Super Monk

Chapter 763

In this international Hercules Huaxia competition, only Zhao Fugui and yamashino lifted 120 kg dumbbells, and they finished every other competition much faster than others, so the champion of this competition can only be born between them, and other Hercules have no chance to compete.

It can't be thrown by the strength of a bare waist and a bare belly. Zhao Fugui moved his hands and feet for a while. He was pointed at the railing and grabbed an iron altar fiercely, throwing it behind him.

The heavy iron altar screamed in the air, then flew steadily over the two meter five high railing and landed heavily, and the audience burst out strong cheers again. It's not very difficult to throw one iron altar. The difficulty is to throw all ten iron jars over the railings continuously.

When he saw that Zhao Fugui had thrown an iron altar, yamashiye was not willing to show his weakness. He grabbed an iron altar and threw it back. He even threw it higher than Zhao Fugui and deliberately wanted to beat Zhao Fugui.

I don't know that Zhao Fugui didn't look at him at all. He was only better than his own project. The second and third iron altar was thrown over the railing. In front of the project has long let Zhao Fugui open the body, this time even throw three heavy iron altar, Zhao Fugui's body has already seen sweat.

Yamashino's speed is no less than that of Zhao Fugui, and they have just got up. The audience's mood is also completely hot, fierce cheers even spread out from the stadium.

"Richness, come on, you must not lose to this Japanese!" Chen Yihan and Zheng Yue Xiaolian also cheer on Zhao Fugui loudly. The Yinzhao used just now has completely angered the three girls.

Zhao Fugui and yamashino throw iron altar in succession. Maybe the previous project has consumed a lot of power of yamashino. His speed is faster and slower than Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui has a long spirit, but the speed of throwing iron altar is faster and faster.

Seeing that Zhao Fugui was about to win, the fierce look in yamashino's eyes flashed by. He grabbed the last iron altar fiercely. The iron altar roared and flew up, and even smashed directly at Zhao Fugui from a high place.

Zhao Fugui had finished throwing the iron altar and was about to raise his hand to cheer. At this moment, he suddenly heard the scream of the audience. As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, a shrill voice appeared from his head.

The audience watched the ferocious smile on shanxiaye's face. It was too late for Zhao Fugui to escape from the iron altar falling from the sky. At this moment, Zhao Fugui moved to the side with great agility, and the iron altar almost wiped Zhao Fugui's body.

Yamashibata's face is full of proud grin and fierce freeze frame. He is the secret weapon of the great Japanese Empire, but Zhao Fugui has the strength comparable to him, which yamashibata can't tolerate. So he wanted to kill Zhao Fugui, but he didn't succeed.

"Damn Japanese, you want to die!" When the iron altar of more than 100 Jin was smashed down from a height of two or three meters, Zhao Fugui was unprepared to carry Daoli. Once it was smashed, he would be seriously injured immediately.

Zhao Fugui's face was very ugly, and he burst into a rage. He kicked the iron altar around him. The heavy iron altar was kicked away, and hit the wild man on the mountain, directly knocking over the two meter high beast.

"This damned guy dares to hurt people and arrest him. We have to call the police, cancel his qualification and void his score!" Seeing this scene, a group of Japanese reporters quit immediately. They even pushed down the guardrail in front of the camera seat and rushed to Zhao Fugui angrily.

"This bastard dares to hurt Yamashita. He must be severely punished. He must be severely punished!"

A group of Japanese reporters rushed to Zhao Fugui with great anger. Zhao Fugui "chuckled" and pinched the bones of his hand. He was full of murderous spirit. This group of extremely angry Japanese reporters rushed to Zhao Fugui's eyes, and then they were like a group of ducks woken up by cold water, and instantly stopped their "Gaga" calls.

Later, I don't know which Japanese reporter took the lead. These bullying guys ran from Zhao Fugui's side in a hurry, just like the current on the rocks. They gathered around shanxiaye who just got up, and then resumed their cry, just like shanxiaye can bring them courage.

Yamashino first hurt Xu Bin, and then twice tried to attack Zhao Fugui with shady moves in the next competition. Now these Japanese journalists have turned their backs and the audience immediately quit.

"Damn, I've seen shameless, but I've never seen such shameless, black and white upside down, who do you think you are?" The audience yelled angrily.

"Deport this son of a bitch, and he will never be allowed to come to China again!"

"Drive them out, this guy will play Yin, and win by playing Yin. It's a fart, let him go!" The audience was furious, and the bottles of mineral water suddenly fell like rain, throwing these Japanese reporters into tears.

"Damn chinese, how dare you attack me!" Shanxiaye got up from the ground and was hit on the head by a bottle of mineral water. He suddenly became furious and rushed directly to Zhao Fugui.

"Come on, rubbish, I'll teach you a lesson today!" Zhao Fugui was almost seriously injured by the sneak attack of shanxiaye just now. He was also full of anger. Regardless of anything else, he was ready to throw away his arm and teach him how to be a man."Stop, stop!" Maris rushed over. He used to be a famous figure in the Hercules world. At this time, a dozen other foreign Hercules rushed over, hugging their waist, legs and arms. Seven or eight of the world's top Hercules tried their best to stop Zhao Fugui and Maris.

"This is the end of today's competition. I announce that Mr. Zhao Fugui is the champion of this Chinese competition!" Maris was afraid that Zhao Fugui and yamashino would get into trouble and announced the result of the match.

However, with the announcement of Maris, the audience of Honghe gymnasium and the Chinese media immediately cheered up, while the Japanese journalists quit.

"Black curtain, black curtain, this is the naked black curtain, we Yamashita Jun also completed all the events, why Yamashita Jun is not the champion!" A Japanese reporter screamed as hard as he could.

"Yes, the great Yamashita is not inferior to any professional top Hercules. How can he lose to a layman? Yamashita is the real champion!"

"We're going to appeal, we're going to demonstrate, and Yamashita is the champion!"

The Japanese reporters made a frenzy and even wanted to push down the rostrum. The chairman had to send someone to appease the Japanese reporters and communicate with them. Professional Hercules competition let a non professional take away the champion. If this is publicized, the face of the organizing committee will be very ugly.

However, Zhao Fugui has indeed achieved the best results. It is not only unfair to cancel Zhao Fugui's achievements, but also the Chinese audience will not agree. The chairman of the competition communicated with Japanese reporters, hoping to come up with a plan that both sides are satisfied with.

Shuya saw this scene, suddenly her face sank and she was very dissatisfied. The Organizing Committee and the Japanese were satisfied. What about the Chinese?

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