Super Monk

Chapter 756

"Zhao Fugui, I know you. I will avenge Yamada for him!" Yamashino stares at Zhao Fugui coldly. Suddenly, he grins and pinches his finger.

"What Yamada Kameda, in our Chinese territory, you'd better be honest!" Zhao Fugui didn't know what yamashino said, he said coldly.

"Stop it all. Anyone who dares to mess around again will be disqualified!" At this time, the old white referee suddenly yelled, he spoke English, and was translated by the staff on the scene.

Yamashino sneers at the cold hum, and then stares at Zhao Fugui, turns and goes away. Xu Bin was very angry, but he knew that he was not an opponent of yamashino, and he didn't want to lose his qualification, so he had to give up.

Another white Hercules was very dissatisfied. He "croaked" for a long time and thought that the wild should be severely punished, but it was useless. In the end, he was persuaded to leave by marith.

This episode attracted a large number of live media shooting, and the onlookers were also very dissatisfied and talked about it, but fortunately, the game finally went on normally.

Zhao Fugui sat on the referee's seat and thought carefully, yamashino said Yamada Jun would not be that Yamada Jingang. A few months ago, Liu Feifei took Zhao Fugui to her production team. At that time, Yamada happened to bully people in the production team, and Zhao Fugui hurt him.

Yamashiano said Yamada Jun if Yamada near just, then he said to find Zhao Fugui revenge should be referring to this matter.

"Fortunately, it's OK. I'm scared to death. If Fugui fights with that Japanese, it will be troublesome! That Japanese is so tall, rich and noble, I can't beat him! " On the seat in the center of the venue, Xiaolian pats her chest with a look of lingering fear, and pulls Chen Yihan and Zheng Yue, who are also worried, to sit down and say.

"This Japanese is so hateful that he should be disqualified from the competition!" Zheng Yue also said indignantly.

"Forget it, as long as it's OK!" Chen Yihan shakes his head and comforts Zheng Yue and Xiaolian.

"Before the competition starts, I'd like to say that please show your professional attitude, don't influence others, don't conflict with others, or you will be disqualified!" The host took the microphone to say a few words, and then yelled, "I announce that now the game begins!"

"Come on, Xu Bin, come on!"

"Come on, Lulong, raise the dumbbell!"

"Ivanov, come on, you are the world record holder of dumbbell with one hand!"

Hercules began the game, the atmosphere immediately hot up. There are five dumbbells in front of each Hercules. From big to small, they are 30 kg, 50 kg, 80 kg, 100 kg and 120 kg.

However, Zhao Fugui saw that Xu Bin and LV long had two less dumbbells in front of them. They didn't weigh 100 kg or 120 kg.

"Mr. Shu, what's the matter? Xu Bin, why don't they have the biggest two dumbbells? " Zhao Fugui doesn't know, so he turns to Shuya and asks.

"Xu Bin, they are participating in the performance competition. Some of them are compared with themselves, and their results are not included in the international Hercules competition!" Shuya explained awkwardly that "because the Chinese players have never made the top five achievements in international competitions, the competition of our domestic players is not in line with that of foreign players at present."

This is really embarrassing. Zhao Fugui thinks that Shu Ya's explanation is more implicit. In fact, to put it bluntly, the domestic Hercules can't lift 100 kg or 120 kg dumbbells with one hand.

"Come on

Xu Bin, LV long and Luo Huandong encouraged each other and prepared to lift dumbbells. Although their physique, training, systematic diet and professional guidance can't be compared with those of foreign players, they can't be underestimated if they lose.

"Come on, come on, come on!"

Then he lifted the dumbbell from 30 kilos to 30 kilos.

"Good!" The scene burst into warm applause and cheers.

Xu Bin's first attempt to lift a successful confidence, and then began to try to lift 50 kg dumbbell, but this time he did not succeed twice in a row, until the third time, Xu Bin's face turned red before he lifted the 50 kg dumbbell.

Luo Huandong, the best achiever of several Chinese Hercules, barely lifted the dumbbell weighing 80 kg, while the other Hercules basically stopped at 50 kg.

"Huandong, good job!" Xu Bin and LV long hailed Luo Huandong and raised the 80 kg dumbbell with one hand, which is the most outstanding achievement in China.

"Waste!" Yamashino's scornful cold hum immediately angered several Chinese strongmen.

"What did you say?" Luo Huandong yelled angrily and said in a deep voice, "we are rubbish. I don't know how heavy dumbbells you can lift with one hand!"

A second rate foreign Hercules is at this level. Luo Huandong is still more confident in his own strength. They can't compare with the first-class Hercules in Europe and America. Can they not compare with a Japanese? Don't look at the height of two meters at the foot of the mountain, but there are more goods these days."You Chinese are all frogs in the bottom of the well. How can you lose face when you weigh 80 kg?" Yamashino disdained to curl his mouth, grabbed the 100 kg dumbbell fiercely, and even lifted the 100 kg dumbbell with a low drink.

"My God, this Japanese has so much strength that those foreign strongmen may not be more relaxed than him!" See this scene, the audience immediately burst the pot, can't believe their own eyes.

"How can it be? It's a 200 Jin dumbbell! Ivanov, the world record holder, didn't seem to lift it so easily! "

"That's where the Japanese came from. It's too strong!"

The audience talked about it, and the Japanese media were even more jubilant. Luo Huandong's face turned pale. Unexpectedly, the Japanese were so powerful.

"Waste is waste, you waste also have face to compare with me?" Yamashino roared with laughter.

Zhao Fugui's brows wrinkled tightly. This Japanese is so arrogant.

Ivanov stares at yamashino as he feels provoked by the dominance of the one handed dumbbell project.

"Yours, this one!" Ivanov's face was dignified. He pointed to the 120 kg dumbbell and took a deep breath. His muscles condensed into hard rocks. He lifted the 120 kg dumbbell with great force.

Ivanov tried his best to lift the 120 kg dumbbell to his shoulder. With a loud drink, he wanted to lift the dumbbell. But when the dumbbell was half lifted, he couldn't hold it. The dumbbell fell down and shook the ground.

Ivanov made a rude remark. 110 kg is his world record. 120 kg is still too much for him.

"Well, it's also a waste!"

Down the mountain, YeYe gave a cold hum. He grabbed the 120 kg dumbbell with one hand, and the muscle on his arm was like an ugly sarcoma. Then this guy gave a loud drink and lifted the 120 kg dumbbell up.

The scene was dead and quiet. No one thought that yamashino had broken the world record of one handed dumbbell snatch and raised the world record by 10 kg.

But at the same time, Zhao Fugui's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, staring at the wild, showing a thoughtful look.

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