Super Monk

Chapter 838

"Damn it, put Mr. Ivanov down!" The Mafia people yelled to Zhao Fugui. Under the cabin, there are more Mafia with weapons coming here.

The statue of liberty is one of the important industries of the Mafia. This ship can earn hundreds of millions of dollars for the Mafia every year. With his connections and crazy ideas, Ivanov can always attract the rich from all over the world.

The Mafia on the ship would never dare to let Ivanov have an accident, otherwise their business on the ship would be in trouble.

"Do it!" Zhao Fugui stares at these Mafia and hums coldly. Mandrill Dahei and several fierce ghosts start to fight immediately. Da Hei grabbed the barrel of an AK47 and twisted the barrel in an instant.

The Mafia with the AK47 watched in horror as the barrel of the gun in his hand was instantly deformed. Then he heard his neck "click" and his neck was instantly broken.

"God, what's going on?" A Mafia saw that his three companions were killed for no reason in the twinkling of an eye. He screamed in horror and waved AK47 to shoot around. But after two shots, the guy was in the dark and lost consciousness forever.

"My God, you are a devil, you are a devil!" Ivanov, the little old man, watched in horror that his four men were killed. He cried out in fear. He watched his men be killed, but he didn't know what killed them.

"If I'm the devil, what are you? You scum, more hateful than the devil, go to see those who are killed by you Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed, and he was about to kill Ivanov. This kind of scum was not worthy of living.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me. I'll give you money. I have 20 million dollars in the safe on the ship. Just let me go and I'll give you all the money!" Ivanov cried quickly.

"Twenty million dollars to redeem you? Do you think I care about your little money? " Zhao Fugui looks at Ivanov coldly. The mafia boss is like a quail shivering and terrified.

This guy wants to use 20 million dollars to buy Zhao Fugui. It's ridiculous. Zhao Fugui's money for a season of happy fruit is more than that.

"Listen up, let Mr. Ivanov go, or we'll kill these people!" At this time, the voice of shouting suddenly rang out below, which Zhao Fugui could not understand. It was translated by Xia murizi.

"Who do these guys want to kill? Are they tourists on board? They don't care about these self righteous tourists. Why should I care? " Zhao Fugui moved in his heart and looked at the deck. His face sank suddenly.

The hijacked women on the deck turned out to be the women who ran out of the secret cabin. The Mafia did not dare to kill too many tourists on the ship. These tourists had legal identity, but the abducted women were different. They had no identity. Even if they were killed, the Mafia could spend money to cover up the past.

"Boy, if you don't want these women to die, let me go! If they die, it's all your fault! " Ivanov also saw the following situation, suddenly proud and said aloud.

"I don't know those women. Why should I care about them? Do you think I'm stupid when I let you go and let your men kill us? " Zhao Fugui said coldly, "you tell your men, let all the people below come up, or I will kill you!"

Ivanov's face suddenly changed. He miscalculated the situation. Zhao Fugui is not a policeman. If Zhao Fugui is a policeman, he can't watch the hostage die, but Zhao Fugui is not a policeman.

Ivanov's face changed greatly. A trace of ferocity flashed across the little old man's face. He quickly called down in Russian.

"Master, he made them kill!" Xiamuhuilizi had no time to stop the translation.

"You damned Chinese, you must remember clearly that these people died because of you!" Ivanov cried with a ferocious face.

"Dada, dada, dada!" There was no time for Zhao Fugui to translate, so there was a sound of AK47 shooting on the deck. The gunfire rang out, and the bodies of the three women fell into the sea.

"Let Mr. Ivanov go, or we'll kill ten next time!" Three hostages were killed, and there was another clamor below.

Shu Xiaosu's small face became very pale and almost fainted.

"Let me go, boy. If you don't want to watch so many people die because of your incompetence and live in guilt for the rest of your life, let me go quickly!" Cried Ivanov.

Zhao Fugui's eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and the terrible murderous atmosphere made the temperature in the hall seem to have dropped several degrees. Zhao Fugui didn't say a word, and a long Dao Li sword was gathered in his hand.

"Those women don't die because of me, they all die because of you, but you will die because of me!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

Ivanov found that it was wrong and wanted to speak, but immediately he felt a sharp pain in his arm, and then he saw one of his arms fly up."Tell the people below to let the doctor come up, and let them release all the hostages, otherwise the next time you break your other arm!" Zhao Fugui coldly said, "draw Li Zi, go, he said that 20 million dollars all over!"

"Yes, master!" Xiamuhuilizi doesn't know what Zhao Fugui wants to do, but she immediately catches Ivanov's mistress and goes to Ivanov's luxurious cabin. Soon she pulls all Ivanov's 20 million dollars.

Zhao Fugui smashed several bottles of high concentration vodka directly on top of the pile of money, then ignited the pile of money in front of those celebrities and rich people who did not dare to escape in the hall, and then threw all the dollars on the deck.

Twenty million dollars burned up in the air, burning dollars flying in the air, and all the Mafia on the deck were stunned.

Zhao Fugui burned all the 20 million US dollars without looking at them. The 100 odd hostages were not even worth a fraction of the 20 million US dollars. Zhao Fugui doesn't even care about money. Will he care about these people? The Mafia was at a loss.

"Call the doctor, call the doctor up, you fools, let the hostages go!" Ivanov knew that Zhao Fugui was not an ordinary bandit. He absolutely dared to kill himself. In horror, Ivanov quickly yelled to his subordinates.

"Go to inform the captain, go to the nearest Huaxia sea area at full speed, inform Huaxia that there are terrorists on our ship, and ask them to send someone to help us eliminate this guy!" The Mafia below finally responded and yelled.

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