Super Monk

Chapter 589

"Where there are people, there are classes. Human society is a pyramid. Some people look down on all living beings at the top of the tower, while others struggle to survive at the bottom of the tower. I've told you this question many times, but you can't understand it. There has never been equality in this world! " Aunt Chen said faintly, "where is this?"

"This place used to be called Xiaowan village. It's just an ordinary mountain village. Now we like to call it happy farm. Everything here can't do without the credit of meaning!" Zhao Fugui said.

Zhao Fugui doesn't like Aunt Chen's pyramid theory very much, but she has to admit that her words are very reasonable. As soon as people speak out, class appears. However, although this class is quite stable, it is not immutable. Some people can still climb up through their own efforts.

If no one becomes the rich generation, how can there be so many rich second generation in this society? The rich generation is the people who have climbed the pyramid.

"This place is OK!" Aunt Chen pushed open the door and went down. She looked around and said that it was better than a pig farm and a chicken farm.

"Of course, we can produce the best fruit in the world, happy fruit. We not only have fruits, but also delicious food in Wan village. Now, the mountain spring in Wan Village, which is often seen among the rich people, is also made by pulling away the mountain spring water from us! " Chen Yihan said with pride, "in this tourist area, the daily passenger flow has exceeded 5000 people, and it is still growing. I'm one of the managers here. I'm very proud to see Xiaowan village getting better and better! "

"Happy fruit?" Aunt Chen was a little surprised. She didn't expect that happy fruit, which is popular in the rich circle of Shangjing, was planted here.

Aunt Chen took a surprised look at Zhao Fugui and overturned some of her previous judgments. Zhao Fugui was upgraded from "useless" to "valuable". However, it is still more than 18000 miles away from becoming Chen Yihan's boyfriend and son-in-law.

"Yes, happy fruit. Mom, your unit must have eaten a lot of special happy fruits, right Seeing that his mother was a little surprised, Chen Yihan continued, "we have water restaurants, small cooking stoves, food streets and water parks. Our net profit here can reach one million a day. If we include orchards, the number can double!"

"Then you did a good job!" Aunt Chen nodded lightly and said, but this money didn't make Aunt Chen look up to her. In Aunt Chen's position, there is no difference between people with hundreds of millions of assets and those with billions of assets. It will take at least tens of billions to make the essential difference.

A person with a wealth of several hundred million or several billion is not enough to support a high enough social network. When he reaches a certain level in Shangjing, social network is the most important thing.

"Everything here is due to wealth. Without him, Xiaowan village would not be like this. I am here to help wealth!" Ivy Chen continued, "riches and fortune not only run Xiaowan village, but also a miracle doctor. Longevity pills and healing spray are all invented by rich and precious men."

"What?" Aunt Chen was really shocked when she heard this. She couldn't help but take a serious look at Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui thinks that this is Aunt Chen's first look at herself. It seems that a man should have some qualifications, otherwise his mother-in-law will not look at you.

Seeing his mother's surprise, Chen Yihan is a little proud. There are not many things that can surprise his mother. Now his mother should pay attention to wealth.

"is longevity pill and treatment spray really invented by you? How can you be so young! " Aunt Chen couldn't help being surprised.

Aunt Chen knows some confidential information. She knows that an expert team has been set up in Beijing to demonstrate longevity pills and treatment spray, to understand their effects, whether there are side effects or other hazards.

It attaches great importance to these two things. If Zhao Fugui really invented these two things, then he is qualified to be friends with Chen Yihan and Chen family. However, it is not enough to be Chen Yihan's boyfriend or Chen family's son-in-law.

longevity pill and atherapy spray are just astepping stone to success. Zhao Fugui has no foundation in Beijing. He can't climb up to Pyramid. This alone is far from the big families in Beijing.

"There is a saying that the teacher is the one who can learn endlessly, and sometimes age doesn't mean anything!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Indeed, with these two things, you will have a chance to become the first person in the Chinese medical field!" Aunt Chen finally began to face up to Zhao Fugui this time. In fact, this is their first real conversation since they met.

Aunt Chen thinks that her daughter's level of making friends is still very high, but it's OK to make friends with Zhao Fugui, but it's not enough to be a boyfriend or girlfriend, because the Chen family has already made arrangements, and Zhao Fugui's foundation is too shallow. Even if she is famous in the medical circle, she can't help the Chen family now.

So Aunt Chen's attitude has not changed. Chen Yihan can never find Zhao Fugui as a boyfriend.

"I'm not interested in being the first person in the medical circle, and my career is not in the medical circle!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

The change of Aunt Chen's attitude finally made Zhao Fugui feel proud, but he still keenly felt that Aunt Chen still didn't agree with him and Chen Yihan."The world is too big. You can't see the real world here. I can't see what it will bring to you to be the first person in Chinese medical circle! " Aunt Chen settled down for a while and said slowly, "I'm here to bring meaning back. Now I've seen meaning's work. I want to take her back, but you can also go with me. I can give you a long insight!"

Long experience? Zhao Fugui is quite unconvinced. He has been on a private plane, met the top rich, fought hard with mercenaries, killed people and ghosts, stepped on the underworld giants, and hit the rich second generation in the face. Zhao Fugui thinks that he has a lot of knowledge, but listening to Aunt Chen's tone, he is just like a child in the countryside, and he has no idea how big the world is.

In the final analysis, Aunt Chen has a sense of supremacy in her bones. Zhao Fugui thinks that she still doesn't look up to herself.

Aunt Chen's attitude angered Zhao Fugui's arrogance. He wanted to see what insight he could gain when he went to Shangjing. Zhao Fugui said faintly, "well, I haven't been to Shangjing yet, so I just went to see my aunt!"

Chen Yihan's pretty face has changed. She doesn't want to go to Beijing at all, but it's not up to her.

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