Super Monk

Chapter 796

"What rubbish! But I accept your sincerity of apology reluctantly! " Seeing that Shangshan Jiuzhi was so useless, he knelt down in a fright. Zhao Fugui immediately looked contemptuous and said with a sneer.

"You, you damned fellow!" Shangshan Jiuzhi felt a deep insult. He tried to stand up several times, but his legs trembled and he couldn't stand up at all.

"Shangshanjun, please get up quickly!" Just at this time, the security guard in the hotel rushed to see Shangshan Jiuzhi kneel down to a stranger. He was shocked and quickly helped Shangshan Jiuzhi up.

"A bunch of idiots, you come so slowly, let me receive such insults from this damned guy!" In front of Zhao Fugui, Shangshan Jiuzhi behaved like a weak chicken, but he was majestic in front of these security guards and waiters. He even slapped the security team leader a few times before shouting, "this guy dares to insult me and cut off all his ten fingers!"

"Hi Several security guards changed their faces and bowed deeply to Shangshan Jiuzhi. Then they immediately surrounded Zhao Fugui and took out their weapons.

these guys are actually full of uniform equipment, including high-voltage electric shocks, super wolf spray. Police use handcuffs, batons and other things, and their weapons and equipment are several levels higher than those of ordinary Chinese security guards.

"Damn it, let's go and get it!" Seven or eight security guards surrounded Zhao Fugui, and the security captain immediately cheered to Zhao Fugui.

These security guards are all from the Japanese self defense forces and retired Japanese special forces. Although Zhao Fugui looks tall and powerful, the security guards are confident that they can easily subdue him. As for cutting off Zhao Fugui's ten fingers, let Mr. Shangshan's bodyguard do it by himself.

"A bunch of trash, just because you want me to give up?" Zhao Fugui sneered and said in a deep voice. These guys are just a bunch of local people, and they dare to let Zhao Fugui go. It's really funny.

"Damn it, get him!" The security captain's face sank, and he suddenly yelled.

two security guards immediately pressed the high-voltage electric shock device to Zhao Fugui's body, and the other two guards directly sprayed the special anti wolf spray into Zhao Fugui's eyes.

these special anti wolf spray are all made of chili essential oil, which can even burn the eyes of blind people. It is even easier to subdue a person.

"Damn chinese, offend me, Shangshan Jiuzhi, that's the end!" On the fir nine wisdom quickly back to the side, proud of the grim smile way.

Zhao Fugui sneered at it without any hiding. The whole body was instantly released, and the anti wolf spray immediately fell on the faces of two security guards.

"Ah The two security guards screamed bitterly, their eyes turned red, like a beaten woman, and tears poured out. The two security guards kept howling and rolling on the ground with their faces in their arms.

Almost at the same time, Zhao Fugui immediately grabbed the hands of the other two security guards with electric shocks, directly grabbed the hands of the two security guards, and directly pressed their electric shocks on the security guards with his backhand. The two security guards suddenly trembled and immediately fell down.

"Together, so as not to delay the time!" In an instant, he flattened the four security guards. Zhao Fugui reached out and hooked his fingers to the remaining four security guards, and said faintly.

"Waste, a bunch of waste, come on!" Shangshan Jiuzhi's face changed greatly. He screamed like a woman. At the same time, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call up his personal bodyguard.

"Mr. Inoue, the sauna department is in danger, please help quickly!" The security captain's face changed greatly. He waved his hand to the three security guards around him. He took out his walkie talkie and called for support.

But before the security team leader finished speaking, the three remaining security guards around him collapsed with a scream. There was a trace of panic on the security captain's face. He had never met such a powerful person.

"You want to cut off my fingers with these people?" Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed. He reached out and patted the stunned face of Shangshan Jiuzhi. He said faintly.

"You, you!" Kazuki sugiya looks at Zhao Fugui in horror, shivering. He never thought that eight retired Japanese Self Defense Forces security guards could not deal with one Zhao Fugui.

"Let go of Shangshan!" The security team leader yells and smashes Zhao Fugui's head with a baton. He wants to attack Zhao Fugui while he doesn't notice.

Zhao Fugui sneered, leaned slightly, slapped the security team leader in the face with his backhand. The security team leader screamed, spat out a bloody tooth, turned several circles in mid air, flew three or four meters away and fell to the ground.

The shrill scream of the security team leader completely stunned Yoshihiko Uesugi. When his crotch got wet, he was scared to pee directly.

"How can you be the successor of Daiwa group? What a waste Zhao Fugui see scared urine on Shan Jiuzhi, disgusted with a wave directly threw him out, this kind of waste Zhao Fugui even don't bother to clean up him.

"Mr. Shangshan!"

"Young master!"

Just at this time, dozens of security guards in black suits and Shangshan Jiuzhi's bodyguards just arrived. Seeing Zhao Fugui throwing Shangshan Jiuzhi out, these security guards and bodyguards were shocked and rushed over."You damned fellow dare to attack Shangshan Shaozhu and kill him!" The face of a leader's bodyguard suddenly became extremely ugly. With a fierce wave of his hand, the four bodyguards even took out the pistol directly.

The security guards of the hotel were also blocked on both sides of the corridor, and dozens of people were staring at Zhao Fugui to prevent him from escaping. Zhao Fugui's face sank. He didn't expect that the bodyguards of these great families in Japan were so powerful that they could take out their guns directly.

"Damn it, kill him Kazuo Uesugi covered his wet crotch and yelled.

If today's story is spread that he was scared to pee his pants by a Chinese, he will surely become a joke of the upper class in Japan. Even he may not be able to keep his identity as the successor of Daiwa group.

Zhao Fugui has a dignified look in his eyes. He immediately runs Daoli to protect his whole body, but at this time, a group of people rush down from the upstairs.

"Stop it President Ito's face was ugly and he came down from the upstairs in a hurry. A group of hotel security guards saw him and immediately bowed to get out of the way. "How dare you damned fellows take out guns in front of me!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. ITO!" His bodyguard's face changed. He quickly put away his pistol and bowed to President ITO 90 degrees.

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