Super Monk

Chapter 721

Zhao Fugui's face changed greatly and rushed to Ling Lao. At the same time, 20 or 30 helicopters and more than 100 special police officers all landed from mid air, controlling the city management and Chengdu special police team.

The city management is no longer bullied. One by one, they throw away their armor, and squat on the ground like defeated prisoners of war, holding their heads in their arms. One by one, they become very honest.

"You, who are you?" Xu Qiang's face changed greatly. He looked at the special police from the sky and asked nervously.

"Catch it!" A commander looked at Xu Qiang coldly and yelled. Immediately, two special police officers rushed up and directly pushed Xu Qiang to the ground.

"Why do you arrest me? I'm the vice mayor of Chengdu. What right do you have to arrest me? " Xu Qiang struggled desperately and yelled.

"How dare you attack the chief? You wait to go to the military court and shut him up!" Commander cold hum, a special police directly up, a butt of a gun directly hit Xu Qiang's face, Xu Qiang eyes turned fainted in the past.

"My father is the chief manager of Chengdu, I'm the police chief of Chengdu, why do you arrest me and offend our Jiang family, you won't have good fruit to eat!" Jiang dasheo was handcuffed by a "click" and put on a helicopter. He struggled and yelled.

"Shut up, you dare to shoot the chief. You are going to the military prison!" A special police officer gave Jiang Shao an elbow and yelled.

When Wu Haoren saw the situation, he bowed his head and covered his face and wanted to sneak into the construction workers to escape. The special police couldn't control so many construction workers, but they didn't expect that the construction workers knew that he was the big boss. For fear of being involved, the construction workers would escape wherever he went.

Wu Haoren ran into the chest of a special police officer in a hurry. The special police officer was not polite. He kicked him over and directly handcuffed him.

"I'm the Minister of Changhe group. My boss is the boss of Jinpeng finance. It's none of my business. I'm a house builder. You can't afford to offend our boss. Let me go quickly!" Wu Haoren cried out unscrupulously.

"Shut him up!" Commander a listen to Wu Haoren mention Jin Peng finance, immediately face a sink, sternly said. Wu Haoren side of the special police conveniently gave Wu Haoren a butt, directly knocked him unconscious.

"The chief has been shot. Get ready to send him to the hospital by helicopter!" Several special police officers also hurriedly surrounded linglao, then his face changed greatly, and he called to the commander in a hurry.

"Hurry up, the helicopter is ready to take off, inform the hospital to prepare for the operation, hurry up!" The commander's face was also very dignified. He quickly ordered.

"Go to the sanatorium, I'm going to operate on linglao! Ling Ji is too old to go to the hospital! " Zhao Fugui quickly checked Ling's injury.

Ling was shot in the shoulder. The bullet of the assault rifle was originally very penetrating and should have been penetrating. But the bullet hit the shoulder blade and stayed in Ling's body.

"Can you operate? No, we can't take such a big risk. The chief's safety is the most important. He must be sent to the hospital. We have a helicopter. We can get the chief there in 20 minutes! " The commander came in a hurry and said quickly.

"Ling can't get through to the hospital, go back to the sanatorium quickly!" Zhao Fugui quickly took out the silver needle. His hand was like electricity. He quickly put the silver needle around Ling's shoulder and stopped the blood immediately.

Then Zhao Fugui picked Ling up and was ready to take him to the sanatorium.

"No, there are no conditions for operation here. The safety of the chief can't be handed over to you!" The commander stopped Zhao Fugui and said in a deep voice.

"We believe in wealth, so go to the sanatorium. Get out of the way!" Li Lao and other several old men fiercely stood up and yelled.

"How many heads do you have?" The commander was at a loss as soon as he saw how many old men said that, but he did not dare to question the decision of the leaders, and immediately said, "escort the leaders to the sanatorium quickly!"

Several special police officers immediately separated from the crowd, and Zhao Fugui rushed to the sanatorium with linglao in his arms. Zhao Fugui ran very fast and rushed into the sanatorium in the twinkling of an eye.

"Prepare the scalpel!" Zhao Fugui put linglao on the bed and immediately cut off linglao's clothes. There was a small round hole in linglao's shoulder, but the bullet of the assault rifle was too deep to be seen.

"Scalpel, intravenous anti-inflammatory drugs!" The beauty special nurse immediately spread out the scalpel and handed it to Zhao Fugui. At the same time, another beauty special nurse had already put some drops on Ling.

"Fugui, where did you learn surgery from Linglao didn't go into a coma. He still kept sober and asked in a trembling voice.

"I haven't studied surgery, but there's an old Chinese saying that one method is always the best! If surgery is difficult, it won't, if it will, it won't be difficult! " Zhao Fugui took a deep breath and gave Ling several injections to relieve pain. Ling is too old for Zhao Fugui to stun him. His bones can't bear Zhao Fugui's power. "Ling Lao, you can bear it. It will hurt!"

"It's OK. Come on. I was stabbed in the stomach when I was fighting with the Japanese. There was no anesthetic in the battlefield. The health worker pulled out the bayonet and directly sutured the wound for me. I didn't live so many years alive!" Ling said with a pale face and a smile."Then I'll come!" Zhao Fugui nodded his head, and cut a cross shaped incision in master Ling's wound with sharp technique, and the blood suddenly gushed out.

The special nurse immediately wiped the blood, and Ling laotong snorted. His forehead was full of sweat. Zhao Fugui's expression was dignified. He opened his eye and immediately put his tweezers into the wound, clamped the bullet and quickly pulled it out.

After that, Zhao Fugui quickly took out a few pieces of broken bones, which could not be left in master Ling's body.

"treatment spray!"

a beauty nurse immediately sprayed the wounds of Ling's son with treatment spray, and the wound soon began to heal.

"Ling Lao, drink this!" Zhao Fugui took out a small aluminum kettle from his arms, and immediately poured a few mouthfuls of Lingquan water into the old man. Ling drank Lingquan water, and his face slightly recovered.

"All right! Ling Lao, your body is too weak. After this injury, you have to keep it for at least a week. During this period, you should go out as little as possible and do more indoor activities! " Zhao Fugui took a long breath and then said.

Zhao Fugui did the operation very fast, but at the same time, Zhao Fugui was very nervous. Master Ling was too old. Although the operation was simpler than Tu Ya's, Tu Ya was a young man after all, and his physical foundation was much better than Ling. Zhao Fugui had to be cautious, but fortunately, the operation was successful.

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