Super Monk

Chapter 624

Xia Wanru's delicate make-up makes her look even more amazing. Zhao Fugui has an amazing feeling when she sees her make-up.

When there is no makeup, Xia Wanru is dignified and generous. After putting on makeup, Xia Wanru is more sexy and charming. This woman is absolutely a beauty. I don't know how Zhang Haotian went blind and went to find the secretary. Instead, she left such a hot and sexy woman at home.

Is it true that a wife is better than a concubine, and a concubine is better than stealing? Are women more attractive outside?

"Sister!" Xia Hongyan was also shocked. She had never seen her sister like this before. Xia Hongyan often makes up for her work, but Xia Wanru seldom makes up, especially for her red lips.

See Xia Hongyan and Zhao Fugui dull appearance, Xia Wanru pretty face slightly a red, this just some before shy dignified appearance.

Xia Wanru is in a bad mood. She wants to indulge in the bar, Zhao Fugui thinks. Zhao Fugui sighed in his heart. He looked at Xia Wanru and Xia Hongyan. If they were allowed to go to the bar like this, they would be swallowed by life.

Save people to the end, send Buddha to the west, Zhao Fugui helpless, can only nod, accompany them to the bar to relax. It seems that we have to wait to get back to Xiaowan village.

However, Chen Yihan hasn't called so far. It's estimated that he has a few friends to eat and drink, and he doesn't need Zhao Fugui to accompany him. He's fine at night anyway. Zhao Fugui has never been to a bar before. Apart from dealing with Wang Baiyi in Qindu last time, Zhao Fugui has never even entered a bar. He just went to see him in the evening.

"Well, I'll change my clothes, too. I'll accompany you crazy at night!" Xia Hongyan looks at Zhang Haotian, who forces her elder sister to be like this. She is so angry that she can't help it. She can only go out with Xia Wanru to play and relieve her bad mood.

Xia Hongyan also went to change a dress and put on a light make-up by the way. After changing clothes and putting on a good make-up, the two sisters stood together and immediately became a pair of sexy and hot sisters.

"Let's go!" Xia Wanru tries her best to make her face full of smile. Zhao Fugui and Xia Hongyan try not to mention Zhang Haotian's troubles. Zhao Fugui drives Knight XV out of the villa with two beautiful girls.

"Where are we going?" Zhao Fugui doesn't know anything about the bars in Chengdu. As soon as the car leaves the villa, he turns to Xia Hongyan and asks, obviously Xia Wanru can't know where there is a bar.

"Go to Dongluo road. There's a bar over there. It's very busy!" Xia Hongyan said.

Dongluo road is on this side of the North City, not far from the villa area. Zhao Fugui drove Knight XV for a while and found a place.

"It's not eight o'clock yet. I don't know if there is anyone!" Zhao Fugui looks at his watch. It's late in summer, but it's just dark now. Zhao Fugui said, "why don't we have something to eat first?"

"Order some fruit plate snacks, let's go to the bar!" Xia Wanru doesn't want to eat. She would rather be drunk than know anything.

"It's easy to get drunk without eating and drinking!" Xia Hongyan said helplessly, but Xia Wanru had pushed the door open and went down. Xia Hongyan helplessly looked at Zhao Fugui and got off the car.

Although it's still early now, there are many people in the bar. DJ is debugging music. There are many people walking around in the bar. Many of them are hot beauties. Although the night is not deep, some people's nightlife has begun.

"What wine to drink?" Xia Wanru ordered some fruit platter snacks, three people occupied a card seat, Xia Wanru looked at the name on the wine list, but found that most of the wine they do not know.

"Just have a cold beer!" Xia Hongyan doesn't want Xia Wanru to be too drunk, so she says directly. Then she looks at Zhao Fugui again. Zhao Fugui doesn't have any problem. She can drink anything.

"No, what's the point of just drinking beer? I don't think many people on TV drink red wine, two bottles of Changyu dry red and two bottles of vodka!" Xia Wanru said.

"My sister, you still want vodka? You don't want to go home at night, do you Xia Hongyan said helplessly, "come two bottles of Changyu dry red, and then a dozen ice beer. Give him another bottle of Chivas!"

"All right!" The waiter nodded and soon brought up the wine. The wine in the bar is more expensive than that outside. It's almost like being slaughtered here. But most people go to bars not to drink, but to have fun. "Three of you, your wine is ready!"

"One first!" Xia Wanru poured herself a glass full of red wine, Xia Hongyan a glass of red wine, and Zhao Fugui a glass of Chivas. Then she raised her glass and said aloud.

"Drink slowly, we come out to play, not get drunk!" Xia Hongyan had no choice but to take a sip of the red wine, but Xia Wanru ignored it and drank the whole glass of red wine in one breath. The degree of red wine was not too high, only more than ten degrees. However, Xia Wanru drank a glass of red wine, but her face turned red quickly.

Zhao Fugui didn't drink Chivas. In fact, he didn't know what Chivas was. Seeing that Xia Wanru had dried all the wine, he also looked up and drank all the Chivas in the glass.

"Hoo After drinking a full glass of Chivas, Zhao Fugui said with a long breath, "this wine seems to be very strong. It's almost the same as the apricot blossom wine in our village!""My God, whiskey is usually mixed, and who drinks a large glass at a time! If I'm drunk, I can't help waiting for you Xia Hongyan stared at Zhao Fugui and said.

Chivas is whiskey, the general degree is about forty degrees, and the liquor with a slightly lower degree is almost the same. This kind of Baijiu glass has a small half Jin, and it is a good drinker who doesn't drink so much.

"It's OK, I can't get drunk with this wine!" Zhao Fugui shakes his head, the wine is quite good, but he doesn't care.

"Rich and noble, you are so cheerful, beauty, you are too bad!" Xia Wanru blushed and said excitedly.

"I really can't drink this way!" Xia Hongyan rolled her eyes and said.

At this time, the harsh music finally sounded, and the dance floor was soon full of people. All the red men and green women swayed in the dance floor, looking for their own happiness.

"Let's go dancing!" Xia Wanru saw the crowd writhing on the dance floor, her eyes suddenly showed a trace of excitement, and she stood up fiercely. She wanted to pull Xia Hongyan, but she was dodged by Xia Hongyan.

"No, you'd better dance with the rich, or you'll be taken advantage of!" Xia Hongyan said.

"I'll dance with you!" After drinking half a jin of whisky, Zhao Fugui felt a little bit excited. He took Xia Wanru by the hand and took her to the dance floor.

Xia Wanru is wearing a short skirt T-shirt, a pair of white and slender thighs are exposed outside, and the small waist under the T-shirt is not exposed, which is extremely sexy.

Zhao Fugui embraces Xia Wanru's waist, and Xia Wanru lies on Zhao Fugui's chest in a dazed way. They wriggle under the crazy music.

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