Super Monk

Chapter 786

"Do you think a dog who hurt me is qualified to fight against Jinpeng? Mud legs are really mud legs. I've never seen the world. I don't know how many people in the world you can't afford! " Jin Peng almost breathless smile, just disdain said.

"People who are too self righteous usually don't get good results. I can not only hurt your dog, but also kill you. You'd better consider the consequences of dealing with Xiaowan village! I'm going to kill you, and you can't keep your identity of being born in the Jin family! " Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"I don't know what to do. I dare to threaten president Jin!" The man in black behind Jin Peng has a flash in his eyes, and his whole body is full of momentum, which covers Zhao Fugui. This guy is not only murderous, but also amazing. I'm afraid he's also a fierce man who kills countless people and climbs out of a sea of corpses.

Unfortunately, Zhao Fugui just took a light look at him, and didn't pay attention to the general master's momentum. Seeing that Zhao Fugui is not moved, the man in black is angry and wants to fight with Zhao Fugui. He is stopped by Jin Peng's light wave.

"How can I pay attention to the threat of an ant? If you hurt linglao carelessly, how can I explain to those old people who went to Beijing?" Jin Peng waved at will and said.

"Jin Peng, you are so arrogant that you dare to talk like this!" Ling old see Jinpeng so disrespectful to a group of old people in Beijing, suddenly angry face flushed.

"Linglao, I'll call you linglao for face. If you don't give face, you're just an old man. If you want to blame it, you can only blame your son for not being competitive and not climbing up. You can only rely on your old man to support the scene! You're all out of date, and you want to meddle in our business. It's very uncomfortable! " Jin Peng said with a sneer.

"Mr. Ling, I don't have much to say. I've already said what I said today. If anything happens in the future, don't blame me for not reminding the Jin family first! Let's go Ling Laoqi is about to vomit blood, Zhao Fugui stood up and said to Ling Laoqi.

"OK, let's go. I'll go back to Beijing and ask Lao Jin how he disciplined the younger generation in his family." Ling also angrily stood up and yelled.

"Stop, did I say you can go?" Jin Peng's face sank with a trace of coldness. The man in black behind him suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Fugui and Ling Lao, and hit Zhao Fugui hard.

Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed with the same punch, and he hit each other with the same punch. The two fists collided with each other fiercely and gave out a low explosive sound in an instant. What Zhao Fugui didn't expect was that the fist was even. Zhao Fugui and the man in black stepped back.

"It's a bit of a skill!" Zhao Fugui said coldly with a flash in his eyes.

At most, the man in black is a master at the top of his power. He is better than the man in sunglasses, but he is almost the same as Chen San. However, he can even fight Zhao Fugui, which is beyond Zhao Fugui's expectation.

"Boy, I have a lot of strength. No wonder I won the champion of China division in the world Hercules competition!" The man in Black said slowly, looking cold and fierce.

"It seems that you have investigated me very clearly. Since that's the case, you should know that Zhao Fugui is not so easy to get into trouble. I advise you not to ask for trouble!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"People always find trouble by themselves! Zhao Fugui, you are a clay leg occupying the golden mountain and the silver mountain. Do you think you are lucky? You've been a porter on the construction site, and you should be satisfied now. If you are not satisfied, you will die! Now I'll give you a chance to sign this contract for me, and you won't have any trouble in the future! " Jin Peng took out a stack of contracts and said with a sneer, "pa" is still on the table.

Zhao Fugui picked up the contract and looked at it. His face suddenly sank and he said coldly, "if you take 10 million yuan, you want me to sell you the whole Xiaowan village. You dream!"

The contract Jin Peng took out was to use 10 million yuan to buy all the industries under Zhao Fugui's name, including the land contract of Xiaowan village, the contract of Heilongtan, the contract of Daqingshan, the farm stove, the snack street, the water park, and even the Wan Village food in the urban area, as well as the 10% original shares of Lin's medicine.

Not to mention Lin's original shares, which are now worth tens of billions of yuan, Zhao Fugui's industry in Xiaowan village is worth at least one billion yuan. It's just wishful thinking that Jin Peng wants to take 10 million yuan to buy all of Zhao Fugui's industries.

"Zhao Fugui, don't toast or drink! Today, I'm in a good mood. I'll give you 10 million yuan. If you don't appreciate it, you'd better think clearly, not only that 10 million yuan is not enough, but also your family will be ruined! " Jin Peng said coldly.

"Jin Peng, you're just an ordinary kid of the Jin family. What's the qualification to be so arrogant? Even sun Cheng, who went to Beijing, had nothing to do with Zhao Fugui, not to mention you. If you want to deal with me, you'd better consider the consequences of not dying with me! " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

As soon as Zhao Fugui said this, the eyes of the people in black suddenly solidified. Sun Cheng was the closest to the core group in Shangjing. In addition to the core of the group, sun Cheng had the highest status. Sun Cheng was at the same level as the Jin family.

If even sun Cheng can't take Zhao Fugui, they may not be able to take Zhao Fugui just by their financial strength. But will sun chengsun even regard a clay leg as an enemy? The man in black thought it was impossible. Zhao Fugui was not qualified to be sun's enemy."Hum, do you think you can scare Jinpeng when you hear the names of some young people in Beijing? Do you have the right to let Sun Da Shao have a look? How ridiculous Jin Peng thinks that the name of sun Cheng was told to Zhao Fugui by linglao. Zhao Fugui says that sun Cheng's name is just to scare him.

Although Jinpeng financial has great energy, it is not so easy to inquire about the core circle of Shangjing. Jin Peng doesn't know about Zhao Fugui's holiday with sun Cheng, and sun Cheng won't let the news out either. Otherwise, his cousin sun Dashao and a migrant worker are tied up. Isn't that a joke?

"It seems that you are not qualified to know these things because of your position in Shangjing!" Zhao Fugui sneered scornfully and supported linglao and said, "linglao, let's go. We have nothing to say with this kind of self righteous frog in the well!"

As soon as the man in black's face sank, he was about to start. Jin Peng hummed coldly to stop him. Jinpeng looks at Zhao Fugui holding linglao out of the villa and walking down the mountain, his eyes flashing.

"Mr. Jin?" The man in black asked reluctantly.

"It's hard for me to explain if I hurt old man Ling! Ninety percent, you tell them to do it. If you mess up this time, you don't have to come back! " Jin Peng light said.

"Yes, Mr. Jin, I must have done it cleanly!" The sunglasses man nodded and soon disappeared.

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