Super Monk

Chapter 835

When Zhao Fugui saw that there was no one in the cabin, his face suddenly became very ugly. Xiamuhuilizi had not recovered. Shu Xiaosu was just an ordinary girl. Once they were arrested, the consequences would be unimaginable.

As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he was about to find someone. When he looked back, he saw that two black people wanted to run when they saw him panicking. The two black people's abnormality immediately attracted Zhao Fugui's attention, and Zhao Fugui immediately caught up with him.

Kitchen No.1 is not far from Zhao Fugui's cabin. The two blacks probably saw something. Knowing that Zhao Fugui was powerful, the two blacks turned around and wanted to hide in the kitchen. However, when other blacks in the kitchen saw Zhao Fugui appear, they all avoided him, leaving them nowhere to hide.

"Where are the people in my cabin? Say it Zhao Fugui grabbed the two black people and yelled.

Two black people looked at Zhao Fugui in horror and kept shaking their heads. These two black people are so ignorant, Zhao Fugui immediately gave them two cruel, two black people this time just honest, panic kept pointing at the back of the kitchen.

"If you dare to cheat me, I'll deal with you two later!" Zhao Fugui dropped a cruel word and walked quickly to the back of the kitchen. A group of black people in the kitchen looked frightened, but no one dared to stop him.

Zhao Fugui has never been to the back of No.1 kitchen before. This back is like a warehouse, which is full of all kinds of non perishable potatoes and radishes. In addition, there are many fish, chicken, pork and beef. Some of these meat are frozen in the freezer, some are directly air dried and hung outside. The warehouse is full of strange flavor.

This place is a dead end at all. In his anger, Zhao Fugui is about to turn around and look for the two black people. He suddenly remembers that the black people came in with a big pot of things last night. The warehouse is full of things. It's not a place to eat at all. There must be a problem here.

When Zhao Fugui thought of this, he immediately opened the eye of heaven, and the whole warehouse began to become translucent. As expected, Zhao Fugui found a secret passage behind a freezer.

"Are Shu Xiaosu and Xia muhuilizi caught here?" As soon as Zhao Fugui's eyes were fixed, he immediately pushed open the freezer. Behind the freezer, there was a ladder down the dark road. Zhao Fugui immediately climbed down the ladder.

Before Zhao Fugui got down completely, he immediately heard the fierce sound of water and the sound of women's panic crying. As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he immediately jumped down and looked in the direction of the sound.

Under the secret passage, there was a secret warehouse. There were at least hundreds of women in the warehouse. All of them were naked. Five or six men were washing them with high-pressure water guns.

"You're lucky today, bitches. Ivanov is going to pick ten of you out for tonight's auction. If you're lucky, next month you may be able to pick up guests in the top hotels in Moscow, or become the mistress of some rich man. You're lucky!" A man said grimly.

"Please, let us go!" Hundreds of women shivered under the water column of the high-pressure water gun. Some of them looked numb, while others cried loudly.

The youngest of these women is only a teenager, and the oldest is no more than 30 years old. There are Asians and Europeans in them, with a total of at least 100.

"Don't let Mr. Ivanov wait too long. Dry them up and choose the most beautiful ones!" Exclaimed a leader like man.

"Hey, hey, this chick looks good!" A big man turned off the water cannon, grabbed a blonde woman with a smile on his face, touched her and dragged her out like an animal.

"It's not bad either. It's estimated that it's only a teenager. The fat guys above must like it!" Another big man also grabbed a shivering little girl and said with a smile.

When Zhao Fugui saw these poor women, there was a flash of anger in his eyes. The leader suddenly realized that it was not right. He turned around and saw Zhao Fugui.

"Damn it, who the hell are you?" The leader's face suddenly changed and he yelled.

"The one who wants your life!" Zhao Fugui snorted coldly and kicked the leader in the chest. This guy screamed. It was like he was hit by a truck. He flew out in an instant and hit hard on the steel wall of the cabin. His bones were broken in an instant. Even if this guy could be saved in the future, he would be in a wheelchair for a lifetime.

"Damn it, kill him!" Several other big men rushed to Zhao Fugui with a ferocious look, and they didn't give a hand to these scum of human trafficking. In just a few seconds, they put all these guys down.

Zhao Fugui didn't show mercy to these guys. None of them ran away. They were all beaten by Zhao Fugui.

The women in the cabin didn't know what Zhao Fugui was doing. They all shrank in the corner and trembled. There are too many women. The whole airtight cabin has only a solitary headlight on. For a while, Zhao Fugui can't see whether Shu Xiaosu and Xia muhuilizi are here or not.

"Xiao Su, are you here?" As soon as Zhao Fugui gets close to these women, they scream and run away. They try their best to protect their bodies with their hands. However, Zhao Fugui is anxious to find Shu Xiaosu and Xia muhuilizi. How can he have time to see their bodies? At first glance, they are all naked women.Zhao Fugui even yelled several times, but Shu Xiaosu and Xia muhuilizi did not respond. If they were here, they would certainly respond to Zhao Fugui. If they did not respond now, they would not be here, but if they were not here, where were they taken?

Zhao Fugui is more and more impatient. If he doesn't delay a minute, Shu Xiaosu and Xia muhuilizi are even more dangerous. Zhao Fugui doesn't find Shu Xiaosu and Xia muhuilizi here. He immediately turns around and prepares to go directly to the top of the cruise ship. If something happens today, Zhao Fugui has to kill those rich people on the top of the cruise ship.

There is no law on the high seas. These rich people do whatever they want. If Shu Xiaosu and Xia muhuilizi have an accident, Zhao Fugui will let them taste the consequences of lawlessness.

"Sir, are you Chinese? Can you help us? " At this time, a woman suddenly yelled to Zhao Fugui in Chinese, "just now two little girls were brought here, but two women took them away as soon as they saw them!"

"They have been taken away?" Zhao Fugui's face suddenly changed. He said eagerly, "find your own clothes and put them on. Those niggers outside dare not stop you. Go straight to the deck!"

When Zhao Fugui finished, he immediately dragged the man with broken bones to climb up the secret passage. There must be another exit, but now Zhao Fugui has no time to find it.

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