Super Monk

Chapter 736

"Fugui, do you want to add another project in Xiaowan village? But this is the only plane, too few! " Chen Yihan said.

"If you sit alone for half an hour or 15 minutes and fly around Qingtian township of Xiaowan village, you can plant a lot of people in a day. It's just a supplementary project. It's a special project of Xiaowan village. One is enough, more is more trouble! " Zhao Fugui waved his hand and said.

"That's OK. There may not be so many people who dare to sit down!" Chen Yihan nodded and said.

This kind of agricultural aircraft for passenger and freight use has an open cabin. When it flies, people are facing the wind. The highest speed of the aircraft is 180 km / h, and the lowest speed is 120 km / h. people who are not brave may not dare to fly.

"Mr. Zhao, you won't lose money if you buy these two airplanes!" As soon as manager Zhang heard that Zhao Fugui seemed to want to buy all the two agricultural airplanes, he immediately tried his best to sell them, "these two airplanes are durable, the quality of American goods is absolutely guaranteed, and it's convenient to refuel. They don't need aviation kerosene. They use spiral turbine engines and can fly with ordinary gasoline!"

"Just regular gas?" Zhao Fugui really didn't expect this, but on second thought, this kind of ordinary agricultural aircraft can't use special aviation kerosene like Gulfstream. Agricultural aircraft doesn't need so much horsepower at all.

"OK, we used ordinary gasoline for our test flight. That's what Americans said when they sold us the plane. But if we add a little aviation kerosene to the ordinary gasoline, the power of the plane will be stronger!" Lao Li said.

"What's your price for these two planes?" Zhao Fugui nodded and was quite satisfied with the two planes.

"The price of a single plane is 7 million, and the price of two packaged planes is 13 million! One year warranty, ten years warranty Manager Zhang said.

"OK, test flight. If I can, I'll take the plane today!" It's not expensive to buy two agricultural airplanes for 13 million yuan, Zhao Fugui said immediately.

If you hire people and raise them artificially in the back of Daqing Mountain, if you pay 3000 yuan a month for one person, 300 thousand yuan a month for one hundred people and 34 million yuan a year, you can buy a Farm airplane in two years. Compared to the cost of buying agricultural aircraft to be more affordable.

"OK, Lao Li, come on, test flight!" Zhang Jingli saw that Zhao Fugui was so straightforward. He waved his hand excitedly and said immediately.

Lao Li quickly and nimbly got ready, and in a short time he filled up the fuel for the agricultural aircraft. Then he used a small tractor assembled by himself to pull out the two agricultural aircraft.

"Boss, which one to test fly?" Lao Li is ready and turns to ask Zhao Fugui.

"Just this one, take me for a try!" Zhao Fugui reached out and pointed to the agricultural aircraft for both passenger and freight.

"Wealth, is it dangerous?" Chen Yihan said a little worried.

"Three bosses, please rest assured that these two planes are brand-new and well maintained. There will never be any problem. Besides, I have a flight license and I am sure they are safe!" Lao Li patted his chest and said.

"Meaning, don't worry, it's OK!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile, not to mention that he doesn't think the plane will have an accident. Even if the plane has an accident, it doesn't matter. He still has a way.

"Then be careful!" Chen Yihan saw that Zhao Fugui wanted to test fly this agricultural aircraft, so he had to nod his head and promise.

"Brother, when you learn how to fly, take me to fly too!" Shu Xiaosu obviously wants to go up and have a try. Unfortunately, there is only one person in the back of this agricultural plane. She can only shout to Zhao Fugui.

"No problem!" Zhao Fugui climbed on the plane, waved and said.

"Mr. Zhao, please write down your seat belt. You can't open it anyway!" Lao Li put on his flying helmet and handed it to Zhao Fugui. Seeing that Zhao Fugui had put on his helmet, Lao Li slowly started the plane, adjusted the control lever and prepared to take off and land the plane directly in the yard of the machinery company. "Mr. Zhao, get ready. We're going to take off!"

The propeller of the agricultural aircraft turns faster and faster, and the huge beep sounds quickly. The aircraft starts to accelerate slowly. Both Chen Yihan and Shu Xiaosu retreat to the distance to watch the agricultural aircraft begin to accelerate and take off.

Because of its light weight and short take-off and landing distance, this kind of agricultural aircraft can take off and land safely as long as there is a runway of more than 100 meters. Generally, individual planes need to apply for airspace to take off and get permission from the air traffic control center. However, there is no airport near here, and it is not the route for passenger planes, and agricultural planes fly very low.

It's too troublesome to apply for airspace. Manager Zhang is in a hurry to sell the plane, so he doesn't want to apply for airspace at all.

"Mr. Zhao, the flight speed of this kind of aircraft can't be lower than 120 km / h, otherwise the engine speed is not enough, it may be flameout! It's very dangerous for a plane to stall in the air. It may crash in a few seconds. We must pay attention to this Lao Li shouts to Zhao Fugui as he climbs up.

The strong air interfered with Lao Li's voice, but Zhao Fugui was still very clear. There was a huge air flow, the clothes were blowing, the green fields were flying by, and some farmers in the fields looked up at this kind of guy, which was more unusual than the airliner."Gee, this guy can really afford a plane!" Chen pangzi looked at the agricultural aircraft flying past Delong machinery company, stretched his neck and muttered to himself.

Lao Li flew the agricultural plane up and down smoothly. After a while, he flew more than ten kilometers. Zhao Fugui carefully observed how he manipulated the plane and found that this kind of plane with a single joystick was very simple to drive, and even didn't need to operate those organs that didn't know what to do.

"Lao Li, let's change. I'll try to fly!" Zhao Fugui was very happy when he saw it. He suddenly said out loud.

Old Li Dun was flustered. Before he spoke out against it, he found that his seat belt had been opened by himself. Zhao Fugui had climbed over quickly, carried him by the neck and put him into the cabin behind him.

"Lao Li, fasten your seat belt!" Zhao Fugui said in a loud voice. At this time, the agricultural plane that no one controlled suddenly sank down, and Lao Li screamed in fright.

"Come on, come on, control the plane!"

"Don't worry, we can't crash!" Zhao Fugui quickly sat in the cockpit and pulled a joystick. The agricultural plane immediately began to climb up.

"Don't pull too hard, be careful of the plane turning over!" Lao Li yelled nervously, shaking all over.

Zhao Fugui pressed the control lever, and the agricultural plane immediately flew smoothly. Zhao Fugui controls the joystick, and soon finds that this thing is really the same as what he sees. It's easy to operate, but most people don't have the courage to fly the plane when they don't learn.

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