Super Monk

Chapter 694

"Fugui, look, this is the design of the bar!" As soon as Zhao Fugui got down the mountain, Zhang Youhu was waiting for him in the office of the farmer's kitchen. They then went to the scene of Heilongtan. Zhang Youhu pointed to the open space beside the water of Heilongtan and said, "the preliminary design of the bar is hexagonal, with high standard tempered glass facing the water, and concrete in other directions!"

"No box? Where is the design of the drinking area? " Zhao Fugui carefully looked at the design, the design of the hexagon bar is relatively novel, and Zhao Fugui found that this sketch has a total of two layers. "What's this two-tier design for?"

"There is no box in the bar. The drink area is on the side of the glass curtain, facing away from the glass curtain! The designer's inspiration is that the second half of the upper floor can be used as the dressing area for female guests. The outside is made of frosted glass, and the front half is designed as an open glass balcony, which can provide rest for some people who are not willing to use it outside! " Zhang Youhu said.

"It's a good design. You can just do it!" Zhao Fugui was very satisfied with the design. After looking at the design drawing carefully, he asked, "when can we start construction?"

"I've got all the basic materials ready. I'll pull them over today and start work tomorrow!" Zhang Youhu said.

"OK, you can pull the materials back today and start work tomorrow!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"Well, Fugui, I'll let Ma Wenqiang take charge of the project here first. The main structure of the project in Chengdu University is about to be completed. During this period, I have to watch at the construction site and urge the city to pay for it. Ma Wenqiang is responsible for the work here. If you need anything, you can find him! " Zhang Youhu said.

"Well, if you are busy with your work, just let them work normally here!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said. As soon as Zhao Fugui nodded to the design scheme, Zhang Youhu immediately called and asked the people on the construction site to start pulling materials to Xiaowan village for construction tomorrow.

Zhao Fugui and Zhang Youhu have just finished discussing the matter. Shenzhu club here just pulls away the last batch of happy fruits. Long Erzheng of Kimura looks for Zhao Fugui everywhere.

"Mr. Zhao, the company will hold a high-end food tasting meeting in Ginza in a while. The company sincerely wants to invite you to attend. Do you have time?" Kimura said to Zhao Fugui with a flattering smile.

"Food tasting meeting? When? " Zhao Fugui has never been abroad in his life. He used to see those students from rich families playing all over the world in the summer vacation. He was very envious. When he heard the invitation to go abroad, he suddenly felt a little excited.

"About a week later, the final time has not yet been determined, and the time of several cooking masters has not yet been determined!" As soon as Kimura longer heard that Zhao Fugui seemed a little interested, he quickly said, "Shenzhu club also wants to invite Mr. Zhao to visit our food processing plant. We want to expand the scope of cooperation with Xiaowan village!"

"In a week? I'll think about it! " Zhao Fugui thought about it and said, "what cooperation do you want to expand?"

"Mr. Zhao's Xiaowan village has expanded vegetable cultivation and launched happy vegetables. We hope to sell happy vegetables, as well as native chicken, mandarin duck and Fugui goose. Shenzhu society also wants to introduce them to Xiaowan village!" Kimura said quickly.

In fact, Yuanyang duck and Fugui goose, which are Australian products, have been specially investigated by Shenzhu society. However, they have found that even in their original places, the products grown in excellent environment are not as delicious as those produced in Xiaowan village. In view of the great success of Kaixin fruit in Japan, Shenzhu society is eager to expand its cooperation with Xiaowan village.

"Happy vegetables from the current sales situation, even our domestic market can not meet, even if the Shenzhu club out of the high price, Xiaowan village can not provide!" Zhao Fugui said, "but recently we are going to expand the breeding area. As long as the price is right, we can cooperate with native chicken, mandarin duck and Fugui goose."

"Mr. Zhao, the price offered by Shenzhu club will definitely satisfy you!" Kimura longer said excitedly, "the market price of native chicken in Xiaowan village is 150 to 211. Shenzhu club is willing to buy 301, so are Yuanyang duck and Fugui goose!"

"All birds, native chickens, mandarin ducks and Fugui geese, regardless of breed, each 400, three months after delivery!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said directly.

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, we can also accept the price!" Kimura longer wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and immediately nodded. In terms of time, this is also the bottom line that Shenzhu society gives to Kimura longer. Shenzhu society thinks that these birds in Xiaowan village can be worth the price.

When Zhao Fugui saw that Kimura longer agreed so happily, he immediately regretted whether his asking price was too low. However, he had already said that, and it was not good for Zhao Fugui to change his words directly. Zhao Fugui secretly thought about how to make the lion open his mouth and get more money from the Japanese.

"Mr. Zhao, I'll prepare the contract right away!" Kimura is afraid that Zhao Fugui will go back and prepare the contract.

"How can these Japanese high-end markets expand so easily?" Zhao Fugui watched Kimura leave and said to himself with a frown.

The fact that Kimura longer so easily agreed to Zhao Fugui's offer only shows one problem, that is, Shenzhu society has cultivated a high-end consumer market, and the high-end food imported from Xiaowan village can be quickly digested after entering the market, which is also the reason why Shenzhu society dares to cooperate with Xiaowan village at this price.However, as the world's only top-level food cultivated with Lingquan water, the price is not really expensive. Zhao Fugui inquired about Chen Yihan before. You know, take the famous Kobe beef in Japan as an example.

The lowest price of 5A grade Kobe beef is about 1500 RMB per kilogram. It's not unusual to sell more than 2000 RMB per kilogram. The price of 4A grade Kobe beef is about 1000 RMB per kilogram. Even the cheapest 3A grade Kobe beef is 800 RMB per kilogram.

There are about two or three catties of native chicken in a mature chicken, which is only two or three hundred per kilogram. It's far from 3A grade Kobe beef, so the price is really not expensive.

In China, the prices of these aquaculture products in Xiaowan village can not be sold. One is the problem of market recognition. The food in Xiaowan village has not cultivated enough popularity and recognition. The other is that the high-end consumer market is not mature enough.

In China, it's still common to think that the moon is round in foreign countries. It's easy for well-known foreign products to sell at high prices in China, but not in China.

"Take your time, Xiaowan village will grow up sooner or later and cultivate a mature consumer market!" Zhao Fugui said to himself, at the same time, he thought to himself that if he went to Japan in a week, he must see the authentic Kobe beef.

Zhao Fugui was thinking about this when he saw engineering vehicles coming from the urban and rural roads in the distance. However, Zhao Fugui soon found that it was wrong. There seemed to be too many of these vehicles, and the materials used were far more than building an underground bar.

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