Super Monk

Chapter 594

"Sit down. This is the first time I've taken someone home. Her mother is very strict. She has never been in love before. You say that in this era, who goes to school and doesn't fall in love means that now that they have graduated from University, her mother is still in charge of it. You say that she is not in charge of it! " The old man excitedly said to Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui, who asked this question, was embarrassed. He didn't know how to answer, so he just took a sip of the cup.

"Dad, I didn't decide what I meant. Her dad nodded too!" Aunt Chen said discontentedly.

"Well, you two love to think. I haven't thought about going to Beijing all my life, don't you think you can? Go and do your work. I'll talk to Fugui! " The old man waved impatiently.

Aunt Chen looked a little ugly, but she got up and went upstairs. However, in her heart, Aunt Chen is quite relieved. The old man's eyes are poisonous. Most people don't like him at all. Maybe when they talk about it, they don't have to show up again, and Zhao Fugui will give up.

"Richness, you have kung fu, don't you? You have a lot of evil spirit, and your body is extraordinary. You should have practiced real kung fu. What school do you learn from? " The old man sent Aunt Chen away and asked Zhao Fugui excitedly.

"Well, I'm just practicing blindly, and I don't have a teacher!" Zhao Fugui thought, who knows what sect Taiping daoshu is handed down, how to explain clearly, can only casually say.

"Oh, secret school, can't leak out, right?" The old man showed a clear look, turned his head and said, "I'll take you to the army tomorrow. Show me your hands. I'm very interested in the secret martial arts of China! What's exposed now is a group of HuaQuan embroidered legs. There's no real ability! "

"Well, I'm not really good at it!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"Young man, sometimes it's a good thing to be clumsy, but if you don't have the ability, how can you marry from the Chen family?" The old man said with a smile.

"Grandfather, if you want to marry me, it's no use just fighting." Zhao Fugui didn't know what the old man thought. The old man had no interest in longevity fruits, but he was curious about his useless martial arts.

"Useful, how can it be useless, if you fight, I will support you to marry meaning, this is also a craft!" The old man said, "fight, I will support you. If you are valuable, meaning's mother will not oppose you. If you have a huge social relationship, you can bring help to the Chen family, meaning's father will not oppose you! It's that simple! "

"Grandfather, what you said is not simple at all!" Zhao Fugui said with a bitter smile.

Chen Yihan's parents are obviously out of practical considerations. They want the Chen family to be more deeply rooted in Shangjing. Zhao Fugui is obviously not the ideal candidate for their son-in-law.

"Nothing is difficult in the world, but I'm very optimistic about you for those who want to do it." The old man said with a smile.

"Well, I'll go with you tomorrow." Zhao Fugui has no way to object. At least in the Chen family, besides Chen Yihan, someone else has to support him.

"Good, bold, good, good, good!" The old man nodded with satisfaction, looking very happy.

Zhao Fugui promised to go to the army tomorrow. The old man was obviously in the mood. He took Zhao Fugui to chat all the time. Zhao Fugui talked with the old man for almost two hours before he stopped.

Two hours later, the old man finally contented to stop the topic, in the servant's repeated reminder, back to his bedroom ready to rest.

"Hoo Zhao Fugui took a long breath, and chatting with the old man was more tormenting than fighting.

"Mr. Zhao, your room is ready. The first one on the left is the bathroom at the end of the corridor." The servant said to Zhao Fugui.

"Well, thank you." Zhao Yigui is ready to go to the guest room to see the new underwear, but Zhao Yigui is not ready to go.

Zhao Fugui took things to the bathroom and took a shower in the bathroom. The first time I came to Chen Yihan's home, the second floor is obviously the master's bedroom, and Zhao Fugui didn't walk around. After all, this is not Xiaowan village.

After taking a shower, Zhao Fugui puts on his pajamas. Looking at the time when he is ready to go to bed, he suddenly finds a small head outside the bedroom door. This small head has a baby's head. He is looking at Zhao Fugui curiously.

"What's the matter, Dodo? Your sister asked you to come? " Zhao Fugui recognized the little girl at a glance. The little girl is Chen Yihan's sister. After hearing other people call her Duoduo, Zhao Fugui knew that her nickname should be Duoduo.

"Elder brother, elder sister let me tell you, don't a person will Chengdu, go back to take her!" Duoduo opened the door, turned his big eyes and said softly.

"Tell my sister I know, and I'll take her back to Xiaowan village!" Zhao Fugui didn't expect that Chen Yihan would ask Duoduo to explain this to him, so he quickly said.

"Then I'll go!" Nod a lot, turn around in slippers and get ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, brother, give you a present!" Zhao Fugui quickly called his future sister-in-law, looking for a long time, in addition to happy fruit only found a box of pickles.Zhao Fugui hands happy fruit to Duoduo. Duoduo reaches out his little hand to take it. Zhao Fugui hands pickled vegetables to Duoduo again. Duoduo shakes his head and doesn't eat pickled vegetables. Duoduo's big eyes still look at Zhao Fugui curiously. It's obvious that a happy fruit can't kill today's children.

Zhao Fugui is a little embarrassed. No one has told him that Chen Yihan still has a sister. Otherwise, he will definitely bring some children's toys as gifts. What can we do now.

Seeing that Zhao Fugui can't bring out new things, Duoduo's beautiful big eyes show a trace of disappointment. Zhao Fugui's heart moved, quickly took out a coral bead and handed it to Duoduo, saying, "this is for you, it has magic power!"

"Really?" Many eyes suddenly a bright, curious asked.

"Really, I don't believe you throw it!" Zhao Fugui thought of a way, said with a smile.

"Catch that brother!" A lot of curious raised his hand to throw coral beads to Zhao Fugui, but coral beads fly to the air unexpectedly stopped. Dodo's face was filled with surprise and exclaimed, "it can fly, it can fly

"This coral bead can fly, but it can't be seen by others, and its magic can only last for one day. Next time I want to fly, I have to add some magic to it!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"Is this a new electric toy? Miaomiao, none of them A lot of repeatedly looking at the coral beads, throw over and throw over and say.

It's really simple to explain. Zhao Fugui recruited a Yin soldier, but he couldn't see it. That Yin soldier was constantly controlling coral beads. However, Zhao Fugui's Yin soldiers are introverted and have no harm to children. They just have an invisible playmate.

"Duoduo!" When the little girl was having fun, a dignified voice suddenly came from the outside.

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