Super Monk

Chapter 77

"Fugui, you forget that you have to contract the land in the village. Li laocai's family also has ten mu of land. Yesterday he came to sign the contract and wanted money! " Liu Erjie said.

"Even if I contracted his land, I didn't give him money first. What money does he want?" Zhao Fugui asked, if it wasn't for Li laocai, Zhao Fugui would have forgotten Li laocai.

"He said he didn't believe us. If we want to contract his land, we have to pay first. Two million yuan for ten mu of land, we have to pay first! I'll give him the money of that year every year before planting the land! " Liu Erjie said.

"I want money if I have no land. If everyone in the village does like him, how can I farm?" Zhao Fugui said unhappily, "Li laocai bullies my family all the year round. I haven't found any trouble with him. This time, I'm going to contract his land and give him a way to get rich. He has so many things to do. Mom, you tell him I won't contract his land, let him grow it by himself

"Richness, that's not good!" Liu Erjie is soft hearted and hesitant.

"What's wrong. Mom, did you forget that he sealed up the canal to prevent us from watering the paddy field? This kind of heartless old bastard must be cured! " Zhao Fugui said angrily.

If Li laocai didn't come out again this time, Zhao Fugui couldn't remember him at all. Since he was looking for something himself, Zhao Fugui was not ready to get used to him. 200000 per mu, where can't we rent land in the world? Does he really think his land is so expensive?

Zhao Fugui was too lazy to talk to Li laocai. He went to the village radio room and used the village's high pitched loudspeaker to shout, "every family in the village will send a representative to the threshing ground for a meeting. I have arrangements for the land in the village!"

Zhao Fugui called the villagers in the village together for a meeting. After a while, each family in the village sent a person to come. Some sent a pillar, some sent a daughter-in-law, and soon the threshing ground was full of people.

"I'm looking for you to have a meeting today. I'm going to tell you about the earthquake in the village. All the villagers have seen how good our fruits are, right? I'm going to plan the land in the village. It's not only rice, but also other kinds of land. " Zhao Fugui said.

"Village head, we will plant whatever you say. You can arrange it!" Said one of the villagers.

"Well, the land in our village is arranged from east to west. Watermelon is planted in the easternmost 50 mu, apple is planted in the 50 mu, and so on. Litchi, strawberry, grape, sweet orange and cherry are planted. Rice is planted in the rest of the land, and wheat is planted after rice harvest. In addition, all the vegetable gardens in the village are united to grow vegetables. Everyone wants to know where their land is. Come and register with me! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Wealth, growing fruit can make money, but growing rice can make money?" A villager thought that his land was at the west end of the village, and he was still planting rice. He was worried and asked.

"Uncle Li, don't worry. Growing rice in the village is the same as growing fruit. When the dividend is paid at the end of the year, there will be no less money. Don't worry about planting it!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"Cheng, I believe you!" Uncle Li thought for a long time, but he still said.

"Big guy, after I have registered what to plant, I will go back and pull up the rice instead of planting rice. In a few days, I will be planting fruit trees!" Zhao Fugui said aloud.

As soon as Zhao Fugui made the arrangement, the villagers took action that afternoon. While other villages were waiting for rice to grow, the villagers in Xiaowan village pulled up most of the rice seedlings. After pulling, it is not finished. Planting rice is a paddy field. Planting fruit trees doesn't use so much water. Villagers also use pumps to pump water out.

Early the next morning, Zhao Fugui got up early and went directly to boss Yang's forest farm with a million dollars of cash. Now is the peak season of the forest farm, and the forest farm is also busy.

"Brother, here you are. Please sit down!" Yang, the boss of the forest farm, saw that Zhao Fugui's golden cup van had arrived. He rushed over and gave Zhao Fugui a cigarette.

Since Zhao Fugui's happy fruit became famous, some people have heard that the fruit trees of his family were bought by boss Yang, and the business of boss Yang's forest farm has improved a lot. Everyone thinks that happy fruit is so delicious, and it must be a good seedling.

"Is boss Yang busy? I'm here to order 500 mu of fruit seedlings with you Zhao Fugui took a cigarette but didn't smoke. He used to smoke a lot when he was working on the construction site. At that time, he was short of money and couldn't smoke well. Now he has some money to smoke well, but he doesn't want to smoke any more.

"Not busy, not busy, brother, when you come, I must not be busy even if I am busy!" As soon as boss Yang heard that it was a big business, he quickly asked, "what kind of seedlings do you want this time?"

"It's the same as last time. This time, you'll prepare 50 mu of land for me. In addition, you'll prepare another 50 mu of watermelon seedlings. I want bluestone seedlings. The seedlings of fruit trees are all good. Don't give me inferior ones! " Zhao Fugui said. "You figure out how much it's going to cost!"

"Don't worry, you are the best. Once born and twice cooked, Lao Yang will never pit his friends! " Boss Yang said immediately even up, this time too many seedlings, boss Yang calculated carefully, used a lot of time. After a while, boss Yang said, "I want a large quantity this time. I calculate the lowest price directly. The total number of seedlings in 500 mu is 980000!"

Watermelon seedlings are cheaper. Watermelon seedlings on 50 mu land are much cheaper than apple seedlings on 50 mu land. The price is 40000 or 50000 yuan lower than that estimated by Zhao Fugui. Boss Yang should be the cheapest one."OK, I'll settle the money for you directly. From the back, you'll pull the fruit trees to me, about 40 or 50 mu per day!" Zhao Fugui said, he took out one million cash directly, took out 20000 from it and pushed it to boss Yang.

Boss Yang has also seen a big scene. He directly asks the accountant in the forest farm to count the money and check the truth of the money by the way. It's better to find out the money face to face than to talk about it later in case of any problem.

"Brother, there's no problem with money. I'll treat you to dinner later!" The accountant soon counted the money clearly. Boss Yang shook hands with Zhao Fugui and said with a smile.

"It's OK to have boss Yang's words. You'll be busy first, and I'll go!" In the forest farm, Zhao Fugui talked with boss Yang about the fruit seedlings, and immediately returned to Xiaowan village.

The villagers in Xiaowan village are enthusiastic and busy in the fields, dreaming about the harvest after their fields grow happy fruits. Zhao Fugui stood on the ground and looked at it. In his mind, Xiaowan village has less strong labor and more land, so we should try our best to adopt some modern mechanical planting methods.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fugui turns to find Zhang Youhu, ready to let Zhang Youhu do the field after the completion of road construction.

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