Super Monk

Chapter 685

Feige once again realized that kind of inhuman pain in the morning, he almost didn't faint. Feige is completely dressed up by Zhao Fugui, looking at Zhao Fugui's eyes are full of fear.

Brother Fei is not afraid of Zhao Fugui because he can fight. There are more people in the world who can fight. There are more people who can fight ten gangsters. Brother Fei is also afraid of Zhao Fugui because of his mystery. The height of the third floor jumps down casually, and the burning bottle is suspended in the air. This is not what normal people can do at all.

"Brother Zhao, don't deal with me. I'll never come again. I'll do whatever you want me to do. I swear, if I have a lie, I'll be killed by a car when I go out tomorrow! " Feige looked at Zhao Fugui in horror and said.

"If swearing is useful, the world will be much simpler! It's no use swearing, but your hands will dislocate if you do a little heavy work in the future. I use a special method. You can't cure anyone. Only I can make you recover! If you don't want to be useless all your life, you'd better be honest with me! " Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Yes, yes, brother Zhao, I swear, I will listen to you in the future, honest and sincere Fly elder brother which dares to have a silk hesitation, hastily say.

"Well, can you tell me something about Daoge? Who is he and where does he come from? " Zhao Fugui asked in a deep voice. This evening's arson must have been arranged by Jiang Shao. Zhao Fugui will not let him go if he does this.

"Brother Dao came to Chengdu a few months ago. At the beginning, he just collected a few local ruffians on the street. He didn't do anything in the snack street. He was always mysterious, and he didn't seem to be often in Chengdu. He always disappeared regularly!" Feige quickly said, "later, I don't know how he and Jiang Shao got on the line. After that, he collected a lot. Now he is a big brother on the road of Rongcheng!"

"So what kind of money gang was he founded?" Zhao Fugui asked with a frown.

"Yes, yes, yes, but he doesn't care much about the business of the gang, and although he arranged for us to collect protection fees, he doesn't seem to value the money very much. Most of the money he collected was given to Jiang Shao, and a small part was directly given to us. He doesn't know what he wants to do!" Feige said honestly.

"Is there anything else unusual about him?" Zhao Fugui asked again.

"Abnormal? Oh, yes, the big boys on the road love him. He doesn't touch the yellow wine and poison. But he has many eyes in Chengdu City, and many of them send messages to him. He also pays close attention to beggars and vagrants. Besides, he seems to have something to do with it, not just Jiang Shao! " Feige said.

"Hey, this guy doesn't look easy!" Zhao Fugui sneered and then said, "this guy, I will go to him recently. Your mobile phone will turn on at any time. If I want to find you, you have to answer my phone immediately. Keep an eye on this Taoist brother, don't play tricks, or the consequences will not be what you want to see! "

"Yes, yes, brother Zhao, I'll listen to you. There's absolutely no ambivalence!" Brother Fei said quickly.

"You may go!" Zhao Fugui lightly waved his hand and let Feige leave. Zhao Fugui didn't go to Daoge directly because he had other things to do tonight.

Daoge is just Jiang Shao's dog. It's useless to pick up a dog, because there will be more people willing to be a dog after picking up a dog. It's better to hit someone directly than to hit a dog. Zhao Fugui is going to meet Jiang Shao tonight to let him know who can be offended by himself and who can't.

Zhao Fugui drives away Feige, turns to Knight 15, turns his cell phone out and finds the text message sent to him by Laosan. There are three properties of Jiang Shao on it. It's easy to find someone in Chengdu to say it's easy, and it's not easy to say it's not easy. Zhao Fugui only hopes that this guy won't sleep in a mess at night.

Knight XV roared in the street at night, and soon came to the first place. This place is a high-end business villa, all of which are large. The smallest house has 1340 square meters, and the largest house is a duplex apartment, two or three hundred square meters, named Jinjiang garden.

The average price of a house in this place is 11000 yuan, and the cheapest one is more than 1000000 yuan. It's absolutely impossible to buy it with the normal salary of Jiang's father and son. However, it's strange that Jiang's father can't afford it these days. It's not surprising that he can afford it.

"Go and have a look!" Zhao Fugui directly released a Yin soldier from the pagoda and let the Yin soldier float to the duplex apartment of one of the buildings. Zhao Fugui saw through the eyes of the Yin soldier that the house had everything, but there was a thin layer of ash on the furniture. I'm afraid Jiang Shao didn't live here after he bought the house.

Zhao Fugui drove the knight 15 to the riverside villa garden, which is the only riverside villa in Chengdu. The average price of the house is 50:00, the cheapest is 34:00, and the most expensive is 70:00. Jiang Shao bought a five hundred square river view villa here.

Zhao Fugui drove to the outside of the villa area and was about to send Yin soldiers to have a look. A red super run came from the other side of the road. The super run drove directly into the villa. When he got into the villa, Zhao Fugui saw that Jiang Shao was talking with a woman in her arms.

Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed, directly opened the door, got off the car, and turned in from the fence outside the villa area."Jiang Shao, I'll go first!" Chao Pao stops at the gate of a Riverview villa. Young people driving and women with heavy makeup help the drunk Jiang Shao into the villa. Then the young people who are driving say.

Jiang Shao waved to the young driver in a daze. The young driver rushed to the super run and drove away.

"Xiaoqian, come on, let's keep moving!" The heavily makeup woman helps Jiang Shao into the villa. Jiang Shao hugs the woman drunkenly and laughs.

"I hate it, Jiang Shao. It's called Honghong!" The woman with heavy makeup said, "I'll take a bath first!"

"Well, take a bath, take a bath, I'll wait for you!" Jiang Shao went upstairs drunk, went to bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long later, Jiang Shao suddenly felt as if someone was fanning his face. At first, the fan was not heavy, but later it seemed to be heavier and heavier. Jiang Shao is furious. Who dares to fan his face in Chengdu? And they keep fanning?

Jiang Shao tries to open his eyes, and then he sees a tall shadow in front of him, which is not the woman he knew in the bar. Jiang Shao screamed in a moment of fright, and the wine woke up immediately.

"Jiang Dashao, how was your sleep?" Said the voice in the dark.

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