Super Monk

Chapter 870

It's more than 8:00 p.m. when all the things are finished, such as finalizing the contract details, printing the contract signature, dismissing the original hotel staff, transferring the ownership and taking the key.

"Boss Zhao, you have the key. We have taken all the personal belongings from the hotel. Now the hotel belongs to you! I'm still in Chengdu these days, boss Zhao, please call me if you have anything else Boss Wang handed the key to Zhao Fugui and shook hands with him.

"OK, I'll call you if I have something to do!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"Well, Miss Le, boss Zhao, then I'll go first!" Boss Wang happily nods to Leyan and Zhao Fugui, drives his own Mercedes Benz S500 and leaves soon.

"Mr. Zhao, our group's valuation for him here is actually 40 million yuan. There is a certain appreciation value in the future, which makes him take advantage of 2 million yuan!" Yue Yan pursed her lips and said.

"I'm in a hurry to buy it. It's normal to have a certain premium. Two million is not much!" Zhao Fugui shakes his head and says that he is rich now and doesn't care about the two million yuan. What's more, he has made five million yuan by removing the ferocious scar on Lin Ying's abdomen today, even if he has paid two million yuan more.

"That's true. Otherwise, if you take a week to see it, you may be able to sell satisfactory restaurants in the range of 36 to 38 million!" Yue Yan nodded and said.

"Le Yan, you've helped me so much today. I'll treat you to dinner!" Zhao Fugui looked at the time and said.

"Well, I'd like to have a barbecue by the river. There's a river fresh barbecue by the river. It's really delicious. Let's go there!" Yue Yan's eyes brightened and said happily.

"OK, you lead the way, I'll go with you!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said that the delicious food in Wan village is too busy and he is too lazy to go. It's good to have barbecue occasionally.

"Go Yue Yan went to the Lamborghini, then drove the Lamborghini to lead the way. Zhao Fugui drove the knight XV to follow the Lamborghini and drove to the riverside.

Not long after Leyan left with Lamborghini on, her mobile phone rang. Leyan took a look at the number displayed on the mobile phone, which was from her mother. The call from the mobile phone has been directly transferred to Lamborghini's on-board computer. Leyan pressed on the car computer and the phone was connected.

"Mom, I'm driving. What's the matter?" Yue Yan said directly.

"Yan Yan, why haven't you come home so late? Don't stay out too late on a girl's night Yue Yan's mother said.

"I've made an appointment with a friend for dinner today. I'll go back after eating!" Yue Yan said casually, and then he felt wrong. He quickly asked, "Mom, how do you know I'm not at home? Are you here? "

"There's a meeting to be held in the provincial capital these days. I'll come back to see you. Come back quickly. I'll cook the soup and tell you something by the way." Yue Yan's mother said.

"Mom, I have a dinner date with a friend today. I'm a teacher of our fitness club!" Yue Yan said a little embarrassed.

"If it's your boyfriend, you'll eat out. If it's not you, you'll come back quickly!" Yue Yan's mother said without any discussion.

"How can I find a boyfriend if I don't go out to dinner? Yes, I'll go back now! " Leyan didn't want to go back, but she said that Zhao Fugui was her boyfriend. Her mother must let her take Zhao Fugui back to her mother.

If Leyan doesn't agree, her mother will come to her directly to see what kind of boyfriend Leyan is looking for. It's better for her to go back by herself than to make so much trouble.

Leyan drives the Lamborghini to slow down. When Knight 15 catches up, Leyan lowers the window and says, "Miss Zhao, I have something urgent to go back to. Let's go to eat next time!"

"If you have something urgent, go back first. I'll treat you to dinner when you have time next time!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"Then I'll go ahead and call!" Le Yan waved to Zhao Fugui, then raised the window, stepped on the accelerator, Lamborghini instantly accelerated out.

Royal blue car shadow soon disappeared in the traffic, in terms of explosive power alone, Knight XV really can't compare with Lamborghini.

Zhao Fugui looks at the time displayed on the car computer. It's already nine o'clock in the evening. As soon as Le Yan leaves, Zhao Fugui doesn't want to go to the riverside to have a barbecue. He directly finds a place to turn around and drives Knight XV out of the city to return to Xiaowan Village.

After the evening peak, there are still a lot of cars in the city, but they are not crowded. Zhao Fugui is not in a hurry. He drives Knight XV to drive out of the city slowly with the traffic.

Soon after, he met a traffic light intersection in front of him. Zhao Fugui stopped his car at the intersection and waited for the red light. He inadvertently looked at the sidewalk and saw a familiar figure.

"It's like an Xue. She's quite feminine without police uniform!" Zhao Fugui was surprised to see the woman walking in front on the sidewalk.

Looking from her back, this woman is very much like an Xue. When she doesn't wear police uniform or leather pants, she can't see her violent tendency at all. On the contrary, because of her hot figure, the big place is big and the small place is small, which is very feminine.An Xue's back is particularly attractive, but thinking of an Xue's violent temper, Zhao Fugui wisely didn't say hello to her.

Zhao Fugui is about to pretend not to see an Xue when he suddenly finds a black Buick car slowly passing by the sidewalk. The car drives to the front of an Xue, looks at her, and then stops. Zhao Fugui looked at the black Buick car and suddenly noticed a trace of danger.

The red light turns green in this moment. Zhao Fugui wanted to remind an Xue, but then he thought that if it was really dangerous, the people in the car were unlucky. An Xue didn't have their good fruit to eat.

An Xue's Baji boxing is quite hot. Three or five gangsters can't get close to her.

An Xue walks along the sidewalk. She doesn't seem to realize the danger. When she comes to the black Buick, the door of the Buick suddenly opens. A man grabs an Xue and pulls her into the car.

"Ah An Xue screams and struggles. She seems to forget that she is good at fighting.

"Hit him!" Zhao Fugui said with a frown.

"Diddiddidi!" Knight 15 stuck in the intersection and didn't walk. The cars waiting for the red light in the back immediately honked impatiently.

At this time, Zhao Fugui saw an Xue pulled into the car. The door slammed shut, and the black Buick immediately rushed out against the traffic.

"Damn it As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he realized that it was not right. He drove the steering wheel wildly and immediately turned around and chased the Buick.

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