Super Monk

Chapter 887

"Stinky girl, don't you want to live?" Liao ChunZi's face suddenly changed. He stared at seven girls and yelled. Once someone took the lead, he might be in trouble.

"Village head, no, no, we don't sue, we don't sue!" Lao Luo is panicked and quickly pulls seven elder sisters, nervous shout a way.

"Uncle Luo, if seven aunts have anything to say, you can let him say, I'm here, you can rest assured, no one dares to retaliate you!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Lao Luo, you've been a loser all your life. Now Luo Wei is married. What are we afraid of? If it's too big, we'll go out and work instead of going back to Zhaojiagou! " Seven aunts'er yelled, "rich and noble, Liao ChunZi occupied our land in the village. Last year, uncle Luo went to talk to him, and he let his two sons break Lao Luo's leg! Rich and noble, you must decide for us

"Don't worry, aunt seven. I'll take care of it!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice. Then he looked at Hu Dong and asked, "do you write down this case intentionally?"

"Write it down, write it down!" The sweat on Hu Dong's head came out immediately. He said repeatedly that he saw that Zhao Fugui was determined to find Liao ChunZi's trouble.

"Just open your mouth?" Zhao Fugui frowned and cheered.

"Yes, yes, take a pen and paper and record the case in detail!" Hu Dong did not dare to listen to Zhao Fugui's command, and quickly called to the two policemen. Director Chen of the Municipal Bureau has now been transferred to the provincial department. It's easy to move a small director of a township police station.

"You two dare to fight against Laozi. You wait and see that Laozi is not in order. Your family is ruined!" Liao ChunZi's ugly face screamed.

"I let you talk?" Zhao Fugui gives Liao ChunZi a cold glance. Hu Dong jumps over and slaps Liao ChunZi.

"You villain in the rampant countryside dare to be arrogant, and if you dare to shout, I will beat you!" Director Hu snapped.

"Hu Dong, you wait for me to finish with you!" Liao ChunZi's face turned green and red. He struggled wildly and cried out that in Zhaojiagou, he was an ordinary figure of the local emperor. Now that he was slapped in front of so many villagers, Liao ChunZi felt that he had lost all his prestige and face.

"Shut up, you dare to threaten the law enforcement officers. I'll teach you a lesson today!" Director Hu "Pa Pa Pa" is a few big ears fan in the past, anyway this remote area also need not consider what law enforcement means, no one cares here.

Liao ChunZi's face was slapped by the fan. Zhang Biao, a group of local thugs, squatted down at the bottom of the wall and held their heads in their hands. Their usual prestige was gone. They were like eggplants beaten by frost. Today they really hit the iron plate.

"Why is the village head beaten like this? You can see that his mouth is full of blood and his face is swollen. Isn't the relationship between director Hu and him very good?" Some villagers who were hiding in the distance and watching secretly began to whisper.

"He deserves what he's fighting for. Bah, this old bastard should be killed alive before heaven can open his eyes!" Another villager said hatefully.

"Director Hu's hands are so heavy. It's for Zhao Fugui. It seems that Fugui is doing well outside. Director Hu dare not give him face!"

"Liao ChunZi's dog day is finally rewarded today. God has eyes. God has eyes!"

"Look, look, blind Li is here. He must have come to complain. His daughter's death was a pity."

At this time, an old man in ragged clothes limped over from the village. When he wrinkled, he knelt down and kowtowed to the ground.

"Uncle, what are you doing? Get up As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he quickly came over and helped blind Li up.

"Leader, ask leader to make the decision for me, my daughter's death is unjust!" Blind Li, holding Zhao Fugui's kneeling leg, refused to get up and cried, "my daughter was raped by Liao ChunZi's two sons three years ago. She couldn't help jumping down the hillside and fell to death. I beg the leader to avenge me!"

"Don't worry, uncle. I'll make the decision for you." Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "director Hu, there is such a bad criminal case in your jurisdiction. Three years later, why are Liao ChunZi's two sons still at large?"

"Boss Zhao, it's none of my business. I didn't transfer it three years ago. I really don't know about it!" Hu Dong's face changed. He glared at Liao ChunZi angrily and said, "your son has done such a cruel thing. I'll check this case to the end!"

"In the case of three years ago, even the corpse was burned by Laozi. You can find out who moved me, Liao ChunZi!" Liao ChunZi's mouth is full of blood.

"Leader, I have evidence, I have evidence!" Li shuddered and took out a plastic bag with the underwear her daughter wore when she was raped.

"There must be evidence, witness, testimony and evidence on it. Who dares to shield you?" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

Liao ChunZi's face changed greatly when he saw the evidence, and his eyes showed a look of panic.

"Old man Li has reported the case, and I'll go too. If God doesn't open his eyes, I'll go out to work in the future, and I won't go back to Zhaojiagou even if I'm tired!" A villager gritted his teeth and ran to this side.After a while, dozens of villagers came to report their grievances, ranging from land encroachment to self mutilation and rape. There were 12 vicious criminal cases, including seven rapes, five injuries and more than 20 other criminal cases.

Zhao Fugui did not expect that the Liao family had committed so many crimes in this small mountain village. When counting these cases, even the police of Hudong and Zhangji township police stations changed their faces. Many villagers didn't even dare to go to the police station to report to the police. They didn't even hear of these cases.

They all know that Liao ChunZi is the local emperor of Zhaojiagou, but they did not expect that Liao ChunZi and his two sons had committed so many cases.

Even Liao ChunZi can't remember that he and his two sons have committed so many cases. Listening to the villagers turn out the cases one by one, Liao ChunZi looks completely alarmed.

"Boss Zhao, don't worry. I will investigate this case to the end!" Hu Dong heard these cases, did not dare to have a fluke, quickly assured Zhao Fugui.

"Liao ChunZi has people in the town. Can you handle the pressure?" Zhao Fugui said lightly, "I will find someone to handle this case myself!"

Zhao Fugui has a candidate to thoroughly investigate the case in his heart. He takes out the phone and makes a call directly to an Xue. An Xue is jealous of evil. Although she is inflexible in handling the case, no one can interfere with it.

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