Super Monk

Chapter 765

Bai Sensen's bone stubble was directly exposed, his scarlet muscles were rolling, and yamashino rolled and wailed on the ground with his broken arm. Everyone was stunned and didn't respond.

Those Japanese reporters stayed for a long time, and after a long time, they reflected that they wanted to yell and make trouble, put pressure on the organizers of the games, and let them think of ways to severely punish Zhao Fugui. But before they spoke, they were swept away by Zhao Fugui's cold eyes, and all of them immediately closed their mouths in horror.

"Welcome to China!" Zhao Fugui stepped on the head of shanxiaye with one foot, staring coldly at the guy who was just outstanding, and said coldly, "today, I want to take revenge on Xu Bin by abandoning your arm. We Chinese are not so easy to bully!"

This scene was immediately photographed by countless Chinese reporters. Obviously, this picture may appear on the front page of various news.

"Mr. Zhao, he needs to go to the hospital!" Marith also did not expect a game to evolve into this result, nervously said.

"It's time for him to go to the hospital. After he returns to Japan, say hello to Yamada for me. It seems that you can't get his revenge back!" Zhao Fugui sneered, moved his feet, and then raised his arms to meet the cheers of the earthquake.

"Win, win, our Huaxia Hercules win. This is a real world-class competition. We have waited for more than ten years and finally won!"

"Zhao Fugui is a real bull. He's so bull. He deserves it!"

Chen Yihan and Zheng Yue rush into the competition and hug Zhao Fugui tightly. At this moment, they are no longer worried.

"I declare that Mr. Zhao Fugui is the champion of the Chinese division in this world Hercules competition." Yamashino was taken to the hospital by ambulance. The chairman of the world Hercules competition could no longer find any reason, so he had to stand up and announce that Zhao Fugui was the champion.

A huge trophy was sent to Zhao Fugui's hand. Zhao Fugui held the trophy high. Chinese reporter Xi lit up a continuous flash and took a crazy picture of Zhao Fugui. And Japanese reporters have long followed yamashibata's indignation and left. Obviously, there will be a lot of black screen, black box operation, malicious wounding and other words in the news reports of Japan tomorrow.

Zhao Fugui held the cup high and drew a perfect ending for today's competition. However, after the competition, he refused to be interviewed by the media and left with Chen Yihan. In terms of fitness, Zhao Fugui can't say much about it. It's better not to be interviewed.

Yamashiano was originally sent to the hospital by an ambulance, but the ambulance was intercepted by a black unlicensed car halfway, and then yamashiano was taken away by the people in the car.

"Did Yamashita fail? Where is he now? You must send him back to China immediately. Our secret can't be known by the Chinese side! " On the black unlicensed car, a secret conversation is going on.

"Mr. Yamashita is in our car. In the airport, Mr. OTA has prepared a private plane. We can take off after we arrive. We can send Mr. Yamashita back in five hours!" The man in the black unlicensed car replied.

"You have done a good job. In addition, we need to launch our intelligence organization to collect Zhao Fugui's information. I want to know why an ordinary man can defeat and hurt Yamashita Jun, which may affect the Imperial Army's judgment of the super soldier plan. We must collect detailed information!"

"Yes, sir, we will try to investigate!"

Zhao Fugui doesn't know the situation in yamashino, and he doesn't care. After the competition, Zhao Fugui directly took Chen Yihan and them back to Xiaowan village.

Many netizens, especially the rich and noble Zhao, won the championship in the electronic media.

"When can we Chinese win the world Hercules competition, is that true?" Netizens all over the country are discussing on mobile phones.

"I also think it's hard enough. Our inborn physique is there. A Hercules weighs two or three hundred jin. Can our small physique of more than one hundred jin go up?"

"Yes, especially if we beat a Japanese this time. What's the point of showing off when we beat the Japanese? The Japanese can't do it in the world Hercules competition!"

"There are more than one billion people in our country. What's so strange about the emergence of a few talented people? The shanxiaye that Zhao Fugui defeated was the champion of the French leg of the world Hercules competition. He defeated several top ten masters in the world! He is not an ordinary Japanese, Zhao Fugui can beat him is obviously powerful

"In France, there is a Japanese who won the championship, but it is very likely that some of the top experts didn't take part in it. If they took part in it, the Japanese might not have much chance. The competition of Huaxia station may also be like this, maybe there are not many experts at all

"It's very possible that no one of us Huaxia Hercules has won the top five in the world Hercules competition for more than ten years. How can we win the first place this time?"

"Is Zhao Fugui the champion of the performance competition? Network media like to fool us with these news! "Most of the discussions on the Internet were doubts about the news, but soon after the live video of the game came out, coupled with the TV media reports, the discussion on the Internet was immediately reversed.

"My God, Ivanov was defeated too. His world record of one handed snatch of 110kg is gone?"

"And Harrison and George Smith, both of them are the top five in the world's Hercules. It seems that they have won the world Hercules championship three times together!"

"Even a few of them are not Zhao Fugui's opponents, and Zhao Fugui obviously participated in the regular competition. He also broke Ivanov's one handed snatch world record. Damn it, he is really the champion of the Chinese division!"

"I'm afraid that Zhao Fugui's strength can rank in the top three of the world's strongmen, and the strength of this downhill field is also very strong, but it's too insidious. It's just unfortunate!"

"Zhao Fugui is too powerful. It's to win glory for our country. Who says that we can't produce powerful men in China? If we don't make a name for ourselves, we'll make a great success!"

The discussion on the Internet is fermenting rapidly, and Zhao Fugui seems to have a trend of becoming a net celebrity. However, some netizens later found that there is little information about Zhao Fugui on the Internet, which seems to have been specially protected.

However, soon a group of people who claimed to be Zhao Fugui's girlfriend, friends, next door neighbors, junior high school students and high school students poured out and broadcast the story of Zhao Fugui live everywhere.

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