Super Monk

Chapter 657

Zhao Fugui came out of the Farmhouse Inn, then went up the mountain quietly, and soon returned to the ancient tomb. This ancient tomb has indeed hollowed out the back mountain of Dawan village.

The whole ancient tomb is divided into upper and lower layers. The upper layer has at least tens of thousands of square meters, or even larger, because the size of Daqingshan is there. Zhao Fugui has not explored many parts of the ancient tomb, but there are nearly ten thousand square meters of the places Zhao Fugui has explored. I'm afraid the places he has not explored are even larger.

The upper part of the tomb is big and the lower part is small. The altar below is not so big. It is only a few thousand square meters. Inside, there are grotesque rocks, corpses everywhere, and some carved stone pillars of the evil sect.

"Maybe this ancient tomb can be used in the future!" After entering the ancient tomb along the way back last night, Zhao Fugui looked at the ancient tomb and said to himself.

However, this ancient tomb still belongs to Dawan village. If Zhao Fugui wants to use this ancient tomb, he has to contract the whole back mountain of Daqingshan from Dawan village. It's not urgent, and Zhao Fugui hasn't figured out how to use the ancient tomb. The ancient tomb has to be put aside for the time being.

Zhao Fugui came down from the upper tomb and entered the altar. The Yin in the altar had almost been burned up. Everything in the altar was quiet, only the sound of Zhao Fugui walking.

When he went to the altar, Zhao Fugui looked around and picked up the bloody snake with red body and no head. He didn't expect that it was still a dirty secret. It was full of lewd poison all over the body. There was no solution to the medicine stone. What must be the antidote.

Zhao Fugui picked up the blood snake, threw it directly into the pagoda, and then picked up a file to destroy the Dharma array in the center of the altar. This dharma array can reverse Yin and Yang. If some people get it, they don't know how much trouble it will cause.

Zhao Fugui filed down the array a little bit. He didn't destroy the whole altar. This place will always be useful. It took Zhao Fugui nearly an hour to destroy the array on the altar.

"What is this thing?" Zhao Fugui destroyed the array and went to the black cauldron. There was a monster's head in the black cauldron. The monster's horn was like a deer's head and a cow's head. It was really like the legendary Chinese dragon. However, with only one head, Zhao Fugui was not sure what it was.

If this thing is really the leading one, then putting it in the eye of the array represents the extreme Yang, while Chen Yihan, Rui Xiaotu and their five virgins represent the extreme Yin. Zhao Fugui doesn't know the array very well, so he can only guess that this is the need for the transformation of yin and Yang.

Zhao Fugui took a picture of this head with the Taiping Taoist Scripture, and the Taiping Taoist Scripture didn't give a hint, but the thing that can be put in the core of the array is definitely not a common product. After thinking about it, Zhao Fugui raised the head, activated the pagoda and prepared to put it in the pagoda.

But as soon as the head was taken out of the black cauldron by Zhao Fugui, it quickly began to be weathered and disappeared into the air at the end of the year. But at this time, the golden light of the pagoda was in full swing, and a golden light was shining on the dragon head, which instantly took away something.

Zhao Fugui looked in the pagoda, and saw that there was a little golden dragon in the pagoda of knowing the sea, and there were five faint virtual shadows on the penultimate floor of the pagoda, which clearly looked like the image of Chen Yihan and Rui rabbit.

"What's going on?" Zhao Fugui murmured to himself, as if aware of someone watching. The little dragon on the pagoda looked lazily at Zhao Fugui's consciousness, and then continued to sleep on the pagoda.

Zhao Fugui has no idea what the situation is, but the only thing he can be sure of is that there are countless secrets in his pagoda that he has not discovered.

Zhao Fugui tried to wake up the dragon with his consciousness, but soon found that it was useless to do so. The Dragon didn't bird him at all. Instead, Chen Yihan's virtual shadow could go in and out of the pagoda, but he didn't know what the effect was.

I don't know what's going on. Zhao Fugui doesn't care about the pagoda for the time being. Anyway, the pagoda has recognized its owner, so it won't hurt him.

"It seems that the head is really the dragon's head. No wonder no one has ever found the corpse of a dragon since ancient times. If the corpse completely disintegrates and disappears, it's really hard to leave a corpse! But what is the black tripod that can keep the Dragon corpse from disintegrating? " Zhao Fugui looked around the black cauldron for a long time, but he didn't see a name.

After thinking about it, Zhao Fugui tried to hold the black tripod and raised it. Zhao Fugui's hand sank fiercely. This thing actually weighs at least a thousand jin.

"It's so heavy, it's hard not to go down the mountain!" At least Zhao Fugui can hold the heavy black tripod, but it will be a little difficult to carry it down the mountain. After all, the mountain road is steep and difficult to walk.

Zhao Fugui thinks about it and tries to put the black tripod away with the pagoda. If it's not ordinary, the pagoda should have some reaction. When Zhao Fugui thought about it, he immediately activated the pagoda. The pagoda shot golden light again, and he actually put the black tripod away.

"Let's contract this mountain first and clean up this ancient tomb. I'm afraid it's OK to rent it to some directors to make movies, or we can make an adventure paradise, haunted house and so on. I don't think Huaxia has such a big haunted house or adventure paradise! " Zhao Fugui accepted heiding and said to himself, "if you transform this, you can add a game project in Xiaowan village, and make up for the shortage of the game project in Xiaowan village!"The more Zhao Fugui thinks about it, the more he thinks that it's a good idea. It's too wasteful not to develop such a large and well preserved ancient tomb.

Zhao Fugui came down from Daqingshan and went home to release the black Ding from the pagoda. He was ready to clean it to see what it was for. However, as soon as he released the black Ding, Chen Yihan found him.

"Fugui, bunny, they want to go home. My mother's holiday is coming. You can help them book air tickets and take them to the airport by the way." Chen Yihan said.

"We have our own plane. What else can we book? Just let our private plane fly." Zhao Fugui came out of the Farmhouse Inn and forgot about the black tripod. He said to Chen Yihan, "besides, we have plenty of money recently. I want to develop several projects!"

"What project?" Turning to the luxury of a private plane, Chen Yihan asked, but he didn't want to say.

"There are three projects, the first is the underground bar in Heilongtan, the second is the development of ancient tombs on the back of Daqingshan, and the third is the opening of restaurants. I think it's time to start to expand into the catering industry!" Zhao Fugui said ambitiously.

"What is the underground bar? What can we do with the development of Ancient Tombs? It's OK to open a restaurant. We are now self-sufficient in vegetables and meat. We can certainly make it with such good raw materials! " Chen Yihan said doubtfully.

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