Super Monk

Chapter 862

"What's your attitude? You dare to talk to us like this. You have no education at all. I don't know how your mother taught you!" Lin Ying's agent was furious and yelled.

"My mother only taught me to respect me, and I respect you. Since you despise me and my medical skills, there's nothing to say. Go and ask others to see it!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Rich and noble, take your breath away!" Shu Ya saw that the agent's attitude was very impolite, and immediately frowned and said, "Miss Lin, since you are willing to come to Meiyan international, it shows that you still trust us. Mr. Zhao is usually very busy. This time he has time to come and have a look because of my plea. If you want to see it, you can see it. If you don't want to see it, we won't force it! "

"Hum, it's a big tone. Many international famous beauty centers can't ask us to go to Lin Ying. Believe it or not, Lin Ying just needs a word to make you unable to do it!" Cried the agent.

"Meiyan international is not supported by a single star. Not only miss Lin, but also miss liu Feifei is a frequent visitor here, and Miss Liu Feifei and Mr. Zhao are still good friends. We Meiyan international have been running for so many years. If we can't go on because of someone's words, it's really a joke! " Shuya said lightly.

"What? If you want to take Liu Feifei down on us, we may not be as popular as her in a few years! " The agent's face changed, staring at Zhao Fugui, disdainfully threw a check and said, "don't you just want money? This is a one million check. You can show us Lin Ying!"

"I'm sorry, I'll give you at least five million dollars!" Zhao Fugui gave a sneer and tore up the one million dollar check without looking at it. He said coldly, "besides, I'm in a bad mood today. No matter how much money you give me, I won't look at it!"

The agent's face changed when he saw Zhao Fugui tearing off the check for one million. Even if Lin Ying, a star of this series, went to a walk, he might not be able to earn one million. However, Zhao Fugui tore up the one million at random, which is clearly not worth the money.

After entering the door, Lin Ying kept her head down and didn't take out her sunglasses. At this time, she looked up at Zhao Fugui again and gently pulled her agent's clothes.

The agent's face changed, and he said with pride, "hum, don't you think money is too little to treat a disease according to your mood? Five million is no problem, as long as you can cure us Lin Ying, we can afford this money! You can show us Lin Ying what's wrong with her now, and we'll pay her if you can see it right! "

"I'm sorry, I said that I'm not in a good mood to see a doctor today!" Zhao Fugui looks at Lin Ying and her agent disdainfully. These two people really regard themselves as characters. Zhao Fugui said to Shu Ya, "Mr. Shu, if it's OK, I'll go down and give the students a lesson. There are many things on my side. I'll leave after class!"

"Richness, I'm so sorry today!" Shuya's face is also a little ugly. She didn't expect that Lin Ying's agent should have this attitude. It's too bad.

Zhao Fugui shakes his head and goes outside. Lin Ying's agent sarcastically says, "cut, you really think you are Liu Feifei and a friend. What are you pretending to be! You may be a peasant with mud legs. I haven't seen anyone before. Do you think you can hide it from me? "

"Ha ha, do you know why your mouth stinks? It's because you can't even find a boyfriend in middle age, let alone get married, and you don't have a man all the year round, so you have endocrine disorders, irritable temper, and you're chicken bellied. Although you're only 30 or 40 years old, you're about to stop menstruating. I'm afraid you can only be a stone girl in the future. It's really sad! " Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Fart, what are you talking about?" As soon as Zhao Fugui said this, the agent immediately looked like a cat that had been trampled on its tail, and yelled in a rage.

"Am I bullshit? Don't you count it in your heart?" Zhao Fugui said with disdain.

Zhao Fugui said that without looking at Lin Ying and her agent, he went outside directly. Shu Ya's face was not good-looking, so he followed Zhao Fugui to go outside.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm so sorry. Sister Mei has been in a bad mood for some things at home these two days. Please forgive me!" At this time has been silent Lin Ying suddenly said.

"Whether she is in a good mood or not is her own problem. What does it have to do with us?" Zhao Fugui said lightly, "I'm not in a good mood now. I'm not interested in seeing a doctor for you. Miss Lin should go to someone else."

"Mr. Zhao, I'm so sorry. I'll apologize for you instead of Mei Jie!" Lin Ying's attitude is extremely sincere and bows to Zhao Fugui to apologize. "Sister Mei is also afraid that I will be cheated. Please forgive her."

"Rich and noble, Miss Lin has already apologized. Let's forget it!" Shuya also advises that Lin Ying is a star after all and has great influence. Zhao Fugui doesn't need to be too stiff with her, and Meiyan international is embarrassed in the middle.

"It's not you who should apologize. Your apology is useless. I need the person who should apologize to me!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Boy, don't push an inch. We Lin Ying have apologized to you. What else do you want?" The agent yelled."It's you who should apologize. If you don't apologize, you won't have to see me today!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"You The agent's face was ugly, and he wanted to speak, so he was immediately stopped by Lin Ying.

"Sister Mei, it's really your bad attitude and disrespect today. Please apologize to Mr. Zhao." Lin Ying looked at her agent and said.

Lin Ying's agent's face was blue and red. It took her a long time to say "sorry!"

"Mr. Zhao, sister Mei has already apologized. Let's let this unhappy thing pass! Please show me. I don't feel very well recently. Please see what's wrong with me! " Lin Ying took off her sunglasses, hat and mask, revealing a pure and beautiful face.

Lin Ying is really beautiful, especially with a pure face and good temperament, which is very consistent with her image as a jade star. No wonder she has been very popular since her debut five years ago.

"Rich and noble, Miss Lin is also very sincere. She's so far away to come here. Just show her!" Shuya is even busy.

Zhao Fugui doesn't really want to show Lin Ying, even if she is beautiful and a star, but in the face of Shu Ya, Zhao Fugui doesn't want to embarrass her, so he opens his eyes to Lin Ying.

"You are in good health, but you are anxious recently. Just take some medicine to relieve anxiety. You don't need to see me at all!" Zhao Fugui said.

But when Zhao Fugui finished, Lin Ying's eyes suddenly brightened and said to her agent and Shuya, "sister Mei, general manager Shu, please go out for a while. I want to talk to Mr. Zhao alone!"

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