Super Monk

Chapter 65

"Zhao Fugui, you dare to provoke me. Do you believe that Laozi set fire to your orchard?" Scar was caught by the villagers in Xiaowan village, but he didn't agree. He struggled and yelled.

"It's up to you?" Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold. He grabbed scar's neck and lifted him up with one hand. A man of more than 100 kg was directly lifted up with one hand, and the gangsters who followed scar were immediately frightened, shivering one by one, and did not dare to make a sound at all.

"Damn you!" Scar was caught by Zhao Fugui with one hand. He was also scared. But he felt that he was a character. Zhao Fugui didn't dare to do anything about him. He still yelled.

Scar is a famous hob meat in Qingtian township. Zhao Fugui knows that this guy can do everything. If we don't cure this guy, he might dare to set fire to Zhao Fugui's orchard. Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold, and his hands began to work hard.

"Click, click!" Scar soon felt dyspnea, and even the click of the neck bone could be heard. Zhao Fugui put a little effort on his hand. After a few seconds, scar's face turned red.

"Richness, don't do anything stupid!" Liu Er Jie came in a hurry. She was startled and said in a hurry.

"Rich and noble, we are all from the same village. I don't dare any more. Please forgive me!" Scar was also scared, if Zhao Fugui really a crazy strangle him, then he asked who to reason.

"Scar, if you dare to show up in Xiaowan village next time, I'll break your leg!" Zhao Fugui see scar soft, estimated that he is really afraid, a loose hand scar on the ground. "Send them to the police station!"

It's unrealistic to wait for the police to arrest people in the middle of the night. Zhao Fugui directly asked the villagers to press these guys to the police station and give them to the police on duty. Zhao Fugui put forward the idea of rural cooperative to let all the villagers become shareholders, which made the villagers of Xiaowan village unite. It can be said that Zhao Fugui is now the most prestigious person in Xiaowan village, and everyone is willing to listen to what he said.

After solving the problem, Xiaowan village gradually calms down. However, the fruit in the orchard is valuable. The first time he stole it, there was a second time. Zhao Fugui thought of a way.

When all the villagers left, Zhao Fugui came out of the village and found white wolf. White Wolf is still waiting at the entrance of the village. It seems that Zhao Fugui is waiting for something. As soon as Zhao Fugui appeared, white wolf leaned over and rubbed his head on Zhao Fugui's trouser legs.

"Xiaobai, you did a good job this time. What reward do you want? How about I kill a big boar for you tomorrow? " There was no loss in the orchard. Zhao Fugui was in a good mood. He touched the White Wolf's head and said.

After listening to Zhao Fugui's words, white wolf lowers his head and tugs at Zhao Fugui's trouser legs. Unexpectedly, he takes Zhao Fugui to the front of the orchard. Take Zhao Fugui to the orchard, and white wolf squats down to have a look at Zhao Fugui and the orchard.

"You want fruit, too?" Zhao Fugui immediately understood the meaning of white wolf and said in surprise. When did wolves become vegetarian?

Zhao Fugui tentatively picked an apple and threw it to the white wolf. The White Wolf immediately lowered his head and chewed the apple. Although an apple is very expensive, the wolves made a great contribution tonight, and Zhao Fugui was not stingy. He picked a big apple for the wolves. Zhao Fugui understood it after thinking about it.

In addition to mandrills, there are no animals who know where the Lingquan water is. Even if they know, the cave of Lingquan water is half way up the mountain and behind the waterfall, so ordinary animals can't get there at all.

The animals on Daqingshan can't drink the spirit spring water at all, but the orchard is irrigated by the spirit spring water. Eating the fruit in the orchard is equivalent to drinking the spirit spring water indirectly, which is also good for the animals. That's why wolves come to Zhao Fugui for some happy fruit.

"Since you want to eat fruit from me, why don't you come and show me the orchard every night. You watch the orchard and I'll let you eat fruit once a week?" Zhao Fugui asked the white wolf.

In some ways, these wolves are more trustworthy than human beings. If Zhao Fugui hired some people to guard the orchard, it's hard to guarantee that no one would collude with others to steal and sell fruits in the dark. Or even if they don't sell fruits, it's hard to avoid picking some fruits to take home when they are on vigil every night.

The White Wolf listened to Zhao Fugui's words and even tilted his head to think about it. Then he nodded slightly. There are more than 20 adult wolves and more than 10 young wolves in the white wolf group, which is more than enough to guard the orchard. Zhao Fugui used fruit to sign the wolf pack, and since then the orchard has a group of loyal guards.

The next day, more guests came to Xiaowan village than the previous day. Before dawn in the morning, Zhao Fugui took the waiters to pick 5000 Jin of various fruits. Before noon, these fruits were bought by the long line of guests. Some of the guests waiting in Xiaowan village for fruit didn't plan to leave at noon.

Liu Erjie opened a small kitchen at home at 0:00, and many farmers in the village opened their doors to receive these guests, which forced so many guests to have lunch at noon.

At noon when the guests eat, Zhao Fugui and the waiters continue to pick fruits and pile them up in the field, so that the guests who continue to line up after lunch can buy them.The next day, Zhao Fugui sold more than 10000 catties of fruit. While he wanted to help the villagers sign a contract to buy shares in the village committee, he also wanted to help in the orchard. He was so busy that he couldn't bear to eat.

Zhao Fugui's orchard has been so busy for three days in a row. Liu Erjie thinks that even if the students of No.1 middle school don't come here for a spring outing, the sign of their own orchard has already started, but Zhao Fugui doesn't think so.

There are more than 1200 students in senior one and senior two of No.1 middle school, behind which are more than 1200 families and many of their relatives and friends. A spring outing can not only make happy fruit a sensation in the whole city, but also in the whole province. Only that kind of sensational effect can make happy fruit famous in the shortest time.

After five days of busy work, all the five acres of happy fruits were sold out. Zhao Fugui kept increasing his manpower and planning reasonably, so he gradually let himself be a little more relaxed. However, Zhao Fugui's family has accumulated nearly ten million yuan in cash. Liu Erjie is really worried and strongly demands that Zhao Fugui deposit the money in the bank as soon as possible.

At this time, Zhao Fugui received a call from Shuya, strongly demanding that he must come to Meiyan international. Shuya also knows that Zhao Fugui is very busy during this period of time. She also ate happy fruit. You can imagine how busy Zhao Fugui is, but this time it's very important. Shuya must let Zhao Fugui spare half a day to come here.

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