Super Monk

Chapter 744

"Who allowed you to break in?" Zhao Fugui's face was ugly. He gave a sharp drink and rushed through the crowd.

"We are from the Municipal Bureau of cultural relics. We have received a report that you have privately collected unearthed cultural relics. Is that the case?" A middle-aged man of medium stature glared at Zhao Fugui, with his hands akimbo and yelled.

"Nonsense, there's nothing wrong with it!" Zhao Fugui flatly denied that he wanted to put the black tripod into the pagoda, but the pagoda shot a golden light and failed to take in the black tripod.

"Found it, found it, right here!" In the office, Xiao Li screams excitedly. I don't know when she has sneaked into the office, holding heiding.

"There's no such thing. What's this?" The middle-aged man forked his waist with one hand and pointed to the black Ding in the office. He looked at Zhao Fugui with pride and asked harshly.

"This is a work of art. It looks good in the office!" Zhao Fugui looks ugly and says that when he sees the waiter holding the black tripod in the office, he turns out to be the waiter of Wan Village food. Zhao Fugui's face is even more ugly.

The delicious food in Wan village has recruited a guy who eats inside and outside. Zhao is very rich.

"Art? Come on, check this black tripod and see when it was made? " The middle-aged man gave a sneer and a wave of his hand. Immediately several people came over and began to check around the black cauldron with a magnifying glass.

"Chief, this is at least an antique before the Qing Dynasty. Maybe it's from the Yongle period. It's definitely an antique!" A middle-aged man took a look with a magnifying glass and said excitedly.

"Yes, I think it's from the Ming Dynasty. It's 40 or 50 years away from the Yongle period at most. Although it's not too rare, it's far worse than simu Wuding, but it's definitely a real antique. It's not a modern art at all!"

"In my opinion, it may be something from the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, many big tripods were made. It may also be from that time!" Another said.

Zhao Fugui thought that it is obviously something that is older than the Tang Dynasty. These people have lost sight of several dynasties. These guys from the cultural relics bureau are really a bunch of drunkards.

However, they saw it early, and it's better not to pay attention to it. If they can really see the origin of it, I'm afraid it will have to be sent to the National Museum tonight.

"What else do you have to say? How dare you hide the unearthed cultural relics The section chief clapped the table excitedly and cheered harshly.

"The black tripod is my ancestral one. Who told you it was an unearthed cultural relic? What does my ancestral things have to do with your bureau of cultural relics? " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Still want to sophistry, just said that this is a modern art, now it is your ancestral, you think we are all fools?" He cried.

"Yes, yes! Dear leaders, I can prove that this black tripod is an unearthed cultural relic. It is said that there is an ancient tomb in Xiaowan village. This black tripod must have been stolen from the ancient tomb by Zhao Fugui! " Xiao Li looks at Zhao Fugui with pride and says in a hurry.

"Nonsense Zhao Fugui stares at Xiaoli angrily and yells, "you are the waiter of the delicious food in our Wan village. I'm sorry for you, but you collude with outsiders to frame me?"

"Well, who's the waiter of the delicious food in your Wan village? I'm specially sent by manager Liu Daduo to be your undercover agent. Now I've successfully completed the task!" Xiao Li said triumphantly.

"It's Liu Da Guo again!" Zhao Fugui's face sank. He didn't expect that this guy had been arrested and still haunted.

"Yes, it's me again, Zhao Fugui. I've talked about it and it's not over!" A disgusting voice came over. Liu Daduo pushed aside several waiters and ran upstairs, looking at Zhao Fugui with a sneer.

"You came out so soon!" Zhao Fugui looked at Liu Daguo in shock, but he didn't expect that this guy was caught and came out in two days.

"Well, you think that little thing can deal with me? There's no evidence of what anyone can do to me. Now the police have determined that the middle-aged woman is the mastermind, which has nothing to do with me! " Liu said triumphantly.

It's just a matter of spending some money to ask someone to do something bad. Let alone the insufficient evidence, even if the evidence is sufficient, as long as you spend some money, you can still come out immediately. If you have money, you'll be fine. If you don't have money, you'll have bad luck.

"Zhao Fugui, now there are all human and material evidences. What else do you have to say? We're going to confiscate the tripod! " The section chief cheered.

"Why do you confiscate my tripod?" Zhao Fugui's face sank and he said angrily.

"We have evidence to prove that this tripod is an unearthed cultural relic! Zhao Fugui, don't be ignorant. It's against the law to hide unearthed cultural relics. Now we are just confiscating this tripod. If you resist the law violently, can you believe me to call the police and say that you are going to collect unearthed cultural relics? " The section chief cheered.

Zhao Fugui's face is ugly. In front of so many people, it's hard for him to put away the black tripod. Moreover, the black tripod has been taken by someone all the time, and the pagoda can't be taken away even if he wants to.

If someone touches the black tripod, it will be considered as a part of the black tripod. If the pagoda automatically thinks it can't, it won't take in the black tripod.On the other hand, although the people of the cultural relics bureau are in a big bag, they can't see the age of the black tripod, but if the people of the Cultural Relics Bureau call the police and make a big noise, let the archaeological team of Daqing Mountain know.

Dr. Tu and the old professor may be able to tell the age of the black tripod. If they think that the black tripod is a cultural relic of the Tang Dynasty or even before, Zhao Fugui will never see the black tripod again.

Seeing that Zhao Fugui didn't speak for a long time, Liu Daguo was even more proud. He immediately added, "Mr. Ma, Zhao Fugui's cultural relics are private. We can't just take away the cultural relics. At least we have to collect some fines to make an example."

"Yes, yes, give him a note and fine him 100000 yuan. It must be handed over to the Bureau of cultural relics within three days." As soon as the eyes of the section chief turned, he immediately said that more money could fall into their pockets.

There is a flash of anger in Zhao Fugui's eyes. Zhao Fugui doesn't want to make a big deal about it. It seems that Liu Daguo and chief Ma don't want to make a big deal about it. Otherwise, Liu Daguo would like Zhao Fugui to be arrested and go to jail. They must have their own plans.

"Liu Daduo, are you looking for these people from the cultural relics bureau?" Zhao Fugui looks ugly and asks in a deep voice. With the characteristics of these public offices, if they hadn't colluded with each other in advance, these guys would never have come so soon.

"Yes, I did! Xiao Li has seen you have a black tripod for a long time. She usually doesn't know where to hide it. Today, she saw you take out the black tripod again and immediately informed me. I immediately reported it to Mr. Ma. I'm a good citizen. Mr. Ma has to send me a banner when he goes back! " Liu said triumphantly.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense. You guys take the black tripod down to the cultural relics bureau! Remember, Zhao Fugui, you should pay the fine within three days. Be honest, otherwise I have plenty of ways to cure you! " Section chief Ma said with a cold hum.

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