Super Monk

Chapter 791

The exoskeleton arms of the man in black only contain two arms, and there is a small hydraulic press behind him. Zhao Fugui estimated that this set of things on the people in black are either semi-finished products or suggested products. I'm afraid the real finished products are only available in some mysterious departments or top special forces.

Zhao Fugui carefully observed and found that these two exoskeletons are very small, and it is not easy to find them hidden under his clothes. They look simple, but in fact they are very sophisticated.

Zhao Fugui thought that if he got involved in this thing, he might be in trouble. Although he was very interested, he still didn't take off the exoskeleton arms of the man in black.

When two Yin soldiers in the room see Jin Peng's panic and want to escape, Zhao Fugui's eyes flash. The two Yin soldiers directly pick up the things in the room and knock the two school flower beauties unconscious. Then Zhao Fugui blows one blow on the door of the imperial suite and wants to blow the door open.

However, Zhao Fugui punched on the door of the suite, and the solid wood outside the suite burst to pieces, revealing a layer of steel inside. When Zhao Fugui looked carefully, the solid wood door was wrapped with a layer of cold-rolled steel plate about 20 mm thick, which is why assault rifles can't shoot through.

Zhao Fugui's face sank and his backhand hit the door lock, but the door lock didn't move. It was made of cold rolled steel. Seeing that Zhao Fugui couldn't open the door, Jin Peng became proud again.

"Boy, you are so brave that you dare to kill my people. I tell you, you are doomed to offend our Jin family. There will be no place for you in Huaxia!" Through the door, Jin Peng cheered to Zhao Fugui with a grim smile.

"The Jin family has a great prestige. It seems that you are only allowed to kill people and no one else is allowed to kill you. You really take yourself seriously!" With a deep drink, Zhao Fugui bumps into the steel door. The door of the emperor's suite trembles, and some cement ash falls down.

"Boy, what the hell do you want to do? I tell you, I've informed the special police team in the provincial capital, and there will be hundreds of armed special police coming soon. You are dead! " Jinpeng saw the gate of a violent tremor, immediately frightened shouts.

"SWAT team has at least five minutes to come. That's enough time to kill you!" Zhao Fugui sneered and hit the door again without hesitation. Cracks suddenly appeared on the concrete wall.

"Brother, brother Zhao, don't bump into me. I promise I won't trouble you any more! I'll pay you as much as you want! " When Jin Peng saw the crack on the concrete wall, he was immediately shocked and cried out.

Jin Peng is more afraid of death than ordinary people, because ordinary people have nothing, but he has everything. What kind of woman he wants to sleep with can get to what kind of woman he wants to sleep with. Jade girl, Minxing, pure student sister, Department flower, school flower, as long as he wants, any woman can get money.

Jinpeng also has the world's top luxury cars and mansions. He can sleep with the most beautiful women, live in the top luxury houses, eat the most luxurious food, drive super luxury cars that are more expensive than airplanes, so he doesn't want to die. He can't bear to die. He must not die.

has the final say that "when you want to kill someone, you can kill someone in a sentence, and you can't kill a sentence. You feel shy to leave. You think the whole world is around your golden family." Zhao Fugui drinks violently, and fiercely bumps into the door of the imperial suite.

The 20 mm thick cold-rolled steel plate can't resist Zhao Fugui's violent force. It's bumped inward. The steel bolt hidden around the door is bumped out of the concrete wall by Shengsheng. Zhao Fugui can see the panicked Jin Peng through the crack of the door. Now Jin Peng finally understood that he was really provoking the wrong person.

Jin Peng's face turned pale. He turned around and ran to the window. He threw down the sheet tied to the rope and wanted to climb downstairs.

"Open it for me!" Zhao Fugui roared and kicked the door with a strong kick. The door embedded with cold-rolled steel plate finally couldn't bear Zhao Fugui's great strength. He flew out of the concrete wall and hit the bulletproof glass on the other side of the suite, causing more than ten cracks in the bulletproof glass.

"Hold on to me Jin Peng's heart trembled with fright. He screamed like a woman and fell down with a soft hand.

"Mr. Jin, are you ok?" Under the window, the security team leader of Qinghe villa is climbing up with several security guards. When he sees Jin Peng falling from the top, the security team leader immediately catches Jin Peng.

"He's up there, kill him, kill him, kill him for me!" Jin Peng's face howled with fear. At this moment, a shadow fell fiercely. The security team leader only saw a light golden flash, and then Jin Peng's expression stopped.

"President Jin!" The security team leader shakes Jin Peng's shoulder, and Jin Peng's head falls from his neck. The security team leader is shocked, and his hand is released. He watches Jin Peng's head and body fall, and a chill rises from the security team leader's heart.

"He's down there. Go after him. The killer's down there!" A security guard yelled. The security captain immediately looked over and saw a tall black shadow flash by, disappearing into the green trees outside the villa.

"Come on, come on, catch him!" The security team leader screamed wildly and jumped directly from the upstairs. He knew that once Jin Peng died, if they didn't catch the murderer, they would never go to such top-level places to work with high salary.A group of security crazy to Zhao Fugui chase, but Zhao Fugui faster, there are Yin soldiers scattered around to explore the way, he soon left the villa, disappeared in the vast traffic.

"It's over!" The security team leader looked at the bustling downtown outside the villa area, his face turned extremely ugly. The harsh alarm soon surrounded the villa area, criminal police, special police, and soon the villa area was full of police.

Zhao Fugui disappeared in the boundless traffic, and soon stopped a taxi, which took him to the airport again. When Jin Peng died, Zhao Fugui was not too worried about Jin's revenge. If he was afraid of Jin's revenge, he would not dare to kill Jin Peng.

But Jin Peng must die, and those who want to kill Zhao Fugui must pay the price of bleeding. Sun Cheng sent Chen San to kill Zhao Fugui, and Zhao Fugui didn't forget it, but Sun Cheng stayed in Shangjing all the time, and Zhao Fugui didn't want to do it.

When Jin Peng dies, the Jin family will surely retaliate, but Zhao Fugui is not afraid. As long as there is no hard evidence to prove that Zhao Fugui killed Jin Peng and can not use his official power, Zhao Fugui is not afraid of the Jin family's retaliation.

The monitoring of the villa area has been destroyed by the Yin soldiers. I'm afraid the Jin family can't find any direct evidence to say that Zhao Fugui killed Jin Peng. The other indirect evidence doesn't matter at all.

Zhao Fugui has both enemies and friends. I'm afraid it's not so easy for the Jin family to use official power to deal with Zhao Fugui without evidence. Zhao Fugui has to see how strong the Jin family is.

Taxi carrying Zhao Fugui rushed to the airport, airport road accident place is also full of police, want to kill you have to be ready to be killed.

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