Super Monk

Chapter 689

"Mr. Lin, why are you here?" The leaders of the Bureau were surprised to see the people coming down from the car and quickly walked over.

"You've arrested all the most important people in our Lin's group. If I come late, maybe Lin's group will be destroyed by you!" Lin Hai said angrily.

"Mr. Lin, you're joking. We can't afford such a big crime!" Bureau leader face big change, flurried to say.

Lin's group is now one of the top enterprises supported by the state. Lin Hai has gone to Beijing twice this month to report his work. If he mentioned it casually when reporting his work, the Bureau of Chengdu City Bureau would have to go home to cultivate land.

"Dr. Zhao Fugui is the greatest researcher of our Lin group. He has made indelible contributions not only to the whole China, but also to the whole medical field! Do you have any evidence that Dr. Zhao committed a crime? Take him as you please Lin Hai asked harshly.

"We just asked Mr. Zhao to come back to assist in the investigation. We didn't arrest him. Don't misunderstand Mr. Lin!" Bureau leader said in a hurry.

"A group of people used to take doctor Zhao away with guns. Do you ask him to assist in the investigation?" Lin Hai said angrily, "where's doctor Zhao? Do you still want to extort a confession by torture? If there is no evidence, release Dr. Zhao quickly! "

"Yes, yes, let them go right away! We can never extort a confession from Mr. Zhao by torture. Mr. Lin, don't worry! " As soon as the leader of the bureau came out of the air conditioning room, he was already sweating. He immediately yelled to the two policemen in the interrogation room, "let Mr. Zhao go!"

"But, Secretary Zhang!" As soon as the little policeman's face changed, he had to talk even though he was in a dilemma. He was quickly pulled by the old policeman.

"Don't talk nonsense, let people go The old policeman said in a hurry. He gave Secretary Zhang a fart. Secretary Zhang himself ran away. He also mentioned what he was doing and found a face.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm so sorry. We caught the wrong person!" The old policeman quickly greedy face, into the interrogation room, a smile on the face of Zhao Fugui invited out.

"Fugui, are you ok? Have they ever been rough with you? " When Lin Hai saw Zhao Fugui, he quickly walked over and was relieved to see that Zhao Fugui was OK. If Zhao Fugui had an accident, it would be an immeasurable loss.

"There's no such thing as roughing up, but I've been arrested for no reason. There's always a saying, isn't there?" Zhao Fugui said coldly, "so many of you rushed into the restaurant with guns and arrested me. If you have any evidence to say that I have committed a crime, I'll admit it. But if you don't have any evidence, you have to give me an explanation! "

"Saying, saying!" The leaders of the Bureau were so anxious that Lin Hai also looked bad. The leaders of the Bureau were eager to send these difficult servants away. He turned his head, pointed to a few plain clothes and two interrogators, and said in a harsh voice, "you guys enforce the law rudely without evidence, which has seriously affected the image of our law enforcement officers. Now you guys are suspended, and all of you will be locked up for me!"

"Bureau seats, we also follow orders. Why should we stop working?" The little policeman gave up and said, strangling his neck.

"Shut up, you'll be locked up for a week!" The leader of the Bureau cheered harshly, and then quickly said to Zhao Fugui, "Mr. Zhao, we are deeply sorry and reflect on this mistake. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry!"

The leader of the Bureau wanted to slap himself in the face. He was in the middle of it. He was not a good person inside and outside, but he couldn't afford to offend anyone.

"Hum, next time you dare to arrest people carelessly, I must reflect the situation to the top!" Lin Hai said angrily.

"Yes, yes, we will never allow this to happen again!" Bureau leaders said while wiping sweat, those plainclothes also look ugly, they did not expect that Zhao Fugui's energy is so big, can let Lin Hai come personally.

"Richness, I'll take you back!" Lin Hai took Zhao Fugui to the car and said to him.

"Just send me back to Wan village!" Zhao Fugui nodded, looked at the guards curiously and said, "where do these guards come from?"

"in order to protect the secret of the longevity pill and treatment spray of Lin's group, we have specially arranged that our company's headquarters and main factories are guarded by guards. Just now I heard that you were arrested. I was afraid of danger, so I specially brought some security guards. Usually they are not with me! " Lin Hai laughs.

"It seems that the confidentiality level of Lin's group is very high now!" Zhao Fugui said with a thoughtful expression.

In less than half an hour, Lin Hai sent Zhao Fugui back to Wan village to eat delicious food. When he left, several guards saluted Zhao Fugui, obviously knowing who Zhao Fugui was.

"Richness, are you ok?" Xiaolian and Zheng Yue are worried. Unexpectedly, Zhao Fugui is sent back so soon. They run out and ask.

"It's OK. I just took a confession! I'll go back to Xiaowan village first. If you have anything, please call me! " Zhao Fugui said, Zheng Yue and Xiaolian nodded, Zhao Fugui opened Knight 15 and left the bay village.

A group of diners of Wan Village food are still discussing Zhao Fugui's capture. Unexpectedly, Zhao Fugui is sent back in a flash. Not only is he sent back, but also several guards with assault rifles are protecting him. This makes these diners shocked."My God, boss Zhao has just been arrested and sent back immediately! Did you see the guards salute boss Zhao? That means boss Zhao is not an ordinary person! " A diner said in shock.

"Yes, boss Zhao's energy is amazing. Those guards are armed with live ammunition. This is the only treatment for leaders at the head level!"

"In my opinion, boss Zhao must have offended people, but it's obvious that boss Zhao's background is not simple, and the result of this is really hard to say!"

"If there's anything hard to say, I'll let it go immediately. It's obvious that boss Zhao has a deeper background. This man can't fight boss Zhao!"

"We can't fight. If we can fight, I'm afraid we won't have any delicious food in Wan Village in the future." A diner said, "and today's spareribs soup is very fragrant. It's very comfortable to drink!"

"Yes, yes, today's soup is not only delicious, but also very comfortable!" Diners have been talking about it, and slowly shifted their focus to food.

When Zhao Fugui finished everything and drove Knight XV back to Xiaowan village, it was already afternoon. When Zhao Fugui returned to Xiaowan village, he just drove into the village and saw several engineering vehicles which were never allowed to enter the village driving to Houcun.

There are also a group of people who have sealed off the big green hill. Not only the back mountain, but also the tourists in the front mountain have been driven down. The whole big green hill has been sealed off.

Zhao Fugui's face changed when he saw this scene.

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