Super Monk

Chapter 913

The valley between the two hills is about one kilometer long and nearly one kilometer wide. There are at least hundreds of yurts large and small in it. The others are cowsheds built at the foot of the mountain. The huge cowsheds are connected together and look like a white Wolong from a distance.

There are seven or eight cars parked at the entrance of the valley. When they drive to the entrance of the valley, Zhao Fugui and Niu Laohan get out of the car and give money to the driver of the black car. The driver of the black car turns around and leaves.

Old man Niu takes Zhao Fugui to the biggest yurt in the valley. From time to time, several herdsmen can be seen going in and out of the yurt. These herdsmen are holding large trays with abundant food on them.

These foods are basically large pieces of meat. Some of these beef and mutton are roasted and some of them are boiled. The roasted beef and mutton are cut into large pieces, and the cooked meat is torn open and placed on the tray. The quantity is amazing.

"Boss Zana, long time no see!" Old man Niu lifted the curtain of the yurt and went in with Zhao Fugui. In the yurt, a strong man was directing the herdsmen to put food. Old man Niu said to him.

"Uncle Niu, welcome. I haven't seen you for years!" The stout man saw that old man Niu was stunned for a moment. Then he strode over, opened his hands and hugged old man Niu vigorously. Then he looked at Zhao Fugui and asked, "who is this?"

"Boss Zana, this is boss Zhao Fugui, my new boss. Boss Zhao wants to set up a cattle farm. He wants to buy some calves and calves from you Old man Niu said.

"Boss Zhao? Your name sounds familiar to me. I seem to have heard it somewhere Zana thought for a while and didn't seem to remember the source of Zhao Fugui's name. After shaking his head, Zana warmly hugged Zhao Fugui and said, "boss Zhao, welcome, welcome. I'll have lunch here at noon. Please sit down, please!"

Before the guests Zana was going to entertain, he warmly invited Niu Laohan and Zhao Fugui into their seats and sat down. In front of them, he set up a rich food. The beef and mutton had a strong flavor, and the hand pilaf looked very delicious. However, Zhao Fugui had a lot of good food, and he didn't pay attention to the food.

"Boss Zana, our cattle farm wants to buy 400 calves and 100 one to one-and-a-half-year-old cows. Do you know if there are any in the ranch now?" Zhao Fugui has just heard that this year's market is good and asked directly.

"So many calves?" Zana was a little surprised and said, "it seems that boss Zhao's cattle farm is not small. I heard that the farm that can raise hundreds of cattle at a time in the South can be regarded as a big cattle farm!"

"Mr. Zana, our boss Zhao does a lot of business in the south. Happy fruits sell well all over the country, and Wan village is famous for its delicious food. Boss Zhao now has a farm that has raised millions of poultry, and now he has bought land to set up a cattle farm. The Simmental cattle of boss Zana are very famous, and boss Zhao also came here with admiration! " Said the old man.

"I see, but this year's bull market is very good, and there are not many calves in the ranch. There are only five or six hundred calves in total. I'm afraid Simmental cattle can make up four hundred." Zana said.

"Four hundred or more than three hundred will do. No matter how many, I'll take them all!" Zhao Fugui said.

"When boss Zhao finishes his meal, we can't wait to see if it's good." Zana said.

"Wait, Zana, I heard there are not many calves in the ranch. I'll take all these Simmentals!" Just then, a stout man in his forties, with a whip in his hand, opened the curtain of the yurt and came in.

Behind the man came two other big men. One of them was covered with thick cowhide on his arm, on which was a Haidong green falcon. Another strong man had three or four bloody rabbits in his hands and a bloody hunting knife in his waist.

"Boss Wu is back from hunting so soon. Do you want Simmental calves, too?" Said Zana, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"I've set up a cattle farm in Nanjiang, which specializes in raising high-end cattle for export to Russia. Now I'm short of Simmental cattle. Boss Zana won't let me go for nothing, will he?" Boss Wu carelessly sat on a seat and asked.

When boss Wu sat down there, his two men also sat down impolitely. One of the expressionless men cut off a meat stick with a hunting knife and threw it directly to Hai Dongqing. Hai Dongqing immediately devoured it.

He also took a hunting knife to pick up a large piece of leg bone from the meat pile, and began to eat the beef with a bloody hunting knife.

"Boss Zana, in business, it's important to be first come, then come. We'll talk about it first. We should give this calf to us!" Zhao Fugui frowned, looked at the three people, turned his head and said to the boss.

"This!" Zana boss is embarrassed. According to the truth, what Zhao Fugui said must be right. It's the rule of the trade to come first and then come. But he doesn't want to offend boss Wu. These people are not easy to offend.

"Boy, there is a saying that wolves eat meat and dogs eat excrement. Do you think you eat meat or excrement?" Boss Wu glanced at Zhao Fugui faintly and asked with a smile.The meaning of boss Wu's words is very clear. He compares himself to a wolf who eats meat, and Zhao Fugui is a dog who eats excrement. How can a dog who eats excrement compete with a wolf who eats meat?

"I don't eat meat or shit, I only eat wolves!" Zhao Fugui sneered and said faintly.

When Zhao Fugui said this, there was a flash of anger in boss Wu's eyes. The strong man who ate meat with a hunting knife slowly raised his head and wiped his mouth with his hand. With a shake of his wrist, the hunting knife in his hand screamed and flew to Zhao Fugui.

"Rich and noble!" Old man Niu screamed, and boss Zana's face changed. Unexpectedly, boss Wu's people said they would do it.

The hunting knife was thrown at Zhao Fugui in an instant, and Zhao Fugui's look changed. He raised his hand at will and stretched out his finger to play on the blade of the hunting knife in an instant.

The hunting knife made a crisp sound and flew to the strong man with faster speed than when he came. The strong man didn't expect this kind of situation at all. He quickly crossed the hunting knife, but he dodged the hunting knife. Haidongqing, who was standing on his shoulder, was not so lucky and was cut in half by the hunting knife.

"You can't even hold a knife stably, and you still learn to cut meat with a knife?" Zhao Fugui looked at the strong man with disdain and said.

"Laozi's haidongqing!" Boss Wu's face changed greatly, and "Hula" stood up. His two subordinates also stood up with a gloomy look.

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