Super Monk

Chapter 79

"Richness, should we print some leaflets and go to the city to publicize it?" On the opening day, most of the people in Xiaowan village got up just after dawn. Chen Yihan followed Zhao Fugui to the entrance of the village. Looking at the empty rural road, he couldn't help saying.

"No, the sign of happy fruit has gone out. There is no need to publicize and a large number of people come here. Don't worry!" Zhao Fugui said confidently. Although he said that, there was no one on the country road that just started to light up, and Zhao Fugui suddenly felt that he had no bottom in his heart.

"Village head, our gongs and drums team is ready. Please go to the intersection and put the whip!" After a while, old man Li came running excitedly. He was followed by 20 middle-aged women with heavy makeup. Some of them played gongs, some played drums, and some of them managed to run the new year's boat. They gathered in the village.

"OK, let's go to the village and set off firecrackers!" Seeing that the villagers support happy farm so much, Zhao Fugui's mood suddenly gets better. As long as the people in the village are united, are you afraid that you can't go on the road to prosperity together?

"Let's go!" Li shouts happily and starts to meet again with a broken fan. The waist drum team follows Zhao Fugui and walks to the intersection of the village road. The sound of beating gongs and drums immediately broke the tranquility of the village, and even Dawan village was shocked in the distance.

Zhao Fugui takes the villagers of Xiaowan village to the village road. When he comes to the intersection of the village road, a group of people suddenly appear in front of him. The leading group is the newly recruited waiters of the farm stove. The waiter Li Xiaolian took a red silk with her.

"Village head, thank you for building the road for Xiaowan village. Today our road is finally completed. Please cut the ribbon!" Xiaolian handed the scissors and ribbon to Zhao Fugui, and said excitedly.

"Well, thank you for your support. I promise Zhao Fugui that I will take the villagers to the road of prosperity in the future and make your life more and more prosperous!" Zhao Fugui was moved in his heart. He turned to everyone and said, and then cut off the red silk ribbon.

"Fellow villagers, the road under our feet has not been named. This road was built by Fugui. The name of Fugui is good. I suggest that we name this road Fugui road. I hope we can all go on Fugui road in the future. Do you agree? " Said old man Li in a loud voice.

"Good, good name!" The villagers cheered loudly. They didn't know who was the leader. Then they all began to applaud warmly. In the applause, the firecrackers were set on fire under the huge happy farm signboard at the intersection of rural roads. At the same time, in the sound of firecrackers, twenty or thirty cars came, the motorcade stopped in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes, and Lao San stepped down from the car.

Old three, green hair, Ma Chao, all the people Zhao Fugui knew or didn't know stepped down from the car, and Zhao Fugui immediately welcomed them.

"Brother Zhao, Congratulations, happy fruit is so popular, I've brought all my brothers here to celebrate!" Lao San hugged Zhao Fugui tightly and said with a laugh.

"Third man, thank you for coming and supporting me. Please come inside!" Zhao Fugui also said with a smile. Laosan signals the car that follows him to go in first. He stands at the intersection and accompanies Zhao Fugui for a long time before going in.

Third, they just entered the village. Lin zhinuo, Xu Wei and Shu Ya also came. Seven or eight cars stopped.

"Wealth, congratulations. This is the first step in your career. I hope your future career will go further and further, and become more prosperous!" Shu Ya smiles to Zhao Fugui.

"Mr. Shu, thank you. Miss Lin, Mr. Xu, please come inside, please Zhao Fugui's mouth almost closed with a smile and said.

Shuya, Lin zhinuo and Xu Wei have just entered. The head of Qingtian Township over there also sent a secretary to congratulate Zhao Fugui. Happy fruit is popular in the city, and has become a famous specialty of Qingtian Township, which makes the township head highly praised by the city leaders. Of course, the township government hopes that Zhao Fugui's happy farm will become better and better.

A group of people just entered the village, a group of people came from the city, first came to support Zhao Fugui's friends and business partners, then more and more guests began to appear because of happy fruit, soon the quiet Xiaowan village became noisy.

There are tourists everywhere who buy happy fruits. They choose their favorite fruits in front of the stalls near the orchard. The farmer's kitchen was already full of people, and they were all enjoying the special breakfast offered by Liu Erjie. Big umbrellas were set up on the side of Heilongtan, and the visitors on the outing put down their fishing rods and began to fish.

Until this time, Zhao Fugui finally relaxed. The visitors to Xiaowan village have exceeded Zhao Fugui's expectation. As long as Kaixin farm gets better and better in the future, I believe more and more tourists will come here and bring the name of Kaixin farm to their relatives and friends.

Zhao Fugui put down his heart, explained to the gongs and drums team, then turned and walked to the village. Full of excitement, Zhao Fugui finally took the first step in his own career.

"Fat brother, Zhao Fugui is coming. What shall we do? Do you want him? " Not far away, two police cars quietly stopped at the side of the road, the police car thin police said to the fat police.

"Catch? Catch a fart. You don't see who's here today. The township head sent someone to come, and several big bosses in the city also came. Unexpectedly, Zhao Fugui, a local bumpkin, knew so many people. If we catch him today, we'll be in a bind. Let's go back to the police station. Damn it, I didn't get any benefit when I got up so early! " Fat police dissatisfied said.The thin policeman drives around with a depressed face and thinks, it's not you, fat man. I heard that Zhao Fugui's happy farm opened today. I want to save his face and catch him at the local police station. Now see Zhao Fugui know more people, even dare not go to, fortunately mean to scold me.

Thin police thought so, but they didn't dare to say it, so they had to drive the police car to the township police station.

"Fugui, you have a good environment, food and play here. It's really a good place for outing!" Shu Ya first visited the happy orchard, ate several kinds of happy fruits, and then went to the sparkling black dragon pool to have a look, and exclaimed.

"Xiaowan village is only a preliminary development now. In the future, I will build it into a high-grade scenic spot integrating leisure and vacation, and make Xiaowan village a star sign of our city and even our province!" Zhao Fugui said confidently.

"Xiaowan village does have this condition, especially the happy fruit, which is really delicious. I just want to talk about a business cooperation with you Shuya said with a smile.

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