Super Monk

Chapter 718

The distance is too far. Even if Zhao Fugui opened his eyes, he could not see the specific situation of Dawan village clearly. He could only see a lot of people coming down from these black cars.

"Mayor Xu, I'm really sorry to ask you to take time out of your busy schedule to attend our foundation laying ceremony this time!" Wu Haoren got out of the car with a smile and shook hands with a middle-aged leader.

"Where, Changhe group has paid a lot of money to help us move the chemical plant in the urban area this time. I haven't thank Minister Wu for participating in the foundation laying ceremony. That's right!" Xu Qiang is the leader in charge of the economy of the new leading group in Chengdu, and he is the leader in the relocation of the chemical plant.

"Mayor Xu is so approachable. It's a blessing for the people of Chengdu to have a leader like you in Chengdu." Wu Haoren said flatteringly.

"Ha ha, our leading group is also inseparable from the support of such elite talents as Minister Wu!" Xu Qiang said with his hands on his back and a reserved smile on his face. Then he looked at the construction site and said in surprise, "Minister Wu, why can't you see any workers in the construction site?"

"Ah, dissatisfied, mayor Xu said that now the common people have misunderstandings about chemical plants and always think that they will pollute the environment. They don't know that we can completely control the pollution now, so the main force of our construction is also very large. Yesterday, the workers were doing a good job. Unexpectedly, the villagers of Xiaowan village rushed to smash it, scaring away all the workers! " Wu Haoren pretended to lament.

"What? They don't pay attention to the overall planning of the city at all! " Xu Qiang slapped the car door angrily and said angrily, "why didn't Minister Wu call the police yesterday, I will punish them severely!"

"A group of farmers have no culture, and I don't want to see the same thing with them. Today mayor Xu is here, and they dare not make trouble!" Wu Haoren said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Minister Wu. I'll supervise the work here today to see if anyone dares to make trouble here!" Xu Qiang said harshly.

"With Mayor Xu's words, I can rest assured!" Wu Haoren, with a proud smile on his face, pointed to the urban and rural roads and said, "Mayor Xu, you see, yesterday's workers ran out. Today, I specially transferred a large engineering team. As long as the project goes smoothly, the chemical plant can be built in half a month!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu. Today, I'm patting my chest to assure Changhe group that your project will be smooth and profitable." Xu Qiang patted his chest and said.

"With Mayor Xu's words, I can rest assured!" Wu Haoren laughs that on the other side, five engineering vehicles have brought in more than 500 construction workers. Today, Wu Haoren is going to take advantage of mayor Xu's presence to lay all the foundation piles and build the chemical plant as quickly as possible.

There is a lot of work to be done in the south. It's a necessary step for the construction site to be built soon.

"These bastards are coming again. They're calling people!" When Zhao Fugui saw the situation here, his face changed and he suddenly gave a loud drink. When the villagers heard the news, they put down their work and gathered together.

Zhao Fugui looks ugly. A large group of villagers follow Zhao Fugui to Dawan village.

"Mayor Xu, please cut the ribbon!" Two workers led a ribbon. Wu Haoren smilingly handed a pair of gilded scissors to Xu Qiang and asked him to cut the ribbon.

"Wu Haoren, you are brave enough to come back!" At this time, Zhao Fugui came with the villagers and saw that Wu Haoren was still here.

As soon as Wu Haoren saw Zhao Fugui, his face showed a trace of fear. Zaodao man disappeared this morning, and no one could find him. Wu Haoren estimated that this guy was either dead or had fled back to Japan. Now everyone has torn his face, and he dares to come back. Zhao Fugui will never forgive him.

"Who are you? How dare you block the construction of key projects in the city When Xu Qiang saw Zhao Fugui appear, his face sank and he yelled.

"Key projects? Is it a key project in the city to build chemical factories to harm the common people? " Zhao Fugui asked with a sneer. Meanwhile, villagers in Xiaowan village did not work, and rushed to the construction workers with a shovel.

"Stop, a group of rascals, how dare you be so bold!" Xu Qiang took out his prestige and yelled at the villagers, but no one at all gave him a bird. Xu Qiang was so angry that he trembled all over and even turned white.

"Are you the village head? Do you know who our leader is? Our leader is the vice mayor in charge of the city's economy. Changhe group is an enterprise that has made great contributions to the city. You, a small village head, dare to block the construction of Changhe group. Believe it or not, if I call you, you can't do it! " After Xu Qiang, a secretary like man pointed at Zhao Fugui and roared angrily.

"To build chemical factories with people's cultivated land is a great contribution to the city? In charge of the economy at your level, the economic environment established by Chengdu will be harmed by you sooner or later! " Zhao Fugui glances at his secretary contemptuously, and doesn't bother to pay attention to him at all. He says to Xu Qiang disdainfully.

"The head of a broken village dares to tell me what to do. I don't think you want to do it! I now announce in the name of the municipal government that you have been dismissed. You incite the villagers to beat up the construction of key projects in the city. You are suspected of serious violations of law and discipline. Arrest him for me! " Xu Qiang slapped the table and yelled."Grab it, grab it, grab him for me!" Xu Qiang's secretary also yelled that, as the No.1 Secretary of the vice mayor, where he went, there were many stars in the sky. Today, a broken village head dared to ignore himself. The Secretary felt that he had been seriously offended.

"Catch him and lock him up first!" Several accompanying staff members rushed up immediately to catch Zhao Fugui.

"To oppose you is to break the law and discipline. Mayor Xu is still a powerful official! It's a pity that you're useless to me! " Zhao Fugui gave a sneer and slapped several staff members who wanted to catch him on the floor.

"Zhao Fugui, you even dare to fight mayor Xu's people. You're going against heaven!" Wu Haoren also took the opportunity to instigate "Mayor Xu, if even a small village head dares to ignore your order, who will pay attention to you in the future!"

"It's wrong, it's wrong, you rascals. Catch it, catch it all!" "Inform the special police team and the criminal police team, and send someone to me to arrest all these lawless and unruly people," he said

With Xu Qiang's command, the faces of many villagers in Xiaowan village suddenly show a look of fear. Special police and criminal police, can ordinary people provoke them?

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