Super Monk

Chapter 890

In Zhaojiagou, there was no way to print the contract. Zhao Fugui asked Chen Yihan to write an agreement by hand, and then asked the villagers of Zhaojiagou to press their fingerprints one by one. More than 100 fingerprints were pressed, representing the wishes of more than 100 households in Zhaojiagou.

The villagers happily rented all the land belonging to Zhaojiagou to Zhao Fugui, including more than 300 mu of land, six barren mountains and a small forest.

Zhao Fugui gives villagers 10000 yuan a year for one mu of land, and the bonus and future salary in the turquoise material processing plant are calculated separately. The villagers in Zhaojiagou are very happy, because their land itself is not fertile. It's not bad that one mu of land can bring one or two thousand income a year. Now they can get ten thousand yuan for renting land only a year.

Towards dusk, the meeting of Zhaojiagou was finished. The village got rid of the disaster and rented out the land. Everyone felt that Zhaojiagou was a bit bright on this day.

"Fugui, are you really going to be a gem industry? As far as I know, this industry is very deep, and it's hard for laymen to do it! " Chen Yihan shook his head and said.

"We don't do deep processing. After the material processing plant starts, it's just a simple process. It's classified according to the quality. If we sell the raw materials by ourselves, it's like opening a mine. It's not so troublesome!" Zhao Fugui said.

"That's OK. It can involve less energy. If you do deep processing and then do your own sales, it's not easy!" Chen Yihan said.

"I've already thought about the processing plant. I'm going to cooperate with Jiang Caiyuan. They have jewelry business under the Jiang family. I'll talk to her about selling them Turquoise or asking her to help introduce other companies to cooperate." Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, it's OK. It's much more convenient if you have acquaintances!" Chen Yihan put the handwritten agreement away, looked at the sky and said, "it's late. I didn't expect that I was delayed for a day here. Let's go back early!"

"Wait a moment, Dad. Seven aunts will send their grandparents' cassettes. Let's bury them in Baihua Mountain." Zhao Fugui turned to Zhao Hongqi in the car and said.

"What about the others?" Zhao Hongqi asked, there are Zhao Fugui's grand grandfather and grand grandmother in his ancestral grave, as well as some other direct elders, all of which have to be dealt with.

"Take back whatever you can find!" Zhao Fugui said, and then said to Chen Yihan, "meaning, you come with me!"

"What's the matter? What else can I do for you? " Chen Yihan asked suspiciously.

"I found something under my ancestral grave before!" Zhao Fugui takes Chen Yihan to walk directly into the field. The ancestral grave of the Zhao family has long been a deep pit. The pit is three meters deep, and Zhao Fugui jumps directly down.

"Richness, be careful!" Chen Yihan shouts.

"I'm fine!" Zhao Fugui fell on the bottom of the pit, and a shovel was still missing in the pit. Zhao Fugui dug directly with the shovel. He was very powerful and fast. In a few moments, he dug down for more than half a meter. Beneath the deep soil, there was a big black stone pimple.

Zhao Fugui dug the stone knot out of the soil, took the big stone knot, which weighed five or six Jin, and jumped out of the earth Kang.

"Meaning, you see!" Zhao Fugui excitedly scrapes away the floating soil above the stone pimple and hands the black stone pimple to Chen Yihan.

"Richness, what is this? Is there Turquoise in it Chen Yihan asked strangely.

Turquoise is a kind of bare ore, which is different from jade. Basically, it is the appearance of turquoise when it is dug out. It is not like jade. Some of them need to be disintegrated. Chen Yihan has never heard of turquoise wrapped in such a lump.

"Well, I don't know if it's turquoise, because other Turquoise have no aura, but there are plenty of aura in it, just like the sapphire ice on your neck, full of Aura!" Zhao Fugui said that this stone was discovered by Zhao Fugui just when he used his eye to look at the vein. If Liao ChunZi's people dug more than half a meter below, they could find it. Unfortunately, they didn't have that life.

"Really? Maybe we've found the baby! " Chen Yihan said excitedly, "we'll go back later. Tomorrow we'll go to a jewelry store in the city and ask them to help us solve the stone."

"No, there's only one stone skin on the surface of this stone. You don't need to cut it!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "if I remove the stone skin, you can see what's inside!"

"What do you do?" Chen Yihan asks curiously.

Zhao Fugui smiles. He holds the stone in his hands and runs Daoli. Daoli flows into the stone slowly along Zhao Fugui's hands. Then it spreads in the stone cortex very finely according to Zhao Fugui's control. Then Zhao Fugui's hand shakes violently, and the black stone skin cracks in an instant.

As soon as Zhao Fugui broke off with his hands, pieces of broken stone fell to the ground, revealing the true face inside the stone. A burst of sky blue fluorescence reflected from Zhao Fugui's hands.

"My God, this is the legendary Turquoise of Tianxin. It is said that only three pieces have been found in China. The largest one is made into a emerald watermelon in the Imperial Palace Museum. I once saw it. It's a national treasure!" Chen Yihan exclaimed."Is it so rare?" Zhao Fugui was also surprised to hear Chen Yihan say that. He did not expect that only three pieces had been found in China so far. However, Zhao Fugui thought that it was the end of the French era, and there were fewer and fewer things rich in aura, which was very rare and understandable.

"Richness, you are so lucky to find this kind of thing!" Chen Yihan exclaimed.

"It's not my luck, it's the eye of heaven that plays a big role!" Zhao Fugui happily wrapped the turquoise in his clothes and said with a smile, "it's too wasteful to make this into emerald watermelon. Let's discuss and see what to make of this Turquoise!"

"I thought you were going to sell it. Tianxin turquoise is very valuable. I'm afraid it can sell for hundreds of millions of yuan only!" Chen Yihan said.

"I'll think about it. We have a lot of liquidity now. We can sell it or not." Zhao Fugui said.

As they talk, they walk in the direction of Knight 15. When Zhao Hongqi and Liu Erjie see Zhao Fugui go out and bring back a big sky blue crystal clear stone, they are curious.

When Chen Yihan explained the value of this stone a little, Zhao Hongqi and Liu Erjie were shocked. They didn't even dare to touch Tianxin Turquoise for fear that they might break this stone by accident, which would be troublesome.

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