Super Monk

Chapter 779

"Thank you, officer. There are still sensible people!" Zhao Fugui immediately stood up, winked at an Xue, and went out directly.

Before Zhao Fugui went out, a pair of long thighs in leather pants rubbed Zhao Fugui and kicked him on the iron door of the interrogation room. The iron door hit the wall, which scared the director and Zhao Fugui.

"An Xue, what are you doing?" The director's face was scared to change, and then angrily waited for an Xue to shout.

"He didn't even leave a confession in such a big murder case involving guns. Why did he let him go?" An Xue does not give way of fierce voice ask a way.

"I don't need to explain to you. You'll let him go right away!" The director's face was ugly, but the thigh in front of Zhao Fugui didn't show any sign of getting out of the way. The director stares at an Xue for a while, but he can't hang on his face. But he doesn't know why he still holds his breath and explains in a deep voice, "this is the meaning of the above. This case has nothing to do with Mr. Zhao. Let's let people go!"

"Up there? Which one is up there? Who exactly? Who gave the order? " An Xue asked like a firecracker.

"Ask the director yourself!" The director angrily dropped a sentence and said to Zhao Fugui, "Mr. Zhao, I'm so sorry. This has nothing to do with you. You can go now!"

"Officer ANN, I'm sorry. I'm going back to bed!" Zhao Fugui nods and pushes an Xue's leg away. An Xue's face is very ugly, but he doesn't stop Zhao Fugui in the end.

As soon as Zhao Fugui came out of the police station, he asked which hospital Xiaolian had been sent to. He went to the bar to pick up the car and immediately drove to the hospital.

Ma Yong, the initiator of the case on this side of the bar, escaped. The police haven't caught him yet. At that time, in the secret box, Zhao Fugui was in a hurry to save Xiaolian. He didn't have time to take care of him, so he let the bastard run away.

But out of such a big case, Chengdu police caught him must be a matter of time. In Chengdu's police system, the former director Chen was transferred, and Jiang Shao took over the post later. However, it was not long before he went to the military court and was said to have been directly sentenced for 20 years.

After Jiang Dashao was arrested, the police system in Chengdu was impacted. Today, most of the officials have changed. An Xue has never seen Zhao Fugui before, and it is estimated that he has not been transferred from other places for long.

Moreover, Zhao Fugui feels that an Xue's identity is estimated to be unusual, and even the new director gives her permission. If an Xue were an ordinary person, she would not be able to do it with her irritability.

"Nurse, which ward is Zhang Yulian in?" Zhao Fugui asked a nurse on duty to stop the hospital.

"I'll check!" The nurse at the reception station checked and then said, "is Zhang Yulian the 20-year-old one? He's in the Department of internal medicine on the twelfth floor, room 1215! "

"Yes, that's her, thank you!" Zhao Fugui nodded and took the elevator to the 12th floor. In the elevator, Zhao Fugui took out his mobile phone and had a look. Unexpectedly, there were three missed calls, all from Zheng Yue.

Zhao Fugui quickly dials the phone. Before Zhao Fugui's phone was taken away from the police station, he has no idea when Zheng Yue will call.

"Hello, Fugui, are you ok? Why don't you answer the phone all the time? " As soon as the phone was put through, Zheng Yue asked in an urgent voice.

"Something happened just now. Why did you make a few phone calls?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"There's an accident in the staff dormitory, Xiaolian is missing, and the door of the dormitory has been smashed a lot! I'd like to call you to let you know that I can't get through all the time! " Zheng Yue said quickly.

"I already know what happened over there. At that night, you asked them to support the door with things first, and tomorrow they would find someone to repair it! Xiao Lian was injured by her husband Ma Yong. You will arrange two waiters to take care of her tomorrow! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Is Xiaolian hurt? Is the injury serious? " Zheng Yue was surprised and asked. Xiaolian is missing, the dormitory is smashed, and a group of waitresses are in a panic. Fortunately, there are still chefs living downstairs at night, so they don't all run home. Unexpectedly, Xiaolian was injured by her husband.

"It's all right now. Just take a few days off. I'm in the hospital now. Xiaolian has nothing to do, but she needs to stay in the hospital for a while!" Zhao Fugui said.

"If it's all right, if it's all right!" Zheng Yue was relieved and asked for the address of the hospital. Then she hung up.

Zhao Fugui came out of the elevator and found room 1215. Xiaolian was lying on the bed with bandages on her head and body. The nurse was hanging a drip for her. When something happened, Xiaolian's family didn't care. Ma Yong's family was left with an old woman, and no one was in charge, so only one nurse came to have a look occasionally.

Fortunately, Xiaolian was sent by the police, otherwise I'm afraid no one even arranged the ward.

Zhao Fugui walks into the ward. This is a three person room. The ward is full of people. Several middle-aged women are sitting in the innermost room, chatting while eating melon seeds. All the melon seed shells are thrown on the ground.

There are several men sitting next to the hospital bed in the middle, smoking and talking. When Zhao Fugui came in, there was a man sitting on Xiaolian's bed. If no one looked after her at night and Xiaolian was in a coma, maybe someone would sleep on Xiaolian's bed and bully her. People of these days can do anything.Zhao Fugui enters the ward, and the man is scared to stand up. Zhao Fugui is worried about Xiaolian's condition, and has no time to talk to them. He takes a close look at Xiaolian, and finds that her breathing is stable, there is no internal injury, and there are only some skin injuries left. Although the injury is frightening, she is OK. Just rest for a few days, and then she is completely relieved.

"Xiao Lian, don't worry, Ma Yong that son of a bitch can't run!" Zhao Fugui looks at the injury on Xiaolian's body and whispers to himself.

Zhao Fugui doesn't know. Ma Yong came to see Xiaolian this time because last time Zhao Fugui sent Xiaolian and other waiters home, one of the waiters took a picture of himself on knight XV.

The waiter happened to be his cousin's girlfriend. When Ma Yong saw this photo on his cousin's QQ, he decided that Xiaolian didn't follow the women's way and had an affair with Zhao Fugui.

Ma Yong got addicted to drugs after mixing with Niu Daqing. He owed Niu Daqing a lot of money and couldn't afford to change it. This afternoon, he became addicted to drugs and had no money to buy drugs. So he asked his cousin where Xiaolian worked.

After Ma Yong saw Xiaolian go back to the staff dormitory alone, he followed her up. Later, he smashed the door and grabbed Xiaolian, which almost killed her in the end.

Although Ma Yong has escaped now, even if the police can't catch him, Zhao Fugui must make him pay for what he has done.

"Are you a family member of the patient? Please pay the fee, or we will stop taking the medicine tomorrow! " At this time, a nurse came in and said to Zhao Fugui.

"Do you have a better ward? I can pay a little more, and you can transfer her to a better ward! " Zhao Fugui said.

"The ten intensive care wards in the hospital are not for your family. Only retired cadres can live in the intensive care ward. You can't live in it. Only this ward!" The nurse said impatiently.

Zhao Fugui's face suddenly sank. Since he had a vacant house, he didn't give them money. Why didn't he let them live? Is it a waste of public medical resources to leave the ward empty?

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