Super Monk

Chapter 676

Zhao Fugui jumped down from the third floor and landed on the ground. After a cold sweep, he saw several people with stone steel pipes smashing glass and doors and windows that had just been rebuilt in the afternoon. They were all shocked to see someone jump directly from upstairs.

"Run Then someone reacted in an instant, screamed in horror, threw away the stone steel pipe in his hand, turned around and ran.

"Want to run?" Zhao Fugui hummed coldly and caught up with him in an instant. Zhao Fugui's speed is much faster than that of professional athletes. How can these little ruffians be faster than Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui caught up with them in a twinkling of an eye. Turning back, he caught three people from both sides of the street. The rest of them just because these three accomplices had won enough time for them, rode away on high-power motorcycles.

"Brother, don't hit us, don't hit us!" A few ruffians were grabbed back by Zhao Fugui and thrown to the door of the shop. They immediately held their heads and shivered. They were all stunned.

Zhao Fugui jumped down directly from the third floor, intact, and then grabbed them. He was able to catch up with them on foot with one hand. These ruffians were stunned by his terrible strength.

"Who ordered you to come?" Zhao Fugui's face sank, staring at several people and asked coldly.

Zhao Fugui looked carefully. These guys are not even ruffians. I'm afraid they're a group of guys who don't go to school well. They ride modified motorcycles every day and deliberately make a huge noise to show off in the market. They all think they are crazy and cool. In fact, Mao is not a guy.

"It's big brother, it's big brother who gave us 100 yuan to do it, not on purpose! Brother, we don't dare any more. Please forgive us Zhao Fugui doesn't even need to be scared. These thieves are like pouring beans.

"Big brother? What is this? Where is he? Take me there Zhao Fugui eyes a cold, cold said.

"Yes, big brother Fei just gave us the money in the front alley. We'll take you. Don't beat us!" A little ruffian stood up shivering and hurriedly took Zhao Fugui to the alley behind the street.

The alley on the back of the street is very remote. It gets darker and darker as you walk. If you change someone else's name, you may have to worry about cash and being attacked. However, Zhao Fugui is not worried at all. He is not afraid of pitfalls, he is afraid of no one.

"Brother Fei was here just now. He said he would invite us to drink when we finished our work. Why is he missing?" Small ruffian with Zhao Fugui came to the back of the street alley, left to see right, suddenly nervous cry.

In the dark alley, Zhao Fugui couldn't see clearly. He opened his eyes and looked around. There was no Feige at all. However, the little ruffian absolutely didn't dare to cheat Zhao Fugui. I'm afraid that Feige had already left after arranging for a few ruffians. It was farting to invite them to dinner.

"Big brother, I really didn't cheat you. Big brother Fei is brother Dao's horse. He told us to do things. Even if we didn't give money, we had to do it. He forced us to do it. Next time, we won't dare to do it. Please forgive us!" The ruffian couldn't find his brother, so he immediately begged to Zhao Fugui.

"Brother Tao?" Zhao Fugui felt a little familiar with the nickname, but he didn't think about it deeply. He said to the ruffian directly, "you guys clean the door of the shop for me. If you dare to come again next time, I won't be able to talk so well."

As soon as Zhao Fugui's expression was cold, his whole body was slightly murderous. In an instant, he made these little ruffians' legs soft and sat down on the ground. Several people didn't dare to say a word of nonsense, and quickly began to clean up the pieces of glass.

These ruffians just smashed some glass and didn't dare to do any other damage. Zhao Fugui didn't bother to clean them up. If he called the police, he didn't have to. Once he called the police, he got into trouble for no reason.

A few ruffians cleaned up the door, cleaned up the inside, and cleaned up the restaurant. They had been busy for several hours and didn't dare to stop. They were more obedient than their father.

"Brother, we've finished cleaning. Can we go now?" A few ruffians respectfully put things away, carefully asked Zhao Fugui.

"Go away!" Zhao Fugui gave a cold snort. Some ruffians were pardoned and ran away. They didn't even dare to ride high-power motorcycles outside the door. They pushed them hundreds of meters away with their hands and ran away with a roar.

"Second brother, I don't think that big black guy is anything but tall and strong. Why didn't he ask his brother to clean him up just now?" Riding a high-power motorcycle to run far away, a little ruffian just said unconvinced.

"You know what? Do you know who the big black man was? He must be Zhao Fugui! This is a fierce man who can fight against hundreds by one. How many of us? It's not enough to stuff people's teeth! " Another little ruffian said, "did you hear about the last golden age bar?"

"I heard that, the biggest thing in the past two years on the road of Rongcheng is that the big brothers have injured hundreds of people. How can they not have heard of it?" The ruffian who spoke earlier said, "what does this have to do with Zhao Fugui?"

"My cousin, you know, he's also a bit famous. He's a well-known gangster. He's practiced Sanda, and he's very fierce in fighting! He was also injured in Shengshi. It was said in the street that they were injured by fighting. That's what all the people who participated in the war said. But a few days ago, my cousin was drunk. To tell the truth, he said that Zhao Fugui was the only one who injured all of them! ""How can it be? I don't believe it The little ruffian who spoke before said incredulously.

"What's impossible? You can see that Zhao Fugui jumped down from the third floor without any trouble. He can lift us one by one with one hand. How can we say that he has more than 100 Jin? Can he be an ordinary person? I think he must be a martial arts master hiding in the city. He can fight better than yen Tzu Dan and IP MAN. Ah, if only he could learn kung fu with him! "

"Yes, most people jump from the third floor to the concrete road. How can they not be hurt? His strength is so strong and his speed is so fast that we didn't run away! I'm afraid he's really a hermit! " The ruffian who spoke earlier murmured, "you say he's so powerful, why don't you go to the competition? Now it is said that our Chinese Kung Fu is not good. If he is willing to participate in the competition, he will surely win the first prize! "

"Who knows, if only he could open a martial arts school to teach his apprentices!"

This guy will show up sooner or later. Zhao Fugui goes back to the restaurant and starts to read the Taiping daoshu in his mind. No matter how well Xiaowan village is managed, he can't be above the pyramid, but the Taiping daoshu can.

Taiping daoshu is the capital for Zhao Fugui to settle down. Chengdu's handy relationship has been lost, and Zhao Fugui has recently begun to understand this truth.

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