Super Monk

Chapter 827

The Gulfstream takes off in the night, and private planes fly higher and higher in the sky. The huge and brightly lit Kyoto gradually disappears in the night, and soon there are only traces of light under the plane.

"Sue, go to bed. It's getting late!" Zhao Fugui raised his wrist and looked at the time. It's more than 11 p.m. now. It's estimated that it will take about ten hours for the private plane to fly back to Rongcheng.

"Brother, I want to sleep with you!" Shu Xiaosu glanced at Xia Mu picturesque son, holding Zhao Fugui's arm coquetry way.

, in the face of the blond blue maid and Natsume Eriko, Zhao Fugui feel shy. He is a bit of a lady killer.

"Rest, too!" Zhao Fugui shakes his head helplessly. Fortunately, Chen Yihan is not here. Otherwise, seeing Zhao Fugui and Shu Xiaosu like this, Zhao Fugui would not be spared.

There is only one master bedroom on the plane. Zhao Fugui doesn't want to stay up all night. She is pulled by Shu Xiaosu. Zhao Fugui and she go to the bedroom at the back of the plane.

"Go to bed early. When you wake up, you will be in Huaxia." Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, brother, you can sleep too!" After two days in Japan, Shu Xiaosu is not so shy. Can wait for Shu small Su to turn round, immediately Liu Mei upside down of air way "what do you come in to do?"

"Sleep!" Dressed in a snow-white priestly robe, xiamuhui lining shrank on the only bed in the master bedroom of the plane like a white kitten.

"Get out of here, you can't sleep here!" Shu Xiaosu angrily yelled, "Why are you so shameless? You are 18 years old and can't sleep with brother Zhao!"

"You are almost eighteen years old, why can you sleep with your master?" Xia muhuilizi opened her eyes and asked Shu Xiaosu.

"Fast 18 years old is under 18 years old, I'm still a child, can sleep with brother Zhao!" Shu Xiaosu said boldly.

"You are wrong, adults can sleep together, I can, you can't!" Xiamuhuilizi looks at Shu Xiaosu like a fool.

"Forget it, you two sleep together, I sleep on the sofa outside!" Seeing that these two girls of the same grade were about to quarrel, Zhao Fugui showed a face of headache. He didn't think much about it. He just thought that Xia muhui wanted to sleep on the bed instead of the sofa, so he turned and went out.

"Don't go, brother, let her go!" Shu Xiaosu said unhappily.

"You two sleep honestly, don't quarrel, go to bed quickly!" Zhao Fugui said a word to the two girls, then helplessly shook his head out of the bedroom, conveniently closed the bedroom door.

In the cabin, the blonde private stewardess just lay down. She had no place to sleep, so she had to lie on the sofa. Zhao Fugui, the owner of the private plane, had already taken two girls on the plane. There must be no place for her in the master bedroom.

"Do you need a drink, Mr. Zhao?" Seeing Zhao Fugui coming out of the bedroom, the blonde stewardess quickly stood up and asked.

The blonde stewardess thought that Zhao Fugui wanted to come out for a drink first. After all, there were two beautiful girls in the master bedroom. How could she know that Zhao Fugui was sitting on another luxurious sofa.

"Don't worry about me if you sleep with me!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and lay down on the sofa.

In the master bedroom, Shu Xiaosu and Xia muhuilizi quarreled for a long time, but it seemed that no one could help them. Although Xia muhuilizi was also a powerful Yin Yang teacher, she no longer used magic on Shu Xiaosu since she changed a snake by magic during the day and was scolded by Zhao Fugui.

They quarreled for a long time, but no one seemed willing to give up the master bedroom. After a while, nothing happened.

Zhao Fugui is lying on the luxurious sofa, quietly running Daoli to continue to practice. Xiamu picturelizi wants to learn profound Daoism from Zhao Fugui, and Zhao Fugui also wants to learn something from xiamu picturelizi.

It seems that the Taoist Masters in China have really weakened. There are many Yin Yang masters in Japan, but it seems that there are few Taoist Masters in China except those swindlers.

Zhao Fugui only has Taiping Taoist Scripture. This Taoist Scripture is really magical, but the main aspect of Tao and Dharma is Dharma, not skill. In addition, Zhao Fugui has no master and can't get systematic teaching. Many things are very slow to cultivate, even a few good magic skills.

But xiamu painted Lizi is different. Her position is very high among the Yin Yang teachers. She has received the instruction of the orthodox Yin Yang system. Although Yin Yang skills can't be compared with Taiping daoshu, some of them are also very useful, such as magic. Zhao Fugui also wants to learn something from xiamu hualizi.

As for who will learn more from whom in the end, Zhao Fugui doesn't think about it yet.

Zhao Fugui practiced Taiping daoshu for a while, and soon fell asleep. The blonde stewardess was sleeping on another sofa. Seeing that Zhao Fugui was sleeping well, she slowly fell asleep.

In the cab, the captain flew out of the Japanese airspace and into the endless sea. Then he set up the autopilot and took a rest in the driver's seat. There will be no danger at sea, as long as you are careful not to break into the unauthorized aviation identification area.The plane was completely quiet, and there had been no movement in the master bedroom for a long time. I didn't know how Shu Xiaosu and Xia Muri slept.

In the silence, I don't know how long later, Zhao Fugui suddenly felt a little cold in his arms. It seemed that something had retracted into his arms. Zhao Fugui was immediately awakened. When he opened his eyes, he saw xiamu picturesque Lizi in a pure white priest's robe, just like a kitten lying in his arms.

Zhao Fugui shakes the shoulder of xiamu painted lining, only to find that she has fallen asleep. He can only stand up with her, open the door of the master bedroom, and put xiamu painted lining on the bed of the master bedroom.

On the bed of the master bedroom of the plane, Shu Xiaosu sleeps on the other side of the bed. Between them, a line is specially placed with quilts. It seems that no one can exceed this line. Zhao Fugui shook his head and put Xia Mu's painting on the other side of the line.

Zhao Fugui put xiamu picturesque. Seeing that there was no extra room on the bed, he didn't plan to go to bed, so he turned and walked outside. As soon as he went out, Zhao Fugui's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. He seemed to hear a "tick tick tick" sound, which was like a clock.

Zhao Fugui was so nervous that he immediately released his sense of mind. In the twinkling of an eye, his sense of mind covered the plane. Zhao Fugui found a time bomb under the plane.

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