenaries to deal with themselves? " Zhao Fugui is also guessing the origin of these people. He hasn't even been abroad, and he can't guess how these people were provoked.

Two Humvees are advancing rapidly in front of us. Knight XV is following us. Humvees have made a big circle and come back to the city of Chengdu. There are more and more vehicles on the streets. It's the evening peak, and the number of vehicles on the roads has begun to soar. Knight XV's huge body can't speed up in so many vehicles. The two Humvees in front of him will be lost.

Zhao Fugui drives Knight 15 and looks at the two Humvees slowly getting smaller in front of him. Soon they will disappear.

"I can't catch up!" Zhao Fugui was reluctant to talk to himself, but there were too many cars on the road, and the body of Knight XV was too large. He was not a smart car at all. He could only watch the two Humvees running farther and farther in the traffic. "These bastards are going to the river!"

Zhao Fugui said to himself, a little hesitant to continue to chase, such a chase, unless the first two Humvees run out of gas and stop, otherwise Knight 15 will never catch up. However, although Knight XV had two mail boxes hidden under thick armor, his body was too heavy. Even if he had two mail boxes, he might not be able to run better than two Humvees.

Zhao Fugui thought about it and decided that when he was about to stop tracking, the two Humvees in front of him turned on Yanjiang Avenue again. The traffic flow in the direction of Yanjiang Avenue out of the city decreased sharply, and the number of cars in the lane thinned down rapidly. At this time, there was generally nothing wrong, and no cars left the city at all.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui stepped on the accelerator, and the huge body of Knight XV roared again, and quickly chased the two Humvees.

"He's catching up. Keep going and get to the appointed place!" The captain of the Humvee looked at the knight XV in the rearview mirror. He was like a ferocious iron beast rushing towards here. The captain sneered and said in a deep voice.

The speed of the three vehicles is very fast. They are also hardline off-road vehicles. The speed of the three vehicles has been raised to more than 100 miles. The three off-road vehicles are speeding along the riverside road.

Soon, the prosperous city of Chengdu is more and more far behind the three off-road vehicles. There are fewer and fewer cars on the road. It takes a long time for a car to appear.

"If you can't catch the living, you can catch the dead. At least get rid of his body!" Closer and closer to the target, the team leader picked up a micro punch to check the loading of the cartridge clip and said to himself.

"Captain, if we shoot here, will it disturb the Chinese police? If they deploy control in the city, it will be very difficult for us to leave. If we want to go to Chengdu Airport in this direction, we must pass through the downtown area!" Summer some hesitant say."It doesn't matter. Most Chinese people have never heard of gunfire. They think it's the sound of firecrackers. If we make a quick decision, we won't have any problems!" The captain said in a deep voice.

"Boom!" The two Humvees drove along the Yanjiang avenue for a while, then slowed down sharply and rushed out of the road. The Humvees rushed down the road, smashed the green belt, passed through the trees of the green belt and rushed to the desolate beach by the river.

Two Humvees suddenly make this abnormal action, Zhao Fugui immediately understand, around so long, they are here to set a trap. Zhao Fugui has a sneer on his face. It seems that these guys want to solve him here. However, Zhao Fugui is tired of going around in circles. He also wants to end the tracking tonight.

However, it depends on the respective means to solve the problem.

Zhao Fugui didn't hesitate to drive the knight XV over the green belt. The huge Knight XV ran directly over the green belt and down the river. The two Humvees in front of him had already stopped by the river, and Zhao Fugui drove the knight 15 directly to the two Humvees.

Zhao Fugui drove Knight XV, parked his car more than ten meters away from Humvee, pushed open the door of Knight XV and walked down from the car.

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