Super Monk

Chapter 641

"Richness, how can there be so many big earthworms in the vegetable garden?" Aunt Zhang ran to the village to call someone. Su Mei's eyes were full of worry and asked.

If these big earthworms can not be caught clean, I am afraid it will have a significant impact on the yield of happy vegetables. If there is a problem in the supply of happy vegetables, it will pose a serious threat to the strategic layout of Hualian Supermarket, and then it will be troublesome.

"Maybe the soil is too rich, that's why the earthworms grow so much and change so much!" Zhao Fugui coagulates for a while and says that Zhao Fugui doesn't want others to know the secret of Lingquan water, so he doesn't explain it to Su Mei.

There are so many earthworms in the vegetable picking garden. I'm afraid the reason is that the breeding speed of earthworms has increased dramatically due to the irrigation of Lingquan water, and each one has become huge.

The same must be true of happy orchard. It's only because the roots of fruit trees are deep and the ability to resist insect pests is much stronger than that of vegetables. Therefore, it has not been affected. It has not attracted Zhao Fugui's attention. It's not the same in vegetable picking garden.

The vegetable picking garden is seriously affected by these giant earthworms. Zhao Fugui thinks that the effect of Lingquan water is too great. It is the same for animals and plants.

After a while, Aunt Zhang called over 50 or 60 people, almost all middle-aged people, men and women, all with straw hats, shovels and buckets. The vegetables in the vegetable garden have grown up, and can't be hoed with hoes and spades. They can only be dug with small shovel, so that they will not affect the vegetables.

"Fugui, Lao Li in the village will come later. We'll come first. What do you say?" Aunt Zhang came with people and immediately asked Zhao Fugui.

"Auntie Zhang, let's take care of one mu of land by ten people. Take action separately. Don't trample on the vegetables. From east to west, catch all the earthworms in the field!" Zhao Fugui motioned the noisy crowd to be quiet and said aloud.

"Well, we can't let these climbers do harm to the land in our village!" The villagers yelled, and then they all went to the vegetable garden with small shovels and buckets.

"Xiaolian, you ask the farmer to cook more mung bean soup in the small stove and send it to Houcun later!" Zhao Fugui arranged for the villagers to work, then took out his mobile phone and called Xiaolian.

"Fugui, it's a busy time for the small kitchen. I'm afraid there's no room for people to cook mung bean soup with the kitchen. No, I'll go to the village and ask the villagers to help me. Let them cook mung bean soup! " Xiaolian said quickly.

"That's OK. You tell them to cook faster and bring it to me when they're ready!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, I know!" Xiaolian hung up and came out of the kitchen. She went to the village in a hurry and asked some familiar villagers to help cook mung bean soup.

The villagers in the village usually eat early. This is the busy time for the small kitchen, but most of the villagers have already eaten. Xiaolian went at the right time. Except for those who went to help Zhao Fugui, all the other villagers had nothing to do at home. As soon as Xiaolian went, they began to cook mung bean soup.

Xiaolian asked several villagers to help cook mung bean soup. On the other side, dozens of people went to Houcun. On such a hot day, Zhao Fugui asked the villagers to help him with his work. He was too embarrassed to give him less money. He could only ask the villagers to work for 500 yuan a day.

This salary is much higher than that of Zhao Fugui when he worked in the construction site. Only some great masters in the construction site can get so much money in one day.

Fortunately, although these earthworms are very big, their habits are the same as ordinary earthworms. These earthworms don't climb into the deep soil layer, they all move in the shallow soil layer, and they can be found by turning over a few layers of floating soil. Therefore, they are easier to catch. The villagers who have quick hands soon catch more than a dozen.

These huge earthworms wriggle and entangle together. Su Mei's scalp feels numb. Women are naturally afraid of these insects, not to mention so many insects entangled together.

"Fugui, what should we do with these earthworms? If they fall elsewhere, maybe they will come back. The land in our village is suitable for them to grow!" A villager grabbed a dozen earthworms and asked Zhao Fugui with a plastic bucket in his hand.

"In the past, you Fang's doctor collected this in the village, but I haven't seen it in recent years. I don't know if the medicine store in the city will accept this!" Another villager said.

"Doctor Youfang, you have been saying this for nearly 20 years. Now there is no doctor Youfang. But it seems that some people in the city accept this, but they don't accept the live ones, only the sun dried ones! " Another villager said.

"There is no place in the village to dry these now. If we take them to the threshing ground to dry them, the tourists will not be scared to death. We have so many big insects here!"

"What do you say?"

"What else can we do? Let's take it somewhere else. Take it far away!"

The villagers had a lot of discussions, but they couldn't come up with a good way. Zhao Fugui looked up at Daqingshan and suddenly got an idea and said, "when you catch the big earthworm, you'll arrange several people to send it to the back of the mountain. Let the people in the back of the mountain smash the earthworm with a corn machine and mix it with the corn to feed the chickens on the mountain!"

"That's right, that's OK, so as not to dump these big earthworms elsewhere, which is harmful to others!" As soon as the villagers heard Zhao Fugui's method, they immediately agreed. This method is much better than others."It's better to have rich brains and let you think of a way. You've wasted all the things that are good for you to feed native chickens!"

With hundreds of villagers working together, the earthworms can be caught quickly. Zhao Fugui estimates that he can catch all the earthworms in the field in three or four days at most. He does not dare to say that he can catch all the earthworms, but at least he can catch a large part of them. The rest of them will have little impact on the vegetable garden. After a period of time, he can catch all the earthworms on a regular basis It's too late.

"Mr. Su, it's getting late. You haven't eaten yet. Let's go to dinner first. You don't have to worry about things here. These earthworms can't be broken!" Zhao Fugui saw that the villagers were working very fast. There was no need for him to worry. He raised his hand and looked at the time, Zhao Fugui said.

"I've seen these earthworms affect my appetite, but I'm really hungry. Let's talk while eating. I want Xiaowan village to supply us a lot of happy vegetables from tomorrow on!" Su Mei also nodded.

"It's a little early tomorrow. I was going to discuss the supply of happy vegetables with you in another four or five days." Zhao Fugui frowned, but a closer look at some of the vegetables in the vegetable garden shows that some of them can be supplied. Zhao Fugui said, "let's talk while eating. There are still a few friends over there. Don't let them wait!"

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