Super Monk

Chapter 653

There were dozens of things that blocked Zhao Fugui in the tomb. Zhao Fugui was surprised and knew what they were when he looked at them.

These things are actually wolf guans that eat carrion from corpses. If wolf guans eat too much carrion from corpses and are infected by Yin Qi, they will become such things. The teeth and claws of this kind of thing are all highly toxic. If a living person is injured, the wound will rot quickly. If he can't get effective treatment, he will even die soon after Yin Qi enters the body.

These wolf guans have become half dead and half dead things. Their Yin Qi also has an effect on Yin soldiers, just like ghosts can kill ghosts. Those Yin soldiers are killed by these wolf guans.

"Kill them!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face sank, he directly released the White Wolf, the wolf guard and the Yin soldiers from the pagoda. Then he ordered the big black and white wolf to rush to the wolves with the wolf guard and the Yin soldiers.

"Roar!" A wolf gave a hoarse howl, and all the wolves seemed to have been ordered to rush to Da Hei.

Zhao Fugui runs Daoli, condenses a pale gold sword in his hand, and joins the battlefield. A wolf pours at Zhao Fugui fiercely. Another wolf pours around Zhao Fugui's back and bites Zhao Fugui's neck to attack him from behind.

Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed, and his sword flashed out in an instant. The pale gold sword was like substance. He cut off Langguan's head with one sword.

Another wolf pounced on Zhao Fugui's back and jumped up to bite Zhao Fugui's neck. Zhao Fugui hid on his side and hit the wolf's head with his backhand and elbow. With a bang, the wolf's head was smashed to pieces.

Da Hei grabbed a wolf's body, pulled it hard, and pulled it in half. The wolf screamed, wriggled on the ground and died.

The white wolf also bit a wolf's neck, pulled hard, and bit the wolf's neck off. The strength of these wolves is stronger than that of the Yin soldiers, but they are not much stronger than Zhao Fugui and big black and white wolves.

A few wolves grabbed a Yin soldier's body and split the Yin soldier's body as soon as they threw their head. Soon more than ten Yin soldiers died, but the wolves died more and faster. In a twinkling of an eye, the tomb was full of corpses of wolves, which smelled of stench.

Only a few of them were killed soon. The rest of them turned around and wanted to escape. They were swarmed up by the Yin soldiers and were chopped to death.

Zhao Fugui and the Yin soldiers are killing each other. In a twinkling of an eye, he searched the tomb room. There are several small tombs behind the big tomb room, which are connected with each other. There are many scattered bones in many places. Zhao Fugui found that the tomb room is so big that he was afraid that the owner of the big tomb had hollowed out the back of the big green mountain in Dawan village.

Nearly a hundred Yin soldiers went out, along the tomb, ear room, tomb path, labyrinth trap, looking for a change in all places, but still did not find the trace of Rui rabbit.

"Rui, where have they been taken?" Zhao Fugui turns around anxiously and looks at the sarcophagus in the middle of the tomb. He angrily walks over and kicks it hard.

Zhao Fugui originally wanted to kick open the sarcophagus to see if the guy lying inside was still lying in the sarcophagus. However, when Zhao Fugui kicked over the sarcophagus, the lid of the sarcophagus didn't open. Instead, the whole sarcophagus moved half a meter. There was a hole under the sarcophagus, which was full of Yin and blood.

Zhao Fugui was surprised. He took the wolf eye flashlight and illuminated it to the bottom. The beam of light emitted by the wolf eye flashlight could not shine on the following situation.

"The Lord is hiding here!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face sank, he jumped directly from the hole with the Yin soldiers. Zhao Fugui fell down more than ten meters from the hole before stopping.

Zhao Fugui fell to the bottom of the earth. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised by the surrounding scenes. There was an altar under the ancient tomb. There was a tall figure standing on the other side of the altar. The shadow was full of Yin Qi. Even the eye of heaven was disturbed and could not see the center of the altar clearly.

Around the altar, there were countless figures, at least hundreds of them. Zhao Fugui looked at them carefully and found that they were all evil spirits with blood and resentment.

"Shifu, Shifu, no, Mr. Chen was captured by those monsters!" At this time, Liu Chunhua unexpectedly rushed over, she did not hesitate to jump down from the hole under the sarcophagus, people in mid air on the excited shout.

"What?" Zhao Fugui's face changed greatly. He immediately ordered mandrill Dahei to catch Liu Chunhua, but he didn't let Liu Chunhua die. As soon as Zhao Fugui saw Liu Chunhua, he asked eagerly. "Didn't I come down with you? Where did she get caught? "

"When we went down the mountain, we were attacked by the monster in the upper tomb. Miss Chen was caught by a gust of evil wind. I don't know where she was caught!" Liu Chunhua holds half of the mace in one hand, and his whole body is stained with blood.

"Damn it Zhao Fugui's face was ugly. He tried his best to look at the altar with his heavenly eyes. He could vaguely see a big array of blood fog rolling on the altar. Several figures were tied to the stone pillars in several corners of the array. One of them seemed to be Chen Yihan, and the other looked like Rui Xiaotu.

The altar seems to form an evil array. There is a huge tripod in the center of the array. There seems to be something in the tripod. This monster is obviously engaged in some evil ritual."This monster caught several girls here. What does it want to do?" Zhao Fugui's face is ugly. Looking at the white bones around the altar, Zhao Fugui's face is a bit gloomy. This monster certainly won't do anything good.

The evil spirits around the altar slowly surrounded Zhao Fugui. Zhao took a deep breath and yelled, "kill them and destroy the altar!"

Zhao Fugui held up the long sword of Dao Li and rushed to those evil spirits first. The dense evil spirits roared and howled wildly, and rushed to Zhao Fugui.

Led by mandrill big black and white wolf, the Yin soldiers rush to these ferocious and terrifying ghosts without fear. These Yin soldiers still have their own consciousness, but they don't have the slightest fear. They fight with Zhao Fugui and any enemy. They seem to know where their ultimate destination is better than Zhao Fugui.

"Kill The sword in Zhao Fugui's hand passed the body of an evil ghost. The evil ghost's whole body was burned by Daoli. The evil ghost's whole body was burning with Yin Qi. In a short time, it disappeared.

Zhao Fugui rushes into the evil spirits. The evil spirits madly impact the Daoli on the surface of Zhao Fugui's body. The Daoli keeps flashing. The Yin soldiers and the evil spirits are entangled. The Yin soldiers kill the evil spirits, and the evil spirits kill the Yin soldiers. Neither side gives in.

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