Super Monk

Chapter 683

At the beginning of the Lantern Festival, before it was dark, the delicious food in Wan village was in an extremely busy state again. The busiest time of the restaurant was at night. In the afternoon, Zhao Fugui even transferred two waiters from Xiaowan village.

If it wasn't for the fact that a lot of people had been transferred to the Farmhouse Inn and water restaurant in Xiaowan village, Zhao Fugui would certainly arrange more people to come here, but now he has no choice but to make do with it and continue to recruit people.

Wan Village food side is extremely busy, Dingshi people's door in addition to their own waiters, there are few guests, the number of waiters is even more than the number of guests.

"Sir, Dingshi people are doing activities now. All the dishes are 60% off. Go in and have a try!" More than a dozen waitresses with leaflets everywhere to the hands of pedestrians, hoping to pull a few guests into the shop.

"We have a place in Wan village!" The man in his thirties waved away the leaflet and didn't answer it at all.

Dingshi's boss originally offered a 20% discount, but the 20% discount was useless. The discount was reduced to 60%. The 60% discount has attracted some guests, but the effect is still not obvious.

"Sir, the delicious food in Wan village is both expensive and unsavory. We have a new dish at dingshiren's house. It's absolutely good and cheap. Go and have a try!" The waitress was unwilling to catch up and said.

"Psycho, you Dingshi people dare to say that the delicious food in Wan village is expensive and unsavory, but you are expensive and unsavory! In the past, you didn't have a rival in Chengdu. The price of dishes is expensive, and the worse they are, now you finally have a rival. No guests, right? It's self - inflicted, you can't live The man in his thirties curled his lips and said with disdain.

The 30-year-old man walked away and quickly went to the Wan Village food on the other side of the road. A few waitresses dressed up and pulled guests everywhere, but it didn't work at all.

"Manager, we can't go on like this. In this way, sooner or later we will close the door just like that zuixianlou!" Pull for a long time, the guests did not pull one, a waitress face unwilling to say.

"The boss is already trying to figure out a way. They won't be so proud all the time!" The manager's face was ugly for a while. Suddenly, his eyes turned and he said, "you two go to change your clothes and come with me. Let's go to the opposite side. I'd like to see how delicious their delicious dishes are! I haven't eaten any food in the whole country. Don't let me find fault, or I will make a fool of them! "

"Yes, let's find fault and make a fool of them!" A waitress said, and then quickly turned into the store to change clothes, anyway, there are few guests at night, do not need so many waiters. If it goes on like this, they will be the first to be laid off.

The manager took the two waitresses to change their clothes, and took advantage of the fact that it was still dark and the food in Wan village still had a place to go. Compared with Dingshi family, it was a different world.

The two waitresses looked unconvinced. They found a seat to sit down and looked through the menu. One of them muttered, "hum, the menu is the same as that of the big stall. How can we have the high-end food in our shop?"

"The menu is not the point, order first!" When the manager looked at the menu, he called a waiter of Wan Village food and said in a high voice, "I'll tell you, we are very clever. If the food is not delicious, don't blame us for saying that the food in your shop is not delicious!"

"Just a moment, sir. Our delicious food has been in Xiaowan village for such a long time. No one has said our food is not delicious yet!" The waiter said, and then reported a few dishes, the manager nodded, the waiter immediately left.

After a while, several special dishes were brought up, including beer mandarin duck, wild mushroom stewed chicken, Zhao Fugui's Longjing shrimp, wild boar meat fried mushroom and steamed Fugui goose.

"The dishes are ready. Please enjoy yourself!" The waiter checked the menu and said to the manager. Then he was ready to leave to entertain other guests.

"Wait a minute. I'll try some of your dishes first. I'll show you what's wrong with them!" The manager saw that the dishes on the table were not as exquisite and fancy as those of Dingshi people, and immediately said with confidence.

"Then try it. You are welcome to correct it." Although the waiter was very busy, Xiaolian always told them that service was the first, so the waiter took the plate and said patiently.

"Come on, let's have a taste!" The manager picked up the chopsticks, and the two waitresses couldn't help smelling the smell of the food. They quickly picked up the chopsticks and began to eat.

The manager picked up a piece of Lentinus edodes and tasted it. Suddenly, his face changed. The Lentinus edodes are delicious. It's really wild, but it's just like that. It's not much better than dingshiren's.

The manager sneered in his heart. If it's just like this, the prosperity of Wan Village cuisine will not last long. As long as Dingshi people take the preferential activities for a long time, they will be able to recover the customers. Thinking so, the manager picked up a piece of wild boar meat and put it into his mouth. Once the boar meat was eaten, the manager seemed to be a little unbelievable. He couldn't stop his chopsticks, and soon put it into his mouth Pan wild pork fried mushrooms, eat clean.

After eating the wild boar meat fried mushrooms, Longjing shrimp has been eaten by two waitresses, steamed Fugui goose is also less than half, two waitresses even faster than him to eat."Sir, do you have anything to comment on? If not, I have to work!" The waitress waited patiently for five or six minutes, but the shop was too busy for her to wait.

The manager swallowed the chicken in his mouth in front of him. After five or six minutes, they had emptied three plates. The two waitresses didn't look up and ate so much that they had long forgotten their purpose.

The manager saw that the number of mandarin duck and native chicken decreased rapidly. While eating, he hesitated vaguely and said, "your dishes, this dish, are not good-looking!"

"Thank you, I will reflect your opinion to our boss!" The waiter shook his head and turned to leave.

After another five minutes, all the food on the table was eaten clean. There was only a small amount of vegetable soup left on several plates. The three people had a round stomach because they ate too fast and had some discomfort in their stomach.

"Xiao Li, there must be a secret for Wan Village cuisine. I think there may be some secret recipe!" The manager looked at the empty plate and said, "I think they are still recruiting people. You will come to apply tomorrow. You must find their secret recipe!"

That night, the downtown branch of Wan Village food was hot until late at night, and everyone wanted to go home to sleep.

"Fugui, today's turnover is quite good, the total turnover is 480000, 100 high-level VIP cards are all shining, just the pre deposit capital today is 1.1 million!" Xiaolian said excitedly to Zhao Fugui.

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