Super Monk

Chapter 933

When Zhao Fugui arranges things for mark, he doesn't care about him. If he can suffer, he will naturally stay. If he can't, he will leave quietly.

It's up to him whether he has that willpower to the end. Zhao Fugui is only responsible for giving him questions. As for what kind of answers he can write, it's his own business.

Zhao Fugui arranges for Mark's business. He has something to eat in the snack street in the morning. Then he finds Xiaolian. Today, he has to ask the waiter to go to the new restaurant to have a look. The old signs in the restaurant have to be removed and replaced when they arrive.

"Xiaolian, have you got in touch?" Zhao Fugui asks Xiaolian.

"Get in touch. There are some people in the city. Most of the people in Xiaowan village have just taken a ride to the city!" Xiaolian said.

"Let's go, too!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said, "I'll drive. You wait for me at the entrance of the village and get ready for the new restaurant today."

"Well, good!" Xiaolian nods, turns to get her bag, and then puts the two waiters who have not yet started on their feet to the entrance of the village, ready to wait for Zhao Fugui there.

Zhao Fugui returned to the village, drove the knight 15 out, took Xiaolian and the two waiters at the entrance of the village, and drove to Rongcheng district.

On the way, Zhao Fugui found that Xiaolian's mobile phone rang several times, and someone called several times, but every time Xiaolian looked at the number, she didn't get through.

"What's the matter? Who is calling? " Zhao Fugui looks at Xiaolian's face and asks strangely.

"It's OK. It's my mother's phone. I don't want to answer it!" Xiaolian looks not very good shook his head and said.

Zhao Fugui is not very good about Xiaolian's family. Those people in her family, who are especially serious about son preference, make so many phone calls on their own initiative. I'm afraid they have nothing else to do but ask for money.

Zhao Fugui drove for about an hour before arriving at the new restaurant near the district Party committee and government. This is the peak time in the morning. Several of the most prosperous roads in Chengdu are blocked everywhere. It's fast to arrive in an hour.

Zhao Fugui drove the knight 15 faster. The waiters who came here by bus had not arrived yet. The door of the new restaurant was locked. Zhao Fugui took the key to open the door.

"Xiaolian, you need to see what's missing here. Make a list and arrange for someone to buy it later. When the other waiters arrive, you'll clean up!" Zhao Fugui opened the door of the restaurant and said to Xiaolian, "I'll call the signboard makers and let them take down the old signboard first!"

"Well, go ahead. I'll watch this side first." Xiaolian nodded and said.

Zhao Fugui returns to the car, finds out the phone number of the signboard maker, calls the signboard maker, and asks them to send someone to remove the signboard.

The company that used to advertise Xiaowan village didn't do such a small business. Zhao Fugui found the person who advertised the brand again. Zhao Fugui called and soon sent someone over there.

"Boss Zhao, do you want any more after the brand is removed?" After a while, three workers came and asked after seeing Zhao Fugui.

"No, you just pull it away. Have you finished the new signboard I want?" Zhao Fugui said.

"It's almost ready. We can do it in two days!"

The workers in the advertising agency began to tear down the signboards, and the waiters in Xiaowan village arrived one after another. Xiaolian arranged for people to buy things and clean up. The restaurant was very busy soon.

At this time, on the street, two people walking slowly in the direction of the district Party committee stopped when they saw the busy restaurant.

"I thought boss Wang's Restaurant closed down, but it opened again today!" One of them, a well-dressed middle-aged man in his thirties, said.

"It's not so easy for such a big restaurant to close down. Today, there are more than 20 people coming to study. The canteen doesn't want to cook their meals. Let boss Wang send them some boxed meals!" Another slightly older, it is estimated that there is a 40 year old middle-aged man said.

"And director Cai, they're coming here today. We'll set up a box here at noon to entertain them!" Said the man who had spoken before.

"Yes, that's a plan! Go in and talk to Lao Wang! " Then they came into the restaurant and said in a loud voice, "where's boss Wang? There is something wrong with the District Committee today. Let him arrange a reception! "

"Two gentlemen, I'm sorry, boss Wang's shop has been transferred. Now this restaurant is not his!" Xiaolian saw two people come in, quickly came over and said.

"Quit? When did you quit? The boy didn't say hello when he quit! " The middle-aged man in his thirties was discontented and said, "if he quit, it's OK. We are from the district Party committee. We'll leave a big box for us at noon today. In addition, we'll send 30 lunch boxes at noon. The standard is 50 yuan each!"

As soon as Zhao Fugui heard that they were members of the district Party committee, he thought of the white slips that almost made boss Wang bankrupt. He immediately came over and said, "our restaurant hasn't started business yet. Now we don't take business!"

"Who are you? You don't do business with the door open? Call the chef. No matter whether you are open or not, you'll cook for me at noon today! " The middle-aged man in his thirties took a contemptuous look at Zhao Fugui and said rudely."I'm the boss of this restaurant. Now the restaurant hasn't opened yet. Let alone you, even if the heavenly king Laozi comes, there's no food to eat!" To this guy's attitude is very displeased, Zhao Fugui's face sinks, light says.

"You have a big voice. You dare to talk to us in this place, don't you want to do it?" As soon as the middle-aged man's face changed, he hit the table fiercely and yelled.

"I'm doing business. Can you shut me down?" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice with a flash in his eyes.

"I don't care if you are doing business properly. I told you to close today, but you can't even close tomorrow. Believe it or not!" The middle-aged man sneered and yelled.

"Gentlemen, I'm so sorry. We've just taken over the restaurant. The chef hasn't been invited yet. You two haven't cleaned up yet. It's not that we don't want to do business with you. It's really that the store hasn't been ready. I'm so sorry! Next time you come back, we will make you satisfied! " Xiaolian saw that the situation was not right and said with a smile.

"Little beauty, what you said is quite agreeable. We're here to eat to give you face. Don't be shameless!" Middle aged people proud of Yang Yang chin, disdain said.

"You'd better keep your face. We don't welcome you here, and you must not come in the future!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

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