Super Monk

Chapter 767

"Mr. Zhao, we have already made a reservation for the ticket. It's first class. We guarantee you a comfortable ride." Kimura two see Zhao Fugui took the bronzing invitation, quickly said.

"When?" Zhao Fugui opened the invitation. It was written in Chinese, and there was a signature at the bottom. It seemed to be the signature of the society chief of Shenzhu society.

"Two days later, Shenzhu club not only hopes to invite Mr. Zhao to participate in the food tasting meeting, but also to invite Mr. Zhao to visit our factory!" Kimura said respectfully.

The top food materials that Xiaowan village can provide have been regarded as one of the fulcrums of the company's development in the next few years by Shenzhu society. The top food materials in the world, including Kobe beef in Japan, can be obtained by all major companies. Only the food of Xiaowan village can be obtained by Shenzhu society in Japan. Therefore, Shenzhu society attaches great importance to Zhao Fugui's visit to Japan.

Shenzhu society hopes to leave a good impression on Zhao Fugui, so that in the future more aspects and more in-depth cooperation can be achieved.

"OK, I'll be there in two days, but I don't need the ticket. I have my own plane!" Zhao Fugui thought about it, Meiyan international Hercules competition over there is over, these days he seems to have nothing else to do, nodded and said.

"Great, Mr. Zhao. We will make your trip worthwhile." Kimura longer bows and nods to Zhao Fugui and says excitedly.

"Don't give me all the trouble!" Zhao Fugui said casually, "Oh, by the way, I also want to see your Japanese Kobe beef. Don't forget to arrange it for me!"

"No problem, Mr. Zhao. I'll arrange it properly." Kimura said in a hurry, while he was talking, he was still thinking about how to show Zhao Fugui's Kobe beef in front of his eyes.

In the past, Kimura longer relied on the great cause of the Shenzhu society and felt that he could be equal to Zhao Fugui, even vaguely superior to Zhao Fugui. However, the longer he stayed in China, the more Kimura longer understood that Zhao Fugui's cooperation with Shenzhu society was worthy of Shenzhu society.

There are many companies in the world who want to queue up to do business with Zhao Fugui. Just because Kimura knows, there are several large groups in Europe and America preparing to visit Xiaowan village.

There will never be a shortage of rich people in this world. Since there will never be a shortage of rich people, the top ingredients are always worth fighting for, not to mention the unique ingredients in the world. As soon as you master this unique ingredient, you will have more sharp tools to compete with your peers.

"Fugui, I have made an agreement with Zhu Dajiang about the supply of corn to the farm. He will pull the broken corn every day. We will record the weight every day and settle the account once a month!" At this time, Chen Yihan called Zhao Fugui and said, "besides, Mr. Xu's poultry seedlings have been sent here!"

"Well, I'll be there now!" Zhao Fugui hang up the phone, Kimura longer is very wise to leave. Zhao Fugui doesn't go by plane. Shenzhu club has to arrange Zhao Fugui's private plane to enter the country. It's very difficult for ordinary people, but it's very simple for Shenzhu club.

"Mr. Zhao, the Shenzhu club welcomes you. I'll come back in two days. Goodbye!" Kimura longer bows to Zhao Fugui again and then leaves in a hurry.

When he went back, Kimura also saw Japanese media reports about the Hercules competition on his mobile phone news, but who knows who yamashino is? Kimura didn't care about it at all.

When the time comes, the only one who cares about the company's status in shuimuchun is the extension of the contract.

"Do you want to arrange some special activities for Mr. Zhao?" Kimura longer pondered in his heart.

"Mr. Xu, you came here in person!" Zhao Fugui didn't know that Kimura longer had a small plan in his mind. When he went to Qiancun, he saw Xu Wei coming with several large trucks.

These trucks are specially treated with ventilation, the containers are separated into layers, and the poultry seedlings are separated into baskets to prevent squeezing, getting sick or dying.

"Why can't I not come to such a big thing as a million poultry?" Xu Wei said with a smile, "Fugui, you see, this is the first batch of 100000 chicken seedlings. I will send all the follow-up poultry seedlings in three to five days!"

"Good! Go straight up to the mountain Zhao Fugui looked around several cars, the chickens in the car were very healthy, he immediately nodded and said.

"Wait, Fugui, it's better to feed these chicks in a small place for a period of time, so that they can adapt to the environment, so as to reduce the mortality rate!" Xu Wei said quickly.

There used to be a farm in Qianshan of Daqing Mountain. Xu Wei means that you can let the chickens go first and keep them for two or three days. There is mature soil. It's better to transport the chickens back to the mountain forest after they adapt.

"No, just send the chicks to the forest. I have a good idea!" Zhao Fugui said with a wave of his hand.

Xu Wei see Zhao Fugui insist, also not good to say anything, immediately began to arrange the staff began to transport chicken seedlings to Daqingshan.These workers are wearing gloves, plastic clothes, hats and masks, all of which are to prevent human borne pathogens from infecting chickens.

Most farms absolutely don't allow non disinfected strangers to enter the henhouse. Xu Wei met many times. After strangers entered the henhouse, the chickens in the henhouse began to get sick and died within two days. This is because the chickens in the henhouse can't adapt to the germs carried by strangers.

This is mainly because the environment in the henhouse itself is poor. Tens of thousands of chickens are crowded in the crowded henhouse, and their resistance is poor. As long as one cannot resist illness, it will immediately infect the whole henhouse. But mountain farming is not the same, native chicken has been running in the outdoor environment, strong resistance, but also not crowded, not so easy to get sick.

Xu Wei's staff carried the chickens to the mountain in baskets, and directly put the chickens out of the baskets made of bamboo strips on the mountain. Soon after the big green mountain, there began to be a lot of chickens running around.

Zhao Fugui also followed the staff up the mountain. He walked directly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Seeing no one around him, he immediately released the black tripod from the pagoda and poured the small half tank of Lingquan water into the top of the mountain and dug out the reservoir.

Native chicken seedlings have just been released to the mountain forest. Drinking high concentration of Lingquan water can improve their resistance.

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