Super Monk

Chapter 842

Zhao Fugui didn't know which Bureau he was taken to. Shu Xiaosu and Xia murizi disappeared, but Zhao Fugui didn't worry about them either.

One of them is the sister of the president of a large company, and the other is a foreigner. If something goes wrong in the hands of the police, it is very difficult for the police to account for it. What's more, they have not committed any crime and will be released soon.

Zhao Fugui is brought into the interrogation room and pressed on the iron chair which controls the felons. The iron chair controls Zhao Fugui, and a policeman puts handcuffs and shackles on Zhao Fugui.

"Zhao Fugui, explain your business clearly, otherwise you don't want to go out of this door!" Two bad looking policemen stare at Zhao Fugui fiercely, and one of them yells fiercely.

"What have I committed to account for?" Zhao Fugui asked in response. Zhao Fugui doesn't know that it was the Jin family who did it. He thought it was on the cruise ship. He was completely self-defense on the cruise ship.

"Boy, you have a hard mouth. What's this? Mr. Ivanov and Mr. Ross on the cruise ship all point out that you are the terrorists hijacking the cruise ship. They are the world's celebrities and rich people. Will they wrongly treat you? " A policeman snapped a stack of photos in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes and said in a loud voice.

Zhao Fugui takes a look at the photo, which shows all the Mafia members he killed on the cruise ship. It seems that the police have obtained evidence on the cruise ship.

"Celebrities and rich people don't mean that they are good people. These people collude with the Mafia and intend to sell my two companions. When I find them trafficking in human beings, they want to kill me. I'm just defending myself. The more than 100 women on the cruise ship are all witnesses. Why don't you go and take their statements? " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Oh, so you've become a hero. The hero saves the beauty!" The policeman said, then slapped the table and said, "those women are just people from war-torn countries. Mr. Ivanov took them in to save them. Do you dare to tell the truth, believe it or not? "

"If they are people in a war-torn country, why are we Chinese? What war-torn country do those blonde women belong to? " Zhao Fugui asked.

When Zhao Fugui asked, the policeman immediately stopped talking. This is an obvious loophole. What's more, how can this luxury cruise ship wander in the war-torn area? It's clear that Ivanov and Mr. Ross are both lying.

"Little brother, I don't think you are very old. You say that the mafia have so many people and what kind of AK47 do they have? How can you save people from their heavy firepower? Do you think so? " Another policeman kindly advised, "come to us, be lenient when you confess and be strict when you resist. If you are honest, we can apply for a surrender to the police and reduce the punishment. What do you think?"

It's another trick of "white face" and "red face". If Zhao Fugui really admits it, he will be shot if so many people die.

Zhao Fugui's eyes inadvertently glanced over the photos again, and then his pupils suddenly shrank. There was a photo under the thick photos above. One foot of the photo showed a piece of grass, which could not be on the cruise ship.

Zhao Fugui took a close look at the leg under the photo, and his eyes suddenly flashed. The white alligator leather shoes on the leg, Zhao Fugui also remembered very clearly, this is Jinpeng's leg.

Zhao Fugui understood in an instant that there was a picture of Jin Peng being killed. All the Mafia photos above were to cover up this picture.

What these police want to lure Zhao Fugui to admit is the case of killing Jin Peng. After all, the cruise ship incident happened on the high seas. Huaxia has no right to investigate and judge. Even if Zhao Fugui admits the case, they have no right to judge.

"These people are in self-defense. They hold guns and I kill them empty handed. I kill them in self-defense. I'm not a terrorist! Besides, it's my legitimate right to ask for a phone call! " Zhao Fugui understood and said coldly.

"Boy, it seems that you're toasting instead of drinking. You want to make a phone call or a fart call!" The two policemen stood up with a bad look and said in a fierce voice, "it seems that if I don't give you some strength, you don't know our strength!"

"Lao Zhang, take the guy!" A policeman winked at another policeman. The policeman took out a small hammer and a book from under the table and walked to Zhao Fugui with a sneer on his face.

"You still want to lynch?" Zhao Fugui's face sank and asked with a frown.

"A murderer like you dare to deny it in the presence of evidence. You are the one who will be beaten!" A policeman with a hammer said to another policeman, "Lao Zhang, hold this boy down and hold the book!"

"Boy, good luck to you. I'll let you have a taste of fried meat today!" Lao Zhang complacently said, "put a pad on your body and knock it with a hammer to make sure you can't check the wound!"

"Now it's forbidden to use lynching. How dare you do that?" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Well, if you are honest, we won't beat you! Boy, are you going to do it or not? " Lao Zhang asked coldly.

"If you want to defend yourself, don't do it!" Zhao Fugui said coldly."Boy, I don't think your mouth is so hard after a while!" Lao Zhang's face became cold and he pressed the book on Zhao Fugui. Another policeman was about to knock it down with a hammer when his mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, song Bureau, yes, it's under interrogation!" As soon as Lao Zhang saw the phone number, he immediately connected the phone and nodded.

"Jin Shaogang has just called and asked. He will come here in person later. You must get the boy's confession immediately, no matter what means you use!" Director Song said sternly.

"Yes, yes, the boy has a tough mouth. Let's deal with him right away!" Lao Zhang hung up and stared at Zhao Fugui with a bad look and said, "hum, boy, our deputy bureau has already called to ask. If you don't move again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"You deputy directors? I think it's the Jin family, isn't it? " Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed and said coldly.

"Do you know the king family?" The two policemen looked at each other, and then sneered, "now that you know it, hurry to recruit, offend Jin Shao, there is no way for you to live in heaven and earth!"

"Ha ha, what a big tone!" Zhao Fugui gave a sneer. At this time, the phone on the policeman rang again. Zhao Fugui looked at the phone he was still on the desk, and then said coldly, "you'd better answer this phone!"

"Who's calling? What's the matter? Is it someone who intercedes with you? " Lao Zhang took a look at the number and didn't know it. "Pa" hung up the phone and said in a harsh voice, "I've offended Jin Shao. No one can intercede with you!"

"What a frog at the bottom of the well! I don't know how to live or die!" Zhao Fugui saw him hang up and sneered.

Just now, Zhao Fugui exchanged a few numbers in Shangjing. One of them was Lin you, who was one of the top young people in Shangjing who got lymphatic cancer and was rescued by Zhao Fugui.

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