Super Monk

Chapter 895

"Seven aunts, are there many people who have been carried away?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Not much. It seems that there are only two or three of them. They are still there in the morning, and they are gone after daybreak!" Seven aunts son said.

They came early in the morning and left at daybreak, which shows that they are still avoiding people, and there are only two or three people. There should not be large-scale illegal mining for the time being, but the appearance of these two or three people is also a very bad signal.

"When you come to build the factory tomorrow, organize people to patrol early in the morning and late in the evening. If someone steals turquoise, there are few people, but the stone pickers don't care about them, but if someone comes to dig with something, stop them and don't let them dig indiscriminately!" Zhao Fugui said.

"I know, rich and noble, don't worry, I will arrange people to watch!" Ma Wenqiang nodded and said.

Zhao Fugui and his wife had a meal at seven aunts' home, and they had a discussion at noon. In the afternoon, they all went back to Xiaowan village. Ma Wenqiang went to take photos, and the contact person was ready to start building the factory the next day.

Jiang Caiyuan left two jewelry experts in Xiaowan village. The two experts are ready to leave in a short time. They will help Zhao Fugui build a processing plant here.

Jiang Caiyuan has taken some photos of Tianxin Turquoise herself and is going to take them to the provincial capital to show them to the top jewelry masters to determine whether it is Tianxin Turquoise or not, and to determine the quality and value of Tianxin turquoise.

In the afternoon, the two climbers introduced by Ma Wenqiang from the back of Daqingshan Mountain called for people to come. There were about ten of them. First, they simply stepped on the first floor of the graveway.

"Boss Zhao, look, this is the spot we stepped on just now!" The leader of diganzi handed Zhao Fugui a sketch with many things on it. He continued, "there are 36 traps on the upper layer of this ancient tomb, and at least 20 of them can't be reconstructed!"

"Why can't we reform it?" Zhao Fugui looked at the dense red dots marked on the sketch and frowned. He didn't expect that there were so many traps in this ancient tomb. It seems that tomb robbers are really a high-risk profession.

"There are more than a dozen traps that have been damaged. We have a general look at them and there is no way to repair them. After all, they are too old! In addition, there are some traps that are too deadly and must be removed. Otherwise, if someone comes here to play in the future, there will be trouble and we can't bear the responsibility! " Said the climber.

"Destroy the damaged trap completely, so as not to cause trouble when someone accidentally touches the mechanism in the future." Zhao Fugui said, "the remaining traps, which can be transformed, are also demolished if they are too dangerous."

"That's our plan, too!" The ground climber said, "we are going to transform the traps that can be transformed in this way. We are going to use hollow wooden arrows for those bow traps. The body of the arrows is made of hard plastic, which can frighten people but has no lethality. We are going to pull out all those pitfalls and traps, and lay thick cushions under them, which can frighten people, but it won't hurt people! "

"OK, this design is OK. I'll go and have a look after you finish the design. If there are any problems, we'll talk about them again!" Zhao Fugui thinks the suggestions put forward by Di Panzi are not bad. He nods and says.

"Boss Zhao, let's start according to this plan!" The climber nodded and said.

Zhao Fugui is going to completely transform the ancient tomb and make some organs frightening. At that time, he is also going to get some bones from the gully between the front and back mountains of Daqingshan to put them in the ancient tomb. The ancient tomb must have the atmosphere of an ancient tomb.

This kind of ghost house, which is really transformed from an ancient tomb, is not common in China. As long as it is interesting, many people will come to play in the future. Maybe this ancient tomb can become a signboard of Xiaowan village.

After attending Zhao Jiagou's wedding, the processing factory and the ancient tomb are all arranged. Zhao Fugui can finally have a rest. He is almost busy with everything at hand, and everything is in order. He doesn't have to worry about it any more.

At present, several projects in Xiaowan village are going on rapidly. Xiaowan village is developing well, and the food in Rongcheng is quite successful. The second branch can be built soon, and the whole Xiaowan village is developing very well.

Next, Zhao Fugui plans to focus on the development of the catering industry, not only to do high-end restaurants, Zhao Fugui also wants to do Chinese characteristic fast food, if possible in the future, he also wants to open fast food restaurants all over the world.

Zhao Fugui plans to take Xiaowan village as the birthplace to build his own enterprise group.

"Mr. Su, come to see these happy vegetables again? These vegetables grow every day. What's good to see? " In the afternoon, Zhao Fugui took a rest in the Farmhouse Inn. When he was about to go to the sanatorium, he saw Su Mei in Hualian Supermarket in Houcun.

"Fugui, you don't know how popular these vegetables are now. Every day after the happy vegetables are delivered, they will be robbed within an hour. Happy vegetables not only sell very well, but also stimulate a lot of passenger flow. Now the voice of the supermarket is at least half better than before! " "If only these vegetables could be expanded," Su Mei said with a smile

"It's impossible to expand the cultivation, but I'm going to build a cattle farm, and the poultry farm on the mountain has also been built. In the future, we can supply Hualian Supermarket with native chicken, mandarin duck, Fugui goose and wild boar meat, as well as top beef, which other supermarkets don't have!" Zhao Fugui said."That's great. If we can supply these things, Hualian Supermarket will be more competitive!" Su Mei heard Zhao Fugui say so, immediately eyes a bright said.

"Beef is estimated to be available as soon as the end of the year. Poultry and wild boar meat can be supplied in one or two months fast and three or four months slow. When the conditions are ripe, I'll call president Su!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, Fugui, I'll wait for your call!" Su Mei is just talking when the phone rings suddenly. Su Mei makes a sorry expression to Zhao Fugui. Then she gets through the phone and says, "Mei Mei, what's the matter?"

"Mom, dad is here again. He wants to lock the door of our supermarket. He's stopped by the security guard. He's fighting with the security guard now. Come back quickly!" Su Mei said angrily.

"Our supermarket has nothing to do with Zhang Jia. Why is he still tangled! Meimei, stay in the supermarket and don't go out. I'll go back right away! " Su Mei frowned and hung up the phone. She turned to Zhao Fugui and said, "Fugui, I'm sorry, there's something wrong with the supermarket. I'll go back and deal with it!"

"Mr. Su, if you have something to do, please do it first." Zhao Fugui said.

Su Mei nodded, quickly went to the front village, drove her car and left. Zhao Fugui turns around and continues to walk to the sanatorium. Lin you answers a phone call in the sanatorium, and his face sinks immediately.

"Brother Fugui, Jin Wuhai, Jinpeng's father, is coming to Chengdu!" Lin You frowned and said that Jin Wuhai was the owner of the Jin family.

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