Super Monk

Chapter 774

"Zhao Fugui!" As soon as Ma Yong saw Zhao Fugui, his face changed greatly. He turned around and pushed open the secret door and hid in the box.

"Do you want to run?" Zhao Fugui's face sank and strode forward.

"Ma Yong, you don't want to live anymore? Get out of here In the box, a little brother is dressing Niu's fingers, and the other two are stuffing Xiaolian into the canvas bag.

Ma Yong knows what Niu Daqing is going to do. Xiaolian can't even sit on the stage. Niu Daqing wants to pull Xiaolian away and remove her organs.

"Brother Niu, Xiao Lian's lover is coming!" Ma Yong was scared of shivering, did not dare to look at Xiaolian, panic said.

"What?" As soon as Niu Daqing's face changed, "Hula" stood up with a bad look. Ma Yong said that Xiaolian had no family and no one to care about her, so they were ready to take her away. If the woman had a lover and someone called the police, the boss would be very unhappy. Since the point in the countryside was taken away by the police, the boss has been more cautious.

"Bang!" At this time, the secret door of the box was suddenly kicked open fiercely. The specially reinforced steel bolt behind the door couldn't bear the strength and was directly broken. Zhao Fugui's face was ugly and he squeezed in from outside the small door.

"Boy, where the hell are you? How dare you make trouble in Laozi's territory Niu Daqing looks at Zhao Fugui and cheers coldly.

"Big brother, these two bastards hurt Xiao San and Lao Liu!" Outside the box, an Xue guarded the door of the box warily. At least twenty or thirty gangsters with two foot long machetes outside the door had filled the corridor of the box.

"Stop, I'm a policeman. Now you are suspected to have something to do with a kidnapping case. Stop!" An Xue one hand presses in the waist, the facial expression is cold fierce of looking at the door at any time may rush in of the thug big shout a way.

"Big brother, this chick said she was a policeman. Damn it, this chick is hotter than the popular column in our bar!" A group of gangsters smile and look at an Xue, and all kinds of slanders come over.

The chill on an Xue's face is getting stronger and stronger, but she just keeps her temper and stares at the gangsters not far in front of her. I'm afraid these gangsters can't be stopped by her one shot.

"Where's Xiaolian?" Zhao Fugui didn't look at Niu Daqing at all. He stared at Ma Yong and asked. When Ma Yong heard Zhao Fugui's voice, he was shocked. His eyes unconsciously glanced at the canvas bag.

Zhao Fugui immediately saw a corner of the canvas bag hidden behind him. Zhao Fugui's pupil suddenly shrank, and his eyes showed a trace of killing intention. He immediately walked to the canvas bag.

"Boy, you are crazy. If brother Niu asks you, you dare not answer!" One of the two horsemen around brother Niu's face suddenly changed and rushed up. He grabbed Zhao Fugui's neck with one hand and took out a serrated dagger with the other hand from his back waist and stabbed him in the abdomen.

Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed. He kicked the horse's chest like lightning. The next second, the horse flew up like a cannonball, and hit the wall behind the box. He didn't even have time to scream, just like a pool of rotten meat.

An Xue's cold pretty face also shows a trace of shock. He didn't expect Zhao Fugui to launch such violence. It seems that he was very lenient to her before.

"What the hell are you doing? Cut them to death Niu Daqing's face changed greatly. With a fierce roar, the gangsters outside the box immediately rushed to an Xue.

"Damn it, cut them to death and save brother Niu!" The gangsters rush to an Xue with machetes and shouts.

An Xue's pretty face sank, and she kicked a roundabout kick hard at the chest of a gangster. She wanted to kick the gangster away, but there were too many gangsters outside the box. An Xue didn't kick people away, instead, she was knocked into the box by the anti shock force.

"There are too many people. You deal with them and I'll save them!" An Xue's face changed and she yelled.

"The man is in the bag!" Several gangsters rush into the box, and the chopper cuts directly at Zhao Fugui and an Xue. With a low voice, Zhao Fugui uses Daoli, raises his hand to block the chopper, holds the three gangsters, roars, and pushes them and the gangsters who are rushing into the box.

"Damn it, I've been stabbed in the ass!"

"Lift up the knife, don't cut me!" No one thought that Zhao Fugui had such great strength. He pushed all the gangsters out by himself. The machetes in the gangsters' hands not only didn't have a machete, but also hurt many of his own people.

"Son of a bitch, kill him!" Blocked by Zhao Fugui, the three gangsters in front of him changed their faces greatly, and with a machete, they cut off Zhao Fugui's head at random.

"Go away!" A flash of anger flashed in Zhao Fugui's eyes. He grabbed the Thug's neck with one hand and held him up. Then he gave a loud drink and smashed the thug on the thugs in front of him. The gangsters were like wheat blown down by the strong wind, and they fell down in pain.

"My God, this NIMA is a human Godzilla. It's so violent!" Blocked in the box on both sides of the corridor, some guys who are secretly looking out are immediately scared. They look at Zhao Fugui in horror and murmur."This man, this man is Zhao Fugui. He was still swiping the screen on his mobile phone yesterday. He won the world Hercules competition, the champion of the official competition of Huaxia division!" Someone recognized Zhao Fugui and screamed.

"It's really him, it's really him. This guy is so fierce. No wonder he can beat those top Hercules in the world!"

"It's so cool. It's the right way to find a boyfriend. It's not practical to find those little white faces except for making vases!" There are also women in sexy clothes, a face of fanatic looking at Zhao Fugui shouting.

"Go In the box, brother Niu saw the violence outside the box, his face suddenly changed, he yelled, opened the secret door behind the box, and went in. The horse behind brother Niu drags his canvas bag and immediately wants to follow him.

"Stop!" An Xue drinks heavily, reaches out her hand and wants to grab the canvas bag. The horse doesn't care whether she is a policewoman or not. She stabs an Xue's chest without any scruples. An Xue has to let go and retreat. The horse took the opportunity to pull his canvas pocket into the small door behind the box.

An Xue ran after her without hesitation, but as soon as she ran into the secret door, she saw Niu Daqing holding a pistol in the narrow passage behind the secret door and was about to pull the trigger.

"Get out of the way!" Zhao Fugui yells, grabs the collar of an Xue's fur coat and immediately drags her out. Almost at the same time, the gunfire in the secret passage starts to ring.

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