Super Monk

Chapter 781

"Xiongxiong, don't be angry. Mom will kowtow and apologize to you now!" The middle-aged woman said a word to her son, then said to Zhao Fugui with pride, "bumpkin, do you hear me? Kowtow to my son and apologize!"

"Why do you want me to kowtow and apologize to Zhao Fugui, just because you've got gonorrhea, and you're going to be ruined?" Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed cold and said coldly.

"What? How dare you curse my son for gonorrhea? You don't want to live! " The middle-aged woman screamed fiercely, rushed over, stretched out her hand and scratched Zhao Fugui's eyes.

Zhao Fugui's face sank. She was not used to this middle-aged woman at all. She directly shaved her ears. The middle-aged woman turned around and sat down on the ground. These two dogs don't treat themselves as human beings, and Zhao Fugui doesn't intend to treat them as human beings.

"How dare you beat me, bumpkin!" The middle-aged woman didn't expect that Zhao Fugui would dare to beat her. She was stunned for a moment and then howled like a sow, "what are you still doing? Call someone quickly. If you don't interrupt the boy today, I'll smash your hospital!"

"Yes, yes!" Director Zhang didn't expect that Zhao Fugui even dared to fight the directors of Dingsheng industry. He was stunned for a moment and then reacted. He quickly called, "security, security, security, come here quickly!"

The shady son of the middle-aged woman saw that Zhao Fugui was doing something. He did not dare to help his mother. Instead, he screamed and hid behind his mother. As much waste as he wanted.

"Boy, how dare you make trouble in our hospital! Be honest with me!" When several security guards heard the news, they ran over with batons and surrounded Zhao Fugui with cheers.

"What if I'm not honest?" Zhao Fugui didn't pay attention to several security guards at all. His eyes flashed and he said faintly.

Hearing the movement in the corridor, several other senior cadres in the ward also opened the door and looked out secretly. They didn't know what happened.

"That woman seems to be the wife of President Li of Dingsheng industry. How could she be beaten?" Someone whispered.

"This woman is famous for being rude and shrewd. She usually only bullies others. I didn't expect that she was bullied today. It's really interesting!"

"That seems to be his son. His son is a famous Playboy in Chengdu, and he especially likes to play with good women and female students. I don't know how many people have been harmed, and he has heard that he is ill and infects many people. He is extremely immoral. Every time there is an accident, his father takes the money to settle it! "

"They don't have a good family. Don't you know that Dingsheng industry was founded by Li and his brother in the early years. What do you think of these years? Mr. Li's brother's leg was broken. It was his own brother. His sister-in-law lives in a mental hospital now. A few years ago, her son died in a car accident. There's a lot going on here, and there's nothing good in this family! "

Several other people in the senior cadre ward whispered and talked one after another, and the middle-aged women's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Maybe the people who lived in the senior cadre ward were not simple people, and it was not necessarily her who could be provoked.

"What are you doing? Call me, kill him Middle aged women do not dare to trouble others, howling to the security.

"Boy, even you dare to offend Wang Dong. You are looking for death! Brothers, hit me hard The security captain gave a loud shout and hit Zhao Fugui on the head with a baton.

Zhao Fugui's eyes were shining, and he was about to make a direct move. Just at this time, a 50-60-year-old white coat came over in a hurry.

"Stop, what's going on?" The old doctor's face was ugly. He asked in a deep voice. As soon as he appeared, several security guards did not dare to start.

"President, this man is not qualified to live in the senior cadre ward. He not only robbed the senior cadre ward, but also beat Dong Wang. We are going to arrest him and hand him over to the police station!" Director Zhang saw the old doctor's face changed and said quickly.

"Dean Chen, what's going on here? These people who are not good at making trouble in the senior cadre's ward The middle-aged woman saw that the old doctor's face was a little ugly and yelled.

"You are, you are Zhao Fugui, doctor Zhao?" President Chen took a close look at Zhao Fugui. His eyes were bright. He immediately extended his hands and shook hands with Zhao Fugui. He said excitedly, "I didn't expect that doctor Zhao would come to our hospital. Our hospital is really magnificent!"

"Who are you?" Zhao Fugui felt that President Chen was very familiar, as if he had never seen him before. He asked suspiciously.

"I'm Chen Youde, the president of this hospital!" Chen Yuan long a face pile of smile of say.

"Dean, what are you doing?" Director Zhang can't figure it out, he said expectantly.

"Fool, you really have eyes and don't know Taishan. This is the famous doctor Zhao Fugui. Now our Chinese medical circle can get the attention of the world's medical circles. It all depends on doctor Zhao!" President Chen glared at director Zhang and said.

A few days ago, President Chen went abroad to communicate with his foreign counterparts. In the past, they didn't look down on Chinese doctors at all. The most cutting-edge medical methods in China are the last to be learned in developed countries.

But this time, it's not the same. Huaxia doctors not only get high standard treatment and attention, but also are invited to speak first. This is an honor that Huaxia medical circle did not dare to think of before. And now there is a wave of Chinese medicine all over the world, and Chinese medicine has begun to be valued. It's all thanks to Zhao Fugui."President Chen, I have a friend here to see a doctor. Director Zhang said that we are not qualified to live in the senior cadre ward. Do you think we are qualified?" Zhao Fugui asked in a deep voice.

"Qualified, qualified, anyone can not be qualified, but doctor Zhao's friends must be qualified! Zhang Guangyi, what do you eat? Quickly arrange the ward and intensive care for Mr. Zhao's friends. If the director of internal medicine doesn't want to work, he will go to the morgue tomorrow! " Chen Yuan cheered as he grew up.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll arrange it right away!" Director Zhang's face turned white and sweated. He immediately arranged special ward care for Xiaolian and made up the bed by himself. He should be more attentive.

"It turned out to be Zhao Fugui. No wonder I dare to smoke Wang Dong's face. I've long wanted to smoke this shrew's face, but I don't have the courage."

"Yes, I want to, but I don't have a chance. In the first half of this year, the shrew forced a female college student in our unit to jump off the building, saying that she was seducing her husband. It's shameless that it's Mr. Li who wants to sleep with other girls

"Haha, this woman deserves to be beaten today!" There was another discussion on the other side of the senior cadre ward.

"Dean Chen, this boy even dares to beat me. I can't just let it go!" When the middle-aged woman saw the situation, she screamed at once.

"Mr. Wang Dong, Mr. Zhao is the hope of our Chinese medical community. I will never allow you to make trouble here! If you dare to make trouble again, I'll call president Li! " Chen said in a deep voice.

"You The middle-aged woman's face was very ugly, but it seemed that there was something hidden. She put up with the evil. The middle-aged woman pointed at Zhao Fugui and yelled, "boy, you wait, this is not over! Let's go

The middle-aged woman's son seems to be a little afraid of President Chen. He dares not put a fart and goes away.

Zhao Fugui had a flash in his eyes. Originally, he wanted to teach the mother and son a lesson. However, in the eyes of heaven, he saw that the middle-aged woman's son was half rotten. Unless Zhao Fugui treated him himself, he would have to cut off all the things under him. Zhao Fugui was too lazy to teach them a lesson.

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