Super Monk

Chapter 858

Zhao Fugui soaked all the ryegrass seeds in Lingquan water, and the seeds soaked in Lingquan water were immediately loaded on the agricultural aircraft.

"Lao Li, scatter these ryegrass seeds in the land beyond Dawan village!" Three thousand jin seeds are all loaded into the cabin of the agricultural aircraft. Zhao Fugui patted the aircraft and said to Lao Li.

"Well, it's not quite dark yet. I can fly again!" Lao Li looked at the sky, the sun has almost set, but now it is still dark in midsummer, you can see clearly.

"I'll go and see if Uncle Niu is ready. You'll stare here and see if Lao Li wants to help later." Zhao Fugui said to Chen Dadan.

"I see, rich and noble!" Chen Dadan nodded and said.

Zhao Fugui got on the electric tour bus to take tourists to the village and soon returned to the village. After returning to the village, he walked behind and quickly reached Dawan village.

In the field to the east of Dawan village, Niu Laohan did not know where to find some big red flags and was planting them in the field. Zhao Fugui took a closer look and found that these red flags were left when Wu Haoren and his engineering team wanted to build the chemical plant last time.

"Uncle Niu, the plane is coming, you come out first!" Zhao Fugui shouts to Niu Laohan. Over there in the parking lot of Xiaowan village, Lao Li has been flying over in his agricultural plane.

"Over here, spread seeds around here!" The old man waved the red flag and waved it to the agricultural plane. Then he planted the red flag in the land and came to Zhao Fugui.

Lao Li controlled the agricultural aircraft flying low. The agricultural aircraft was only ten meters away from the ground at most. The huge roar came out from afar and immediately attracted the attention of many tourists.

Lao Li flew the agricultural plane low, and when he saw the position of the red flag clearly, he pulled the plane up again. If the plane flies too low, the seeds will not be sprinkled evenly, so they have to be sprinkled from high altitude. In this way, the seeds will not only be sprinkled evenly, but also be sprinkled in a wide range.

"Boss Zhao, what new projects are you going to develop? Recently, there seem to be a lot of new projects launched in Xiaowan village! " A tourist stands in Xiaowan village and looks at the agricultural plane circling over Dawan village. He says strangely.

"It's estimated that the land over there will be used. It's said that boss Zhao has contracted thousands of mu of land in the next village, and the price is not low. I'm afraid it will cost tens of millions of yuan to contract these land a year!"

"It looks like spraying seeds and other things. With this in mind, there are three projects under development in Xiaowan village recently. One is the bar on the side of Heilongtan, the other is the ancient tomb ghost house on Daqingshan, where even propaganda posters have come out. In addition, there are three projects that I don't know why!"

"Boss Zhao is making money. Xiaowan village is getting better and better." A tourist sighed.

Lao Li was flying an agricultural airplane to spray ryegrass seeds. The seeds of ryegrass fell like raindrops. Lao Li could only roughly determine the scope of spraying, but Zhao Fugui didn't care. It didn't matter if he had more land and less land.

The agricultural plane circled at an altitude of more than 100 meters for more than half an hour before flying back to the parking lot of Xiaowan village. As soon as the agricultural plane finished sowing seeds, Zhao Fugui and Niu Laohan immediately went down to check.

"OK, just do it like this. Grass seeds are much better than wheat seeds. When wheat seeds are sown like this, we have to turn over the ground and cover the seeds with soil. Grass seeds are not needed. They are very good at planting!" The old man looked at the field carefully and nodded.

"It's OK to do that. Let's go, uncle Niu. Come to my house for dinner. After the cattle pen is built these days, we'll go to the north and buy the calves back!" Zhao Fugui said happily.

"Rich and noble, I won't go. The old lady at home has already cooked! I'll help you when we build the bullpen! " The old man waved his hand and said.

Old man Niu insists on not going, and Zhao Fugui doesn't persuade him any more. When he returns to the village, he calls Lin you and a group of old men and arranges a table in the farm stove. When Lin you comes all the way, Zhao Fugui must also entertain him.

That night, in the box of the small kitchen, Lin you was young and didn't drink. Zhao Fugui had a few drinks with some old men. Zhao Fugui didn't send them back until eight or nine o'clock in the evening. Lin you had to stay in Xiaowan village for a few days, and Zhao Fugui also arranged a place for him.

The Jin family won't give up easily. A dead Jin Peng is just an illegitimate son. I'm afraid there are still people in the Jin family who want him to die early. It's not a matter at all. But Jin Peng represents the face of the Jin family. The Jin family can't help but find it back. They will certainly find a way to pay Zhao Fugui.

Lin you is here to show the attitude of the Lin family, so that the Jin family can not use the power of official face to deal with Zhao Fugui. As long as Lin you shows Lin's attitude, those who want to hold Jin's thigh will have to weigh whether they can bear Lin's anger.

Zhao Fugui sent several old men back and settled in Lin you. Lin you came here alone with Zhao Fugui, but a few people came before evening. Zhao Fugui estimated that this should be Lin You's bodyguard. The Lin family would not let Lin you run outside alone.

With these people, Zhao Fugui's Farmhouse Inn couldn't live any more. Zhao Fugui had to find a farmhouse inn nearby to accommodate them."Richness, these days I occasionally see something like a fuzzy shadow, but my eyesight is still very good, I don't know what's going on!" Back in the room at night, Chen Yihan rubbed his eyes and said strangely to Zhao Fugui.

"Shadow?" Zhao Fugui opened his eyes and looked at Chen Yihan's body carefully. Then he was surprised and said, "meaning, you are about to open your eyes. You have plenty of Dao power. You can open your eyes soon!"

"Eye of heaven? Will I see something strange? " Chen Yihan asked nervously that she didn't want to see ghosts or anything by accident. Those vague things these two days must be ghosts.

"You are not proficient in the use of Daoli now. If you are afraid of seeing strange things, you can seal the eye of heaven first!" Zhao Fugui Shen Ning said, but he will not seal the eye of heaven, Zhao Fugui suddenly thought of xiamu picturesque, she estimated that it should be. "By the way, where is xiamu picturesque?"

Zhao Fugui remembered that he didn't see Xia Mu's painting after he came back. Shu Xiaosu and Zhao Fugui are not worried. She must go to find Shu Ya when she returns to Rongcheng, but there is no place for Xia muhui.

"Who is Xia Mu's painting lining?" Chen Yihan asked with a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

"He's a Japanese Yin Yang master. He's very good at magic!" Zhao Fugui explained that at this time, his phone suddenly rang. Zhao Fugui took out his mobile phone and found it was Shuya.

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